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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. Might a collar with a bell help?
  2. I hate it when I have to ask for a joke to be explained.????
  3. If you can remember all those details you were not as paraletic (sic) as you think.
  4. Was the ambulance even responding to an emergency? There's no mention of it in the OP.
  5. Carry a large umbrella.
  6. If I were you OP, I would visit my nearest Family Court, with the childs mother, and speak to a Clerk of the Court. If you (or she) explains the situation it may be possible to obtain the certification you need without employing a lawyer. If not, at least you may be given advice about the procedure and costs.
  7. I enjoyed your log as always Owl. I'd not heard about the Alex Belfield case, so I looked it up. Not just a case of excessive texting but full scale harrassment (albeit not physical). The judge's summary is worth reading. https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/R-v-Belfield-sentencing-160922.pdf
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