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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. I have a daughter who is into "Minecraft", so I can say with some confidence that it's zombie riding a pig.
  2. It's quite a dangerous occupation in Thailand. https://cpj.org/data/killed/asia/thailand/?status=Killed&motiveConfirmed[]=Confirmed&type[]=Journalist&cc_fips[]=TH&start_year=1992&end_year=2021&group_by=location Quote from one of those listed in the link ... Surat Thani police believe Withayut, 56 [a radio journalist], was killed as a result of his reporting on irregularities involving a 50 million baht (US$1.1 million) real estate deal for a municipal garbage dump. The reports began in 1999 and eventually led the Interior Ministry to investigate and to order a portion of the money returned to the government.
  3. Nicknames. This reminded me of a guy I worked with who's nickname was "suck" - surname Mycock. When a new guy joined, surname Mecock, "suck" was taken so they called him "tug".
  4. I just asked Mrs C. The ones on the left are called Manao hoo or Mamuang how (มะม่วงหาวมะนาวโห่) I think the name varies in different parts of the country. We have a small tree in our garden and got about 5kg this season - about 10 weeks ago. I made about 10 litres of very nice wine using some cider yeast - it takes ages to clear, so most of it gets consumed cloudy.
  5. Could it be a cicada? Body/head shape similar.
  6. Sticking with the nipples theme (from a couple of pages back) ...
  7. Am I reading this right? The majority of elected MPs abstained but the amendment was passed by a majority of unelected senators (mostly appointed by the unelected PM - who was appointed by a majority of unelected senators).
  8. I can't name the hat, but I can see where she might hang it. (We used to call them "chapel hat pegs")
  9. There's no excuse for not spelling clitoris correctly. It's one of the first words we look up when given our first dictionary at school.
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