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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. I think that Thailand wants to get rid of what it sees as the riff raff falangs. Those who cannot be bothered or just cannot get the right visa. If you have a legitimate visa there is no problem in staying here.

    Well said Sir!

    This is a particular beef with me the "border runners" working here illegally.

    What is your problem and why the attitude?There are many ex-pats living here legally with a tourist visa that DO NOT WORK.Are these "border runners" depriving you you in any way?If so,please elaborate.

    LTGTR,cockneygit is as his name suggests.............a cockney git!

  2. I was rather dismayed to find that the price of 25 Lipton tea bags seems to have jumped from about 59 baht to about 68 baht in Tesco and 711. With the 30% devaluation of the pound, this is a pretty hefty price to pay for a daily necessity. No doubt there is a good reason for the jump (more profits?)! Anyway, Tops have started doing a very nice English breakfast tea for around 89 baht for 50 teabags, so I recommend that for poor Brits. Any other tea suggestions welcome! :o

    will somone please import PG tips,now thats proper tea or dilmar.

  3. during a crisis, most stable and normal thinking econmies will act IE reduce prices to attract buiness

    so with this, to save Samui they must do the following

    1) lower the airfare into Samui, start a 99 THB one way deal similar to AirAsia

    2) hotels should heavily reduce rooms rates, take Ibis as an example 800 THB a night for a 3 star hotel ( they are fully booked cause of it ! )

    3) restaurants should offer 20 - 50 % discounts on food, or run special offers and buffets..

    4) bars and clubs should lower prices, instead of charing 100 THB - 150 THB a drink ( that is morre then the UK !! ) lower the prices to 50 - 70 THB

    5) bring in proper public transport and BAN the taxis from ripping people off the moment they enter samui..

    Anyone else care to add

    The powers that be at the TAT can IMPLEMENT this !!!.........

    But i suppose pig might fly !

    yes,set up a task force to keep the beaches and foreshores clean,educate everyone to keep their beach area clean,and please fix up the roads.

  4. let the fanatics stay there and the normal people use the other airports and run their lifes and politics separately from what's happening in the suwarnaboom. Sooner or later there won't anybody on the tormac listening to their propaganda speaches

    trouble is no other airport in thailand has the capacity that swampy has,if swampy cannot resume normal services till dec.15 you can forget about high season,really disastrous for tourism and thai employment.

  5. The worst thing is even after the airport operates again we all know what sort of travelers will come back to Thailand no matter what... those that stay right next to Nana or in Pattaya. Thailand will lose families and quality travelers but keep the xxx tourists. If you look in their forums you see that those low lifes are already looking forward to reduced prices for girls and everything else.

    its just supply and demand....................ban bar girls,no more low lifes,r u a monk freitag1.

  6. I was speaking to a single male tourist this morning who said that his "extended vacation" was really starting to pinch him financially (in both current expenditures and lost earnings). However, he said the companion he has been with for 2 weeks during his trip has graciously offer to put him up in her room for free during the remaining duration of his stay and he has accepted the offer. He will be loosing the air-con but that's not a problem this time of year and she has cable he said. He also said other "incidentals" were also going to be thrown in gratis :o

    I wonder how much of this is going on as few/any new tourists have arrived for over a week and many that are stuck here may be running low on funds?

    There might be quite a few people who are stranded and left without money for "incidentals." Staying in Thailand while short on cash can be very uncomfortable times...I've been there myself. Fortunately, those days are long gone, hopefully never to return.

    did n't realise the pattaya bar girls had a social welfare plan for farangs,thought they were more like the private hospitals "you dont get fixed up unless you pay"

  7. I am not a bit worried about the current situation. The unpredictability of life is my favorite part of living. I think that all countries are far closer to imploding than we would ever believe and the miracle is that somehow we all muddle through. I see no benefit in worrying about things I have no control over. Thailand is where life has put me and so I will make the best of things.

    Yes, change is constant.

    You know it isn't unheard of for countries in civil war to forcefully expel all foreigners. If it gets bad enough, most would want to leave anyway without the force. That is my personal concern. I don't think this is probable, but it is certainly in the realm of possibility.

    yes these things could certainly happen in extreme cases,even forcefully conviscating foreign owned property,but unlikely as thailand is pretty advanced in relation to the 1st world countries and would do too much damage in its relationship with the west,but they could clamp down on the immigration laws making it difficult for us to stay here.

  8. The sign just says that starting 1 December they will close - at 11pm instead of 12pm....


    thats a more reasonable explanation.seeing as how meg200 is so popular,maybe all should meet up with her at carfoo at closing time................thats 11pm. not 12.

  9. Travel Insurance companies will NOT COVER them if they travel here ...

    Is it not against the law?

    One has the right to decide where he wants to spend his holiday.

    (Personally I don't recommend travelling to Thailand but we have the right to have the choice).

    travel insurance firms have the right to refuse cover,as you have the right to decide where you travel too.

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