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Posts posted by Mousehound

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

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    Always enjoy a food thread. U lot in BK are getting fleeced, one could get a bus to Pattaya and still be cheaper and better for an english brekkie

    Not exactly the discovery of the century, Pattaya is and always has been cheaper than Bangkok for everything.

    But this is the Bangkok forum for people who wish to discuss Bangkok.

    This is a thread about the best english breakfast in Bangkok, my comment was how expensive some are, and not any better than places in Thailand, ie Pattaya

    A bottle of Thai beer also costs a lot more in a bar in Sukhumvit / Silom than it does around Second Road in Pattaya and it is exactly the same beer. Likewise London is usually dearer than Accrington, Paris dearer than Calais etc. It is the way of the world. By the way your arithmetic is questionable, putting the return bus fare on top of your quoted 180 baht for a Pattaya breakfast would make Pattaya by far the more expensive of the two.

    However, if you were to walk to Pattaya then have "A Full English" and then walk back, not only would it be cheaper but calorie neutral as well.

    Thanks by the way for the early posters - some good info. Lots of new places I had never heard of to try out.

  2. Looked these guys up on the interweb and asked them a couple of questions re 1st class insurance. Very fast and efficient reply. . Good prices for a new small car for a month - 700bht inc 1st class insurance and theft waver. I am tempted but I have never heard of them, so with the reputation of some cheapo hire operations I am wary. Any experience with these people?


  3. if you were able to do that from within the bus area, that is a pretty good deal. Getting to Thapae Gate for 20 is pretty easy, and another 20 from there would do it. If I had a heavy bag, I would look for the tuk-tuk....one of the very few times that I use them.

    Fortunately, I won't have a heavy bag.

    Regarding tuk tuk’s I just regard them as a waste of time, even talking to them because I know the type of customers they are looking for and that doesn't include me.

    It's the same in Bangkok. I mean, I've never understood paying a higher fare in a Bangkok tuk tuk than you do for air-conditioned comfort in a taxi meter for the same journey.blink.png

    Not always easy to get a taxi in CM. Also I find the tuk tuk way better to deal with than BKK as a rule. You may find someone else going the same way and then a shared Tuk Tuk could be a good deal.

  4. I've been peeling/slicing mine and mixing with some baby red onions that were 10 thb per bag, then marinating in the 40% pure lime juice that sells for 16.5 thb per bottle. Holy crap, what happened to the cheap limes? 7 thb for a ping pong ball size? Might as well sweeten with Grand Mariner.

    Lucky you. Am back in Oz at the moment - here in Perth Lettuce 200 Bht Cucumber 100Bht and a single small lime 90Bht . 1k of poor quality bananas 150Bht.

    best oranges here are the imported USA at 90Bht a K. These are easily the best value fruit at this time. Oh and I bought a singly red capsicum - they are 400Bht a K!!!

  5. You can take pleasure in knowing that when I was in Canada last summer, there were power outages all the time including one that kept a small town in the dark for three days. It's not just in Thailand...

    Same in OZ. Also had the power off three days in a row while they cleaned the poles to try and avoid the blow outs when it rains. It may be that any country stupid enough to have it's power above ground and has long dry spells and then heavy rains may be affected this way. But for us it is normal to loose the power 6 or so times a year at least. We are geared up for it - torches, power packs for lights and a generator if needed.

  6. @Hanno

    Shooting from a blind makes it a great deal easier. The birds are a few short meters away and this was at just 4.5 meters.

    Gear used was a Canon 7D with 300mm lens.

    Great work. I am going to be looking closely at the 7D2 when it arrives V the 6D. Can't afford the 5D3!

  7. Have been trying to identify this bird that has showed up every afternoon for the last week. These photos are not very good, but you can see the size difference from a Myna bird. The body is a slate grey with a hint of blue. When he flies, he has a distinctive slow flap and looks almost hawk-like and the wings flash blue with a black stripe. We thought a monster Kingfisher had shown up until we noticed the short beak. His normal behavior is to roost high in a tree for quite a while. All help appreciated.

    Sounds like an Indian Roller.

  8. Great Egret. Always hard to get a white bird - especially if you use a Canon camera. Blows the whites out! And that is rather a nice pun. lol.


    A classic case of having a grey sky, which does not do much for the overall picture! .... At least the bird turned out well... I think so anyway! biggrin.png


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