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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. Tosh. my mother is 93 with early dementia and she lives in her own home and has private carers come into her 4 times a day to give her meals, get her dressed and showered etc. the authorities means tested her and because she has little money, she pays a pittance and the government pays the balance of the private care cost. My sisters husband has a similar arrangement for his elderly parents in a totally different part of the UK. having said all that, actual health care, as in a doctor or hospital, is in a dire state. On the occasions that my mother has needed more than just a care service, the NHS has been a disaster. The last time she was taken to hospital she lay in an ambulance in the hospital car park for TWO days because there was no bed for her in a ward. care homes and medical care are two different things.
  2. She looks like she is wearing a costume out of Star Trek. Very Klingon.
  3. Other reports have no mention of an Indian ( named Vanuatu?) and simply say that 5 Russians attacked the police.
  4. Are you seriously comparing the current stance of Thailand to that of Singapore? SMH
  5. It seems Thailand wishes to align itself alongside such countries as N Korea, Belarus, Eritrea and China. in reality, it’s nothing to do with geopolitics and all to do with agriculture exports, tourists, tourists and more tourists. That’s about the depth of Thai foreign policy.
  6. They are just making this stuff up. There aren’t many tourists in my area of Phuket. Some, but not many. And compared to before Covid? No comparison. let’s look around the globe and see what’s happening, oh oh, I know, Israeli tourists have dropped. Gentlemen, we have our excuse.
  7. As usual the whole thing is not clear. The accident is described as though she was solo riding, but then later on there is mention that the person driving her (rider?) was released, inferring she was a passenger. also what about the insurance from the compulsory tax? But she let her travel insurance run out, maybe the compulsory insurance hadn’t been renewed. we’ll never know the Ins and outs, nor do we need to I guess, but once again it’s a lesson to be learned by others. Be insured, wear all safety equipment, assume everyone else on the road is out to kill you. best wishes to the family, it must be a horrible time for them
  8. Are you referring to the “cherished destination” as mentioned in an article yesterday?
  9. Who the heck writes this stuff. The story is full of inconsistencies which make it hard to grasp any more than the gist of it……and then there is the “cherished tourist destination “. SMH
  10. I read it that Thailand is “currently hosting” 10k Israel tourists and they are experiencing difficulties returning home because all flights are cancelled, except for those of El Al. Consequently the latter are choc o bloc and Thailand has the problem of looking after those tourists who can’t get home on their expected date.
  11. I think the OP concerns the conflict in Israel and the impact that it has on Israeli tourists who happen to be in Thailand. OTOH, perhaps it is about the attitude of Israeli backpackers and the physical attributes of those that are female. In which case that bit went right over my head.
  12. Licence? You think they bother with holding that?
  13. Another injury. Good reason to increase the tourist fee?
  14. You can avoid the tax by never leaving ???? just trying to be helpful ????
  15. Are any of those taxes used to compensate victims of mass shootings by locals?
  16. So early retirement is known as “early retirement “. catchy slogan that they must have debated for weeks
  17. We will never know the truth so it’s pointless speculating.
  18. There are many things wrong with Phuket but I seriously doubt it is the MOST overcrowded resort. I come from Cornwall and I never go back there in summer months because every quaint Cornish fishing village is packed way beyond what is seen in Phuket. And parking is way way worse.
  19. Do you seriously think that happens in any developed country? Of course it doesn’t. You pay taxes when you become tax resident in a country and it gives you none of the benefits that simply being a citizen of that country would give. give it a break with the being a victim syndrome will you.
  20. Loopholes, by definition, are perfectly legal. So why wouldn’t he avail himself of it?
  21. I don’t think he cares about etiquette
  22. I don’t get it. The existing airport has minimal activity. So you revamp it, expand it? Why would activity increase above minimal as a result? if people dont want to fly somewhