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Posts posted by kedawi

  1. Extract of cow or sheep's mammary glands mixed with bile (drained from stomach/liver) infused with bacteria and then left to ferment.....mmmm delicious!

    Isn't about the same which would be found in a butcher house's sewer? Tell me kedawi, what food do you find repulsive? Maybe something like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?

    (These posts are light hearted, nobody takes offense I hope :o Dramatically different cultures and tastes are interesting [and enlightening] to discuss.)

    I'm sorry but that's Blue Cheese - Stilton or Roquefort ...take your pick..... (actually is fungus not not bacteria)

  2. According to my price list - the 4wd top model is 1.7 million...can that be right???

    I can tolerate the styling...obviously lead by the Fortuner, which I think is in essence butt-ugly....I could live with that .....but after looking at the interior on the Mitsu, one is even more determined to buy outside the fortuner/vigo/triton ranges.

    I'll have to check the Fortuner 4wd again the Pajero's looks ok-ish

  3. I have read somewhere that the coils are suspected of having carcinogenic properties - and a re banned in the US. I guess the elecric mats and liquids are the same.

    Moving air is pretty ineffective as they will shelter from it on you.

    I guess the best thing is to clear the room with some device and then seal with screens when you sleep so they can't get back in.

    Sandflies are the biggest nuisance where I come from and their associated diseases

  4. I heard on the news this morning that some Canadians have found out that the Chinese have been moitoring Skype...looking for politically sensitive ords such as "bomb" or "tibet"...............

    well it occurred to me that if every Skype user was to add the word "Tibet" to their message, name or phone call it would probably overload their systems....worth a try??

  5. THe point about the logging is that it is probably the result of ENCROACHMENT on the National Park in Koh Chaang. I read here(?) that a director of the National Park there was removed from his post as he prtessted too much about resorts encroaching on "preserved" areas.

  6. CAT TOT TT&T are all different companies but they have to use the same infrastructure in most circumstances.

    TOT are just a joke.

    THe problem as I see it is not simply one of reliability, it is getting an internet connection that is anywhere near the advertised speed. If you are an occasional domestic user, you may not notice this, especially if you have migrated from dial-up. However if you download music, video etc, or send large files re business, you will find the whole Thai internet experience rather frustrating

  7. the next old wrinkly ass white guy that takes no notice of me and decides to check out my girlfriend is getting a punch.

    we are both 18 and when we are together, i can expect the stares that we get constantly from thai and non thai generally interested to see a young westerner and thai girl together, but from some old, hairy, ugly, fat white guy looking at my girlfriend - no thanks.

    Well, I am not fat! (As to the rest of your description, well...)

    Looking at younger girls is not something which happens only in Thailand. I think I will be looking at younger women until they plant me in the earth. And if a young couple strolls by, no I am guessing I won't be checking out the guy, only the girl. :o

    My ex is a very, very pretty woman, and whenever we were out, she would get checked out continually. I took it as a compliment. And when I take a glance at a woman walking by, I try not to drool or do anything extraordinary, but a simple look is human nature.

    As an aside of interest to probably no one, I had a very attractive redhead as my wife in the US, and now that I am in Thailand, I have a reasonably attractive Thai woman as my companion, a year older than my ex-wife, but much more affectionate, and I couldn't be happier.

    i couldn't be happier with my girlfriend, but when a guy has his eyes plastered on her who is 3 times the age of myself and her (not just her face, up and down her body) i tend to feel something. Not threatened, not jealous, not anything like that. But that is just something that is f'd up. I expect her to get stares, she is BEAUTIFUL, but something like that is just tooo much.

    within this 5 second period, i clearly know the reason they came to thailand.

    I appreciate your candor, but I dare say after you get a few years under your belt, you may not see the harm of older men looking at younger women. There is a huge difference between looking and taking concrete action.

    In a different vein, I remember going to a formal dinner with my ex. We got out of the car (a new Jaguar) her in an amazing evening gown and me in a tux. I turned the keys over to a valet, and a young homeless guy, grubby as all gitout, looked over at my wife and gave a long wolf whistle. Is that "too much?" He may have been younger than me, but was perceived social standing any different than perceived allowable age differences? I think not. I personally would not give anyone a wolf whistle, but I did give a discreet thumbs up to a guy once in appreciation of his lovely companion. Old or young, homeless or well-off, men are men and will look at pretty women. (And not a few women will look at a good-looking guy as well.)

    Maybe he was whistling at the car....or you?

  8. I would have thought that in Pattaya most foreigners came here to die...they look far too old for sex.

    Some think the older the bull, the stiffer the horn.

    Well as an ex-farmer, I can tell you that nothing is further from the truth, which is much more likely to be "the older the bull the stiffer the legs"

    Some think the older the bull, the stiffer the horn.

    Well as an ex-farmer, I can tell you that nothing is further from the truth, which is much more likely to be "the older the bull the stiffer the legs"

  9. my guess is that it is hoped that it can service the cruise ships. There seems to be an increasing number of people who disembark at Laem Chabang but have nowhere to go...so it might end up trying to be a lot more up-market than the demographics of Laem Chabang itself would suggest.

  10. Normally when a mall opens a few businesses go under or leave.

    It is usually the small independents, who are not in a position to negotiate good terms and the rent eveentually ccripples them. At this point the big boys move in and force the owners to rent to them at better rates. They get a pre-built base for their operations and the owner gets a full building....the customer....well he gets less chioce and a boring arcade to walk round.

    BTW - if you want to see a really sad project, just pop up to Big C on Sukhumvit....their car park is always empty....a huge placce and it must take a fraction of what they take in the Big C on 2nd road.

  11. I saw an anti DD ad on Thai TV the other day which clearly shows flaws in their approach.

    It showed a group of men - clearly paralytically drunk, making humorous mistakes (canned laughter was added) - each one a comical delay in reaction.....this culminated in a small boy being hit by the drunk driver who then applies the brakes too late. A stark message.

    Unfortunately anyone watching that ad who drinks will look at it and think to themselves...

    "Well I'm OK because I'm NOWHERE NEAR as drunk as those fools on TV" - it completely destroys the object of the exercise - assuming the object is to stop drinking and driving.

  12. Well I get the impression that a lot of building takes place in Pattaya that is way outside the influence of “normal” market pressures and rules....i.e. it is simply connected to corruption....money laundering, and contracts that line local dignitaries’ pockets and contactors......it shows all the signs that are so familiar in Italy where the alternative economy is reckoned to be bigger than the regular economy; buildings shoot up in one place for no apparent reason and remain idle for years in another....

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