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Everything posted by orang37

  1. orang37

    Gold shop

    In the past, I used the "Three Elephants" gold shop in Talat Warorot, on Wichayanon road. along the west side of the Ping, a bit north ( 100 meters ?) of where Chang Moi dead ends at that road, just after the place the songthaews stop. https://www.google.com/maps/@18.7918674,99.0005346,3a,15y,228.9h,85.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdNc8nDdubZoHgU4xrL5akg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Very helpful people !
  2. "There are medical reasons for me to have both eyes done at once, under general anesthesia; please spare me your random thoughts on that."
  3. Sawasdee Khrup, Best wishes to Khun Wandr, and others, planning for eye surgery ! I was recently quoted 140,000 baht for cataract surgery in both eyes, in one session, with general anesthesia, by Dr. Paradee at Sriphat/Maharaj. I was told that prognosis for one eye is uncertain because the extent of macular damage can only be seen after the cataract is removed (i.e., during surgery). There are medical reasons for me to have both eyes done at once, under general anesthesia; please spare me your random thoughts on that. Has anyone been able to use an American Visa card (not a debit card) to pay for surgery at Sriphat ? cheers, ~o:37;
  4. Booster #3 available ar Airport Plaza this week ? thanks, ~o:37;
  5. Here in Chiang Mai, Dr. Somboon Chaisrisawasdisuk, M.D., RCST is the dean (formerly dean of the medical school of Chiang Mai University) of northern Thai plastic surgeons. He is semi-retired, but, he's doing two or three extensive facial surgeries a week. https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/959142-good-experience-with-dr-somboon-and-his-knife/ He has a great personality ???? He is not "cheap." ~o:37;
  6. "treatment at privat hospitals was not convincing." what does that mean ?
  7. No problem except poor judgement, or, confusion. !o:37;
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