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Posts posted by Mousehound

  1. I semi-retired in January, aged 48. By semi retired, I mean jumped out of the corporate rat race. SInce then I did a small three month consulting project in HK earlier in the year, and I've since taken on a consulting project in Phnom Penh. If this continues then I will be effectively working 5-6 months a year for the next few years, but only in Asia, and relaxing for the rest of the time.

    I love it.

    I can generate around 170-180k baht a month from my savings and investments without touching the capital, and will be able to access my personal pension fund in six years, which will increase the income by another 50k. But I touch none of this money, and reinvest it instead. When I'm not working, I live off the money I make during my productive months, spend a bit of time relaxing and half-heartedly put out feelers for the next project.

    Well, aren't you the lucky one......

    Nothing to do with luck and everything to do with hard work, planning, discipline and taking control of your own life.

    Apologies if those concepts offend you.

    So what - you are not answering the original post. Just sounding smug.

  2. Just had a guy come by with a GTS 300 to buy a variator, says he will take it there tomorrow to have it fitted.

    I have a Le Grande 200 (175cc) - (Joyride in USA) it is very reliable and has a strong motor.

    As it happens I am after a new variator - can anyone help me out with where to get one.

  3. Time to Get the 1000 watt sound system out and blast a bit of music at crazy o'clock.

    Yeah, Black Sabbath around 04:00, volume 11 as per Spinal Tap

    I doubt this would work. After all, if I knew you would play Black Sabbath at volume 11, I would actually enjoy living next to you. Now, the Massed Highland Bands on the other hand are an acquired taste!

  4. Thailand has one of the richest fauna and flora in the world. With over ten percent of the worlds plants and animal species at your doorstep it seems a shame so few people are interested in studying it. I have a three week trip coming up which will be dedicated to wildlife photography in the north, and that will keep me going for a couple of more months editing and writing up my notes. Seriously, if you are getting bored with a place find someone who is an expert on an area or subject and you might start to look at a place with new eyes.

  5. Thailand v Australia (Perth)

    Cars expensive in Thailand

    Scooters very cheap in Thailand

    Petrol - not much in it really

    beer and food - way cheaper in Thailand if you can eat local food.

    Public transport - very limited options in Perth and much more expensive than Thailand.

    Taxis in Perth (if you can actually get one are a fortune.

    Electricity - I would have thought not a lot of difference.

    House / condo way cheaper in Thailand

    Electrical - computers etc I think better value in OZ

    Dental - cheaper in Thailand and good quality if you go to the right places (not too cheap please)

    Optical - way cheaper in Thailand (but I get my scrip done in OZ)

    Good clothing I actually find not much in it either way.

    Education - expensive tertiary and private schools (top) are very expensive for what you get. (I would say you need about 1 000 000 per year for a top private school here)

    Perth cinema 500Bht for standard seats

    Internet 2200bht in Perth one month (500gig download)but one megabit per second download.

  6. Although I am based in the U.K some of the year, I was recently asked to fly to Brisbane from Samui to attend a skin cancer patient. I had not been for 2-3 years previously, and was absolutely horrified at the prices in the local shop. Have salaries really risen by the same amount?

    No they have not In fact of the four wage earners in my immediate family only one has had an increase above the inflation rate in the last two years and two have had a dramatic drop in wages. We now have a two tier economy. Those with extremely high paid jobs and those with pretty low paid jobs with not a lot in between.

    • Like 2
  7. Just a comment on a few purchases in the last days here in Perth, OZ.

    1pt beer 350 bht

    1 loaf decent sliced bread 200 bht

    1 fish and chips with side salad (snapper) 950 bht (local pub)

    rent 60sq m one bed apartment in old condo unit 4k from city centre 45 000 bht pm (no gym, pool or security etc). - this is a good deal here.

    car Suzuki Alto 10k service 8900 bht + oil etc

    1K organic grown bananas 180 bht

    12 800g free range eggs 140 bht

    I mug flat white coffee 100 bht

    virtually no fresh green veg on the shelves in Woolies when I went yesterday. Cheapest was a cauliflower for only 60bht. A small cucumber was 80bht. potatoes - washed 120bht per K. Capsicum 350bht per K.

    Milk is very cheap here at 50 bht for 2L

    Cigarettes are a fortune - about 20bht each

  8. True Vision have sports via the Setanta channel. I get to watch NRL, Rugby Championship, ITM Cup rugby and other games from around the world. Depending on the package selected you can also see American Football, Ice hockey, Gallic football, soccer, boxing, UFC and others.

    Personally I dont give a toss about soccer but the other sports are good to watch.

    If in the city you can watch vitually any of these at the Down Under Bar which is by the Iron Bridge on the Ping River and also close to the River Market restaurant. Stu is the Aussie owner of the place and a dam_n good guy. Always busy as hell when the finals are on... good tucker too!

    Just for those that are not sure where the Down Under Bar is.

    It is just down the road from the Demolished Downtown Inn Hotel.

    East of the Berger king at the Night Bazar

    I can't remember this bar at all. Is it on the same side as the hotel but further toward the iron bridge?

  9. Forget about the dog - the primary concern is the health issue. First find out exactly what the child had administered. Second - if not anti rabies then get it done. Rabies should be considered 100% fatal. Cats, dogs and bats amongst a lot of other mammals are carriers of Rabies. Rabies is well known in Thailand. You can get a preventative shot which reduces the number of follow up shots if subsequently bitten. I am sourcing a preventative shot when back in Thailand as I think the chance of being bitten is very high. I also work with wildlife and there is risk in that also. However, the soi dog risk is ever present.

    • Like 1
  10. Well, when you want to obscure the ridiculous driving of the thai people that there is only one way left, blame the bloody foreigners and tourists! Yes, they are trying to make friends all over the world!wai.gifwai2.gifclap2.gif

    Yes buy if we pay 30 bucks for a worthless "International Drivers License" everything is fine? OMB that has to go down as one to the ever growing list of dumb statements

    If it was only $30 I would be happy but here in OZ they now want $80! Just so I can drive for a seven day trip I had planned.

  11. North Wheels are on the east side of the moat on the road that travels south - Th Chaiyapoom. Their site seems to be down right now. They seem to have a good reputation. "Bpai cha cha nah khrap" if you want the driver to slow down and "jort rot te nah khrap" if you want him to stop. Seems to work for me, but I taught myself so there may be better ways to say this.

    Most likely a driver will speak some English though. Still, I would always recommend you learn as much Thai as possible. You will enjoy your trip a lot more if you do so.

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