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Posts posted by kedawi

  1. I hate leather seats for two reasons....

    Firstly, you slide about on them, even in a seat belt. I like to be held in place when I drive and sliding from side to side or shifting my spine on a long journey just isn't ergonomically sensible.

    Secondly is the sticky/sweaty factor - especially in this country.

  2. Fortunately we are talking about Thailand here, not Holland.

    And hard drugs are a problem in Holland as well. My first trip to Amsterdam, I lost count of how many times I was offered pretty much every kind of hard drug imaginable. I was almost mugged by some Rastafarian types that tried selling me coke, and threatened me when I wouldn't buy.

    Gangs of drug dealers patrolling up and down the canals, carrying umbrellas and walking sticks with blades hidden in them. There are places in Amsterdam that the locals told me they don't go near in the daytime unless they are in a group of 3-4 or more people. At night ? Forget it, they told me not to go there period, even if I was with friends.

    One guy at the hotel I was in thought he'd play a joke on me. We had this thick Turkish coffee with breakfast (the kind where there's an inch of grounds at the bottom of the cup). I came in for breakfast and this guy had already got me a coffee. Not long after I'm staggering along the streets, trying to figure out what the hel_l was going on. This guy is laughing his ass off. Turns out he'd dumped a gram of hash into my coffee. :D

    Luckily for me it was only hash and not something stronger. I was pissed to say the least, and then had to worry about going back to the base where they were doing random urine tests. Could have meant the end of my career. Nice joke. :o

    In Canada, I stopped associating with one group of friends that used to (probably still do) smoke a lot of pot. Even though they were cultivating hybrid (female only) plants to maximize the THC content, after awhile it wasn't enough. For parties they'd start adding other substances to the pot to get a better buzz (some kind of meth). Wonder what they do when that isn't enough either ?

    I worked in the lower East Side of Vancouver a few years ago. Main & Hastings area. Probably 80% of the people on the streets in that area are junkies and/or pushers. Some of the people in my building were recovering addicts.

    Gees, guess what ? None of them started off on hard drugs ! NONE OF THEM. Every single person I spoke to had basically the same story. Started off drinking or smoking pot, or smoking pot while drinking. One way or another they all graduated to hard drugs. A lucky few were able to kick it eventually, but they represent the very small minority of drug users. Most of the rest end up dying of an overdose or disease.

    The cops do what they can, but it gets frustrating when you bust a pusher for the 17th time (no lie, some have been arrested even more often, caught red-handed, on film, in the act of selling), and the court decides to let him go because he only had a small amount of (crack/heroin/coke/etc) on him at the time.

    So does this leniency by the courts do any good ? Not a chance. It just gets worse and worse.

    Legalize it ? Why, so the whole city can be over run by drug addicted, diseased junkies ? Yeah, great idea. They are catching kids (10-12 years old) selling drugs in schools. Teen girls are getting addicted and put on the streets to sell their asses so they can buy another fix.

    They opened a "safe injection site" in Vancouver. A place where junkies could get clean needles and shoot up without fear of being busted by the cops. The idea was that it would cut down on the spread of disease and number of people dying from ODs. It was supposed to be modelled on a program that originated in Switzerland a few years before.

    They made it all sound so nice. But they forgot to tell people why the program in Switzerland was shut down. Apparently there was an area in (Geneva ? Bern ? I forget which one) that had a park where 3-400 junkies would congregate. They started a safe injection site thinking it would cut down on crime in the area and help prevent the spread of diseases. If I recall, they were even providing quantities of "safe" drugs.

    From what I read at the time, they had to close the program down because the area suddenly became overrun with junkies from all over Europe. The 3-400 that were there originally swiftly became thousands.

    Oh yeah. Crime in the area increased dramatically as well. Spread of diseases increased. Number of people dying from ODs increased.

    Program finally declared a failure and shut down.

    I'm glad places like Thailand take a harsh approach to drugs. Middle Eastern countries are even worse (like the 4 year minimum prison sentence that the UAE hands out for even the smallest quantity of any kind of illegal drug).

    Think about it. People have been doing drugs in Amsterdam for generations. If everything was so rosy and wonderful and peaceful and nice, why haven't more countries followed suit ?

    If anything, more countries are making their laws tougher. Why ? If Holland is such a shiny example, why aren't other countries allowing Pot Cafes and Hash Bars to spring up everywhere ? Hmmm ?

    Oh I know. The stock answer from all the druggies is usually "We're right, and everyone else is wrong". Even if that "everyone else" is probably 96% of the planet.

