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Posts posted by KohKarrang

  1. Silly me, I was sureI'd never forget that 8 digit password for my router, what now?

    When I bought it the guy in the shop asked me if I was going to be using it with an existing modem or if I was going to configure it to use it alone and when I told him I'd be using it alongside my sppedtouch modem he asked me to select a password, I did that, he configured it for me and I was on my way, I got home and plugged it in and after some fiddling I was online, however, I'm looking to format my laptop but I can't remember the router pw! and I'm worried about being offline for ages which I usually am after formats for reasons like this one, any ideas would be appreciated!



  2. Someone mentioned this guy being an ardent critic of the government but I've heard him make comments all throughout this episode in Thailands history and he's a pretty ardent critic of everything IMHO...

  3. Thanks for your reply dave_boo

    I seem to have fixed the problem by plugging the iPod inot my neighbours ibook which kickstarted the iPod, I then plugged it into both of my pc's and it worked fine :o

    I'm over the moon!

  4. I've got an old 1st or 2nd generation ipod 40gb which hasn't worked for a while, it's got all of my photos and videos and loads of music on it, I haven't been able to access any of it for ages but I've been ok about it, thinking that one day when I can be bothered then I'll get the data recovered, it's done strange things since it stopped working - it still shows all of the data is on there, when I turn it on and try to play one of the music files it just skips through all 2000+ songs one by one without playing any of them :o

    I was wondering what the chances are of getting it fixed and recovering my data, if this is not possible then I would just like to use it as a hard drive as I'm using an Asus eeepc at the moment and it's got limited space remaining, any ideas?...

  5. How big were you, in terms of weight and height compared to the two thais?

    And did the bottle shatter upon hitting your head?

    In case you are wondering why I am asking these, it is because i spend a significant portion of my time training self defence.

    I was out 2 nights ago on Khao San Rd, I'd just said goodbye to a friend

    well I was sitting on the kerb so I can't be entirely sure but one seemd to be the same size if not a little bit taller than me(-6ft) and the other was a bit smaller than me, the bottle shattered upon contact, I know this because the last thing I remembered was the beer pouring down my face - not a nice feeling! :o

    Why do you want to know?

  6. I come from a town in the South-East of England in Essex and it's pretty mindless, I've still managed to keep myself safe there for the first 20 yars of my life but what I experienced the other night is probably worse than I've seen back home, completely mindless and random, I would love to hear from the guys who done it, I wonder if they know the further reaching implicationsof what they done? My hope is that the people I tell will tell as many people as they know so word spreads and either something gets done or less people stay around Khao San, sounds bad but that's how I feel :o

    I've seen violence on KS Rd before, I've seen 7 thai guys chasing 1 falang down the street, he got away - lucky man. I've alse seen a big fat thai guy who works in khao san centre kick the sh1t out of a canadian guy for questioning the bill - with good reason too - this poor Canadiaan didn't know what hit him, he was jumped from behind and floored and kicked the crap out of until unconscious :D

    I don't like to knock any single nationality for things like this but as this happened inThailand I want to say that these people need to be taught how to control themselves, maybe need a little bit of respect taught to them, they think they're invinsible and to a degree they are, they know pretty much nothing will happen to them for beating up a tourist on ks rd and that the police are probably their friends anyway!

    They will probably do it again next week and in this one instanc eof this fat thai guy, he's well known for liking a fight, how can his employers let him continue?

    I have so many questions for this kind of thing but they will never get answered until people learn in proper schools, have responsible parents, drink responsibly then act responsibly, seems like a lost cause doesn't it?...

  7. Glad you made it through without getting seriously or permanently injured.


    Physically that's accurate but now I'm worried about it hapenning again - not on KS Rd as I'm not going there again - I've always felt quite lucky that this has never hapened to me before but now I see how easily it CAN happen and for no reason too, where is safe?...

  8. I was out 2 nights ago on Khao San Rd...

    That's so horrible! Im surprised that you're so nonchalant about the whole thing.

    I would hire vigilantes for some payback. If I were a farang, it would be extremely

    insulting if I got treated like that by some shrimpdick lowlife.

    Please be careful next time.

    I think of payback every few minutes, usually after each dizzy spell I get... But whats the point? I would feel guilty that maybe they had serious injuries or would in some way suffer for a while after the payback, I can't live with that, like I said before, I'm more disappointed than angry, if I'd done something to deserve this I could reason with myself "kohkarrang, you deserve this" but I don't.

    All I want to do now is move on, not go to KS Rd again & hope others are more lucky.

  9. Usually, that kind of episode tends to be triggered by some farang encroaching..at some point...on a Thai lady whom a Thai guy feels belongs to him...

    Nothing in the OPs report makes any mention of female involvement anywhere along the way. But such things aren't always immediate. It could have been something much earlier in the evening, and the attackers could have waited until the right moment, or reinforcements, arrived.

