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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. slightly on topic.

    just a way to save a few baht.

    went to Samui International Hospital with sore eye (dirt in eye while on moto).

    presented bill was 1660 baht.

    medication in that was 740 baht, not itemised.

    I asked to see the medication, and copied the names.

    went back to accounts and said i didnt want the medication.

    new bill prepared with only 1 medication listed at 100 baht,

    this new med was not in the original group, strange.

    paid and went to my favourite pharmacy,

    the same medications there cost me 140 baht.

    Total agreement, NEVER buy the meds in the hospital over here. Go to a pharmacy and ask for "generic" of whatever they prescribe for you.

    People suggested me NEVER buy stuff from farmacy, they sell pills made in China.....content unkonwn....

    cant agree i find the pharmacies great and will save you a lot of money rather than buy what a hospital prescribes,they really do rip you off when it comes to the cost of medication.

  2. Well most bar owners have interesting personalities and quirks. Makes these sort of bars fun and gives it a bit of character even if they are tw*ts!!! :o

    Exactly these new types of bar manager you get in the UK and the fancy bars in BKK are sterile fcukers who need a personality injection, saying that i cant be doing with walking down soi 6, 7, 8 due to being a hansum fcuker and getting harrassed by flabby tattoo'd bar girls.

    you poor man.............such a hard life! is there still a gauntlet to be run down soi 6 since afternoon closing?

  3. just got back from visa run with herbert to kota bharu,3 mini buses,30 people or more and have to report it was excellent.

    the drivers were very good,120kpm on dual carraigeway sections and 80-100 on single lane roads,felt safe no problem.thought herbert very efficient,everyone knew what was expected of them re time frames,and what they had to do at each point of the visa run and found herbert had a good sense of humour,particularly on the return after everyone had got their visa's,pressure was off i guess.

    we stayed in narathiwat on the first night,5 hours waiting in shopping mall in kota bharu to get visa's and 4 hours in hat yai on return,caught 6am ferry back to samui,very tiring 2 days but eveyone happy.its one of the reasons i decided to go with herbert as he practically gaurantees if you have the right paperwork and qualifications your visa is a cert,unlike if you go by yourself you can often come up against an official whose having a bad day or decides he/she does n't like the look of you and can decide to not give you the visa you applied for.

    so i would like to recommend this visa trip to any out there thinking of going with herbert,it was a job well done,and i got non immigrant 0 multy entry for i year which will effectively give me 15 months.cheers herbert!

  4. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/...n-minister.html

    Thailand's new foreign minister has described last month's hijacking of Bangkok's main international airport as "a lot of fun.

    Kasit Piromya, 64, will be sworn in on Monday as Thailand's new foreign minister. His job of rebuilding Thailand's battered international image will not be helped by the fact that he was a prominent supporter of the protests, and still is.

    More than 350, 000 travellers were stranded three weeks ago when a few thousand demonstrators from the ultraroyalist People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) stormed the airport. Investor confidence has been badly shaken and analysts say that lost tourism business could cost 1 million jobs.

    But Mr Kasit told an audience of astonished diplomats and foreign journalists on Friday that the protests were "a lot of fun".

    "The food was excellent, the music was excellent," he explained.

    nothing surprises me anymore country run by buffoons.

  5. did the trip last year and hated it.went by mini bus,left patang about 8-9am,tranferred to a bus in some obscure small town,after waiting 1,1/2 hours we boarded a large bus and got a 7pm ferry arr.samui 8.30pm at night.if you've got the cash fly.

  6. How the Fed plans to save the world ! Scary .


    interesting article,the financial powers that be cannot stand the idea of no more growth,so come up with old ideas to make people spend again,hence reducing interest rates,in the past it worked,but now the banks have a crisis of confidence in lending,either to each other(no more trust)or to the public cos they are now having to go back to old lending practises and be careful who they lend to.plus the money the govts.threw at them they've had to use to pay for the bad debts that have occured,primarily through the USA mortgage packages that the usa sold on.so now we have a recession/depression coming on that no one has had to deal with before and everyone is scared.

    when anyone gets a cold the best advice is to rest up and let the body repair itself,anti biotics wont cure a cold and so the best advice for the global economy i can think of is to rest up for a while and things will turn around,in the meantime govts.can support people who are finding increasing hardship through social welfare programes,familes too play apart in helping each other thats what families are for,the bedrock of our society.

    the whole world is spent out,you just cant keep on spending,sometimes you just need to save,after all what does a human being really need but food,clothing,shelter and some love.

  7. I assume no work permit is provided. Good job for a Thai citizen to do.

    And ain't that just one of the great things about the system. They can nick you for volunteering unless you cough up money for the right paperwork. Now if they had enough cash themselves to provide all the services the volunteers provide ............. ! Of course, no profit in that !

    so true how crazy to have to get a work permit to volunteer,in some areas of thailand especially up near the burmese border they need all the help they can get.

  8. one thing you ought to take into account,the average thai is poor financially.everyone has to earn a crust and vending on beaches is just one way.if you dont want to buy just say no thank you(mai khrap in thai will get you more respect than no thankyou and they will move on)try some tolerance too.

  9. marklamai you are thinking like a westerner to a western problem with a western solution which is fair enough.as its a thai problem you'd have to get into the thai mindset which would be near impossible.think tea money,think laziness and as you say its not in the thai mentality to plan for the future,only the now!and also they do not think of the consequences.but i think the basic problem is "greasing palms"

    So we can come up with all the solutions we know would work...................but it ain't ever going to happen.look at all the westerners who buy/build lovely properties only to find later the land near them is beginning to be filled up with small concrete houses,noisy neighbours,hundreds of dogs,then someone opens a bar and more noise............end of that persons perceived paradise..........its what you get in thailand and i dont think anyone can change the thai mindset,so all we are left with is to commiserate and have a whinge..........what more can a poor boy do!

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