    Yep. 5.75 billion are wrong and .25 billion are right.


    Sorry but you are about 50 years out of date in your understanding of drug abuse - or use - ....if you want to use expressions like hard drugs" -you would have to include alcohol.

    th expression is redundant anyway.

    To say that users of smack all used pot first is a furphy...they probably all ate baked beans too but that doesn't mean it leads to "harder stuff" in fact there's NOTHING in any drug that makes the user want a "stronger" effect....there IS however sometihng in the user that looks for stronger effects.

    There is a lot of ignorance about drugs....and it doesn't surprise me to see a lot of it expressed on this thread.

  3. I can get a Trooper/Pajero/Landcruiser for around 1 million....they are a far superior vehicle to the Fortuner in both build and what Iwant to use it for....however this is not the question really

    i want t know the yearly tax rates on these vehicles....etc not what to buy. Im aware of the cost of fuel - the Fortuner has 3 litre diesel ansd the LC has a 4 litre diesel option (6 cyl) the others have 3 or 3.2 litre diesels........ but they hav better 4 WD systems. This is all irrelevant ayway...it is the tax and insurance I'm interested in.

  4. It is a controlled substance and legally cannot be purchased without a Prescription. It is illegal to have it in your posession without a prescription as well.

    I think you might be misreading Thai law a bit...i understand a pharmacy can issue it...but they should have some form of diagnosis......do scrip's actually exist in Thailand? - as in a legally required note from a qualified GP?

    If you were in possession of a large amount of the spurious versions available I would imagine you'd be in a different situation as you'd have to explain why you were carrying a substance not legally available in Thailand.

  5. Let me just add this - something your "Locals" failed to mention......

    .....[The Nation: 25.4.06] – THAILAND'S Treasury Department plans to develop Koh Kood, which is part of the Koh Chang Archipelago in Trat province, into a haven for well-heeled tourists. Initial studies have found that the island has the potential to become an attractive up-market destination, according to the department's director general, Wisudhi Srisuphan.

    The department owns 90 per cent of Koh Kood, which has an area of 10,500 hectares. About 74 per cent of the island is covered with forest and a population of some 1,800 makes a living from farming and fishing.

    note also the island is forested - this will be another excuse to chop down a few valuable trees.

  6. "The locals indicated in the last 20 years not much changed" - one thing is certain; they weren't locals there 20 years ago!

    Sorry but there's hardly I thing you've p[osted I can agree with.....you seem to have missed thpoint about how debelopment in Thailnad works altogether.

    “The locals indicated in the last 20 years not much changed. Siam huts owns most of the resort(on the water) part of the island along with 2 other companies. Nothing has changed in ownership for many years.”

    Yes but now it Has changed – the govt is changing its policy...the beach fronts etc may not be “owned” by the people you are talking to….and the Navy has a stake in this.

    Before Cambodia was seen as a potential threat but this is now regarded as unrealistic.

    The land on KC was “owned” by locals but it took about 12 months to prise any good real estate out of their hands.

    “Since there was not much to do there & you can cycle around the island in 30 minutes [You must have one hel_l of a bike! –it’s over 20 km long], we spent the majority of our time eating the awesome fruit & eating coconuts- while my girl got the skinny on the Island. We also looked into purchasing some land. That’s when we found out real estate near the beach has not changed hands. and the land we found available was hot & sweltery rubber tree property at a bloated Pattaya style price & away from the beach.”

    ...and why do you think this was so? Because they know what is about to happen and others actually CAN”T sell the land they occupy because they don’t have concrete ownership or deeds....the real estate on Koh Kood could prove much more valuable than on KC.

    One thing for sure is they will definitely have to develop the roads before tourism will flourish there as many expats or even backpackers will want to get beat to death going to their accommodations on the beach. It took Hana on Maui in Hawaii close to 20 years to finally develop the roads to Hana & I don't see Thailand moving any quicker to develop the backroads. “

    RUBBISH!!! - Don’t underestimate the developers – the roads on KC are poor because of the topography – no such problems on Koh Kood.

    “From what Alisa was telling me the locals we talked with were saying, there isn't much help from the government to jump start the island.”

    They won’t get a thing – this is Thailand – the ownership will quickly pass into the hands of “big business” and their political allies.

    “So it would just be some or many investors taking a big chance they can turn a remote area into a thriving paradise. And if they do the charm of a place where those who do enjoy the solitude will be lost. “

    The penny is beginning to drop!!

    “Koh Chang would still be hard to compete with at any rate. Most people that go to Koh Chang seem to enjoy the night life & the partying. – KH can out-strip that easily by nature of its topography....