    Only the OP would know if this was possible in his case. My comment is only, a woman is often involved in these things somewhere.

    I had been sitting with a quiet old piss-head lady I've known for years, talking with her for about an hour, not giving anybody any attention at all - same as always. So I know for a fact no lady was involved, I'm not a player, I don't go around randomly chatting up girls, I'm not that confident :D

    Just checked in to see if we had got to the point where its all the OP's fault and if he dont like it he should pack his bags and go home.

    Of course it's all my fault - I was the one sitting on Khao San Rd :D

    Interesting story because normally if you are knocked out, you have no memory of the last half hour or so before it happened.

    Interesting view because one minute I'm sitting there just about to light a smoke when 2 feet and a bottle collide with my head, the next thing I know I'm surrounded by lots of people and flashing lights from medical vehicles and in my experience it takes 2-3 minutes for these vehicles to arrive on KS Rd so I was 100% knocked out I can guarantee, I can't think of another instance where 3 minutes is lost...can you?

    Thing is, the Thais fight like poofs...slap about everywhere with no coordination... :D

    But it apparently beats the farang way, rolled up in the fetal position unconscious on the sidewalk.


    Cheers :o

    I was commpletely innocent and defenceless, even if I had seen it coming, as a previous poster has said maybe I was lucky I was unaware as I may have come off worse had put up some kind of resistance!

  10. Out of interest if something like this happened to me how could I get them arrested / punished in some suitable way.

    Assuming the police arrived I'd want them locking up, from other stories I have read I would expect them to merely laugh at me.

    So I guess the question is how much do you need to pay them before they start doing their job ?

    I only got a glimpse of their faces and the rest was a blur, no chance for me to know who they were, when I regained consciousness I was in such a daze and was piled immediately into a taxi! :o

    I must say I'm totally disappointed in what happened, if there was a genuine problem or misunderstanding then surely it was resolvable, this was a case of them having loose limbs and no regard for my life - they could have killed me, straight kicks to my head then a half full bottle of singha over my head(it was my bottle too)

    Disgraeful behaviour.

  11. unforgiven - My solution is to not go out to Khao San again for a very long time, this last event has made my mind up for me, I've seen so many things happen to innocent people over the years

    Thanks lomatopo - I'm going to see a doctor today as yesterday I couldn't get out of bed my head was spinning so much :o

  12. I was out 2 nights ago on Khao San Rd, I'd just said goodbye to a friend and was sitting by the street finishing my beer and I was just about to grab a taxi when all of a sudden I got a hard kick to one side of my face, followed by another kick to the other side of my face, my instincts 'kicked' in and I covered my head and face with my arms but not before a beer bottle had been broken across my head - knocking me out completely.

    I woke up surrounded by paramedics who were kindly wrapping my head in bandages, not a sign of the police and no angry thai men waiting for seconds...

    I managed to get to a taxi and got myself home.

    At no point throughout the night had I been arguing with anybody, or been in any kind of situation where I thought there might be trouble, I was simply sitting alone quietly.

    My injuries are minimal, I've only got a few small cuts to my head so I'm lucky in that respect, I also get a bit dizzy when I stnd up but that's just the concussion I suppose...

    I just wanted to write this for the benefit of anybody else going out around Khao San Road late at night and to offer a warning - it doesn't matter if you a being quiet and keeping yourself to yourself - you are still at risk.

    There are many young Thai men hanging around, eager to impress their mates/girlfriends by outnumbering and ambushing innocent Falang enjoying themselves.

    I have no idea who these guys were - never seen them before and don't want to really :o


  13. My gf's got a 'tramp stamp' it's right from the base of her spine to her neck and it looks the nuts!

    I don't have a single mark on my body.

    I like the look of tattoos but can't be arsed to have one, maybe one day when my body is sagged already :o

  14. It may seem odd asking this as it's simple to get most radio stations from source over the internet but I'm thinking more about listening to live football on the BBC, any ideas?

    I've done a search on Google but came up with nothing helpful...

    I usually listen to sky sports audio coverage of their Saturday afternoon program available anywhere (http://www.skysports.com/score_centre/0,20793,,00.html) , I know that they have audio broadcasts on individual

    premiership games there as well but I've not tried the individual broadcasts and I don't know if they are available for games on other days of the week.

    Cheers for that, I'll check it out over the weekend, useful info :o

  15. I don't want to sit at my computer to watch TV, I've got a TV for that in my front room, if I want something specific then I download it and watch it at my pleasure - what I want is to listen to BBC DIGITAL RADIO over the internet whilst working in my office.

    I know this may not be the best place to ask, maybe I should have asked somewhere a bit more specialised but I thought I'd try on my doorstep to begin with, oh well, I'm off to the geek forums elswhere to find this info, if anyones interested I'll post my findings here later...

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