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Posts posted by kedawi

  1. My colleagues inform me that there were 4 whales about 8 meters long.

    They are seen by local villagers as a bad omen, foreshadowing natural disasters.

    Local fishermen have never seen the like before, not even dead washed up on a beach here. They see dolphins and porpoises but never whales (described as giant by the article).

    They tried to notify a govt. office but it was closed as they chose to appear on the week-end.

    I would be concerned for their safety, whatever the species.

  2. THis is not confined to ruyral areas...it exists all over thailand....especially after/during the rainy season. Standing water in towns is perfect for the mosquito that carries the disease.

  3. For many western societies it is too late - they have lost most natural environments already, perhaps countries like India China an Thailand should look to the west and learn from those mistakes. If we wait more irreversible environmental damage will ensue.

  4. Like it or not the key to an effective 4X4 is ground clearance. If it sits too close to the ground it is NOT going anywhere in the mud.

    Not in my book - ground clearance is best on rocky terrain but in mud you need to be able to transfer power and/or drive to the appropriate wheel.......which is one of the things I have been looking at in the 4 wd systems on locally made trucks....although the Fortuner is permanent 4WD it doesn't appear to have this or F&R locking diffs. The Mitsubishi may have a basic transfer system....but you try getting this info out of your local Thai dealership....it's normally a sales-girl with minimal training or knowledge....and my thai is not up to hi-tech discussions yet.

  5. So all the Jazz's u see in Thailand are immaculate with no rear damage to bumpers? in my opinion most people in Thailand/ the world, CANT drive to save their lives, one generation off from a buffalo cart no doubt. I like to go out with one of my wifes friends who ALWAYS manages when parking to hit kerbs and other cars and she HAS the parking sensors!!!! Now can u see why? Maybe next time your car is parked up some place and my wifes friend is parking next to you it might save your car "some" damage :o

    Read those "spatial" awareness studies lately? women dont do so well.

    "Read those "spatial" awareness studies lately? women dont do so well."

    The only reason women find parking difficult is that men keep telling them that something is 8 inches long when in fact it is only 4!

  6. For less hassle, try Ao Udom or Chonburi transport depts.

    Please......where is the location of the Ao Udom licensing office? It's probably just as close as the one behind the Regents School anyway.

    Yes it is....

    Go to the main traffic lights at AU Udom and turn right. (the main lights are after the refineries with - a footbridge over the top?)

    Go up that road 'til you see the hospital....about 50 to 100 meters after the hospital on the RHS you will find the place.

    the sign is only in Thai but you will see the car park and all the ramps etc for testing cars...... its not very big or visible so drive slowly!

    the Chonburi one is on the main road into Chonburi from the front gates of AMATA NAKORN Ind Est. On the left going from Amata to Chonburi. - very relaxed - I think they close at about 3.00 pm

  7. Here’s a doom and gloom scenario. Anyone want to cheer it up a little?

    The US govt props up ailing property financiers, a US bank folds and a recession in some western countries seems imminent.

    Property prices world-wide are either crashing or going to crash...how will Thailand weather this?

    I was going to buy some personal property in Thailand – a condo or two, but now I really don’t see the point. To do so I would have to sell property in/bring funds from either UK or Australia.

    In UK even if I do sell I don’t want to bring any of my money out as the rate of exchange is low (i.e. I get very few baht to my pound) so even if I could sell in UK I won’t be bringing my cash to Thailand in a hurry. In fact I’m thinking of selling what I have here and converting back to sterling or Euros whichever gives a better rate compared to 5 years ago...I should make a good profit on the exchange rate alone.

    Does anyone think they might bring money into Thailand at present?

    All my property-owning associates say the market is dead.

    Tourism is down – partly because of politics but also with high airfares and low spending power, tourists are holidaying less...........

    It seems there is a general “tightening of belts” in the “West” - If this is the case with many then one can only assume that the private property sector in Thailand will take a dive too.

    So am I in a minority of one or do you think that the current poor economic prospects in the developed” world are going to impinge on the situation here.

    I’m not bringing my money into Thailand how about the rest of you?

  8. a straw pole with some of my Thai colleagues reveal that if you are from Asian descent (indian sub-continent) but British you are a farang.

    I would say that almost every definition in posts 1 and 2 are extremely feeble and largely based on prejudice about people and their skin color only.

    If you start on a premise of "us and them" you are on a hiding to nothing straight away.

  9. Civil disbedience is a valid form of changing laws, as is criticising them on this site...

    no-one is suggesting that if you smoke dope you don't run the RISK of being caught and dealt with under the laws of this country.

    They are however suggesting that especially in this case of double jeopardy that

    "the laws is an ass" and i for one think that is a valid point.

    just saying that because you broke he law yin Thailand you DESERVE the punishment that Thailand gives is NOT a valid line in my opinion.

    You will in all probability get that punishment but that does not make that punishment justified.

    as for your pickpocket theory - very good .....................for first year high-school

    "Majority rules - that's democracy, right?" - first year high-school too - if you think that is democracy, think again

  10. ......then the law is an ass..........."

    it is the prerequisite of a democratic or free country that stupid laws are questiones and refuted....this is NOT a national thing, it is an INTERNATIONAL problem....anyone who has any care for freedom and democracy has a right or rather an obligation to criticise such laws etc....otherwise how else would they change?

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