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Posts posted by Mousehound

  1. I'm curious as to what country you come from to be interested in a 50 year lease that can be bequeathed to your son. I'm an advocate of leasing rather than buying, particularly in Thailand. However the logic of a 30/40/50 year lease escapes me.

    Any right thinking landlord will ensure that the lease will increase according to a formula, with a ratchet clause prohibiting reductions, and a reset to market every 3 years or so. Therefore I see no real rental advantage for the tenant. The escape clause for the tenant will be horrendous also, probably a 2 or 3 year rent penalty.

    Rent/lease by all means, but given the overabundance of condos in most popular tourist spots in Thailand, I see no advantage in a 30 year lease unless it's the MOST desirable condo/location in the Kingdom. And I don't really see the situation changing dramatically in the foreseeable future. There will be an oversupply of condos in these areas for a long, long time to come.

    Good points - thanks.

  2. A condo by its very nature is freehold not lease hold, are you sure you are not buying a lease in an apartment building?

    You cannot buy a leasehold in a condominium. I suppose you could come to an agreement to rent a unit in a condo for 40 years, but this seems very odd.

    I presume its an apartment building, so no it is not governed by the condo law on ownership.

    Thank you for your replies - sorry. In fact it would be a lease on an apartment in a wholly Thai owned block of apartments. The block contains other units that are leased out to a variety of nationalities.

    Interesting that 40 years is not an option. Ideally I would like a lease that covers 50 years.

    I would like to pass the lease on to my son. Would this be possible if we jointly signed the lease? And if so would the lease be broken if I were to die?


  3. This may be covered elsewhere but;

    I am interested in a 40 year lease on a Condo. I am not living in Thailand at this stage but may retire there in the next three years.

    1. Is a lease still subject to the rules of farang ownership in a condominium (49% rule)?

    2. If the condo were rented out would I be subject to requiring a work visa if I retired to Thailand rather than a retirement visa? (That is I would live elsewhere in Thailand).

    3. What taxes would be incurred on say a net return of 6k Bht?

    Any comments please.


  4. SBS (Australia) has an excellent site with live feed and very good info. Well worth a look.

    By the way SBS Australia is free. They have just signed a ten year contract with le Tour. It would be interesting to see if you can watch it live via the web or if it is blocked to overseas viewers.

  5. There are a lot of PC complaints because Johnny Depp is not a "real" Indian. How can anyone tell under all that makeup?

    There are a lot of PC complaints because Johnny Depp is not a "real" Indian. How can anyone tell under all that makeup?

    Would a real Indian want to play the part? How about a Bollywood version - that would be fun.

    • Like 1
  6. I was constantly asking my wife when he was going to say 'Hi Ho Silver'. She kept telling me she had no ideas what I was talking about, to shut up and that she was only there to see Johnny Depp. He gets around to saying it though (you know when, OP).

    Honestly .... although not really in the tone of the original tv series, I quite enjoyed the movie.

    I thought he said "Hi yo silver". His horse must be getting pretty old by now.

    • Like 1
  7. This is what I'm talking about. All on Thapae rd.


    That's not very inviting or creative. As one poster said it's essential to have the permission of the property owner prior to "defacing" the property of others.

    It was a long time ago but there may have even been some in the small planet earth population who didn't appreciate the drawings of their fellow cavemen.


    I wonder how many TV members have actually witnessed a graffiti artist while he is doing his tagging or art?

    I say again tagging is NOT art. Graffiti or "street" art can be outstanding. And yes, I am an artist.

  8. Tagging is not art! It is a scourge. Graffiti can be a really clever form of art but it is not the same as tagging. One is about a push for power and the other is a desire to create something of consequence. If a westerner was just tagging and I could catch themI I would think spraying their hair would be appropriate. The b*****s tag up and down our street regularly.

    • Like 1
  9. Lumpini Park an attraction?? Really?

    +1 It's a nice wee park but eh? How is it an attraction? blink.png

    When practically every other square inch of the city has been paved over and then covered in a thick layer of black grime the only real park in a city of 6 million becomes an attraction.

    Bangkok must be way over six million - my guess would be closer to ten. I think the parks behind Chatujak are far better than Lumpini. But i guess it is the only decent open space for the business area of Silom, so point taken.

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