    Demographics change – the people on KC now have been joined 10 times over by others.....KC used to be like Koh Kood – 10 years ago!

    “That and from what I understand is the What Chinote if you buy anything. As far as we could tell maybe someday the government will issue a Chinote. The three properties we looked at had none & the owners could not say we ever would be able to get a proper title to the property.”

    EXACTLY!!!!!!! And who do you think is at this very moment getting hold of the land??

    “For the Island to flourish I think they will have to overcome this main obstacle.

    Not too many people would be too interested on a handshake Chinote deal. It is a very nice island though & worth a look see at least once within your journeys to Koh Chang if you go every year. Koh Samet road towards the back of the island is very tame compared to the rut ridden roads to get to your destination.”

    I really think you are being very naive about the island and don’t seem to understand what happens to these places.....it’s not like the states or Europe where landownership is pretty well established....you should see the property maps!!!

    ...and when you say flourish....if by that you mean cover every square meter with concrete....well give it five years and it will be pretty much established.

    Take what the Americans did to Hawaii – and they are meant to be a civilised and law abiding country.


  7. 2018? - It has taken KC less than 5 years to occupy virtually all the available flat land on the isle. It is now going into secondary and tertiary phases on many properties...and they are encroaching on protected" land.

    Do you really think it will take 10 years to do that on Koh Kood, which is FAR easier to build on and develop?

  8. There are big BIG plans for Koh Kood.....juyst look at the place...

    4th biggest island in Thailand

    Nice and flat

    Plenty of interior for services - there is FAR MORE SPACE for development on Koh Kood than Koh Chang




    Koh Chang will dwindle into insignificance compared to Koh Kood.

  9. There is a commonly held opinion on this site that repeated house-breakers deserved to be shot and killed by the property owners....so I guess your pet was in truth a cat-burglar!......and got it's comeuppance

  10. I spent 4 days with my honey in Koh Kood. There is basicaly no infrastructure to speak of there. No Atms. Talk of a future airport up to 10 years away (according to the locals). They got a LOOOONG way to go before billing this as a top resort destination. I don't see it happening for aquite a long while.If your into deadness & solitude yes- But lets face it how many people go on a vacation that has scant more than solitude to enjoy. After 3 days I was ready to go back to Koh Chang & party again. Although Koh kood is Very Beautiful. The way it is now if you need more cash you have to pay 600-800 baht each way to get back to Koh Chang to get some more Baht- Similar to Cambodia's wonderful ATM system.(non Existant if you use a debit card & not a real mastercard or Visa- not the electronic emblem. At least if you brought a real credit card(not from Thailand) You can get cash in Cambodia. Koh Kood forget about it,

    Unless within the last year they found an individual to put in an atm machine somewhere on the remote Island!

    Youare in for a surprise in the very near future....

    The first airstrip may be only months away!

    The flat topography makes it ideal for quick installation of infrastructure - but when did infrastructure ever bother developers in Thailand????

  11. Ive not looked at the other threads but I looked into this about 5 years ago....and I seem to remember you could bring the vehicle in, but for less than a year.......then you get all the hassles about leavingthe counrtruy and coming back in. There has to be a certain gap before the car re-enters???

    Not like Europe where you just go from one country to another on foreign plates and avoid Tax, roadworthy...the lot!

    I lived in Malaysia for two and a half years from 1984--1986. I was in the RAAF and based in Butterworth during that time. I owned my own car there which was an Australian Holden Statesman. Myself and some mates used to drive to Hadyai nearly every second weekend to go shopping!!!!!

    What I had to do was to Export my car from Malaysia and import it into Thailand and the reverse on the return trip. All I had to have was the paperwork showing that I owned the car. The cost was only about 10 Ringetts each way. All the paperwork was done by scribes each end of the border and took only 10 minutes or so and 5 ringett for them to do it.I had to also state what date I will be returning through the border(Sadao) and if for any reason I didnt I was told there were heavy fines. I dont know the time limit but I once drove to Phuket and stayed for 5 weeks. No problem. That was a long time ago so it could be a little differant now. I was told that you can drive your OWN car right to Singapore from Thailand as long as you get a permit from Motor registery before you leave. You cannot take a hire car or someone elses car.

    completely different scenario.

  12. "I live in Dubai, Arabs seem to like Pattaya more than ideallic resorts, I find. Simple folk, give them a whore and some shops and they're happy !! :o "

    your view - not mine but.......surely then that does NOT bode well for any future development on Koh Kood?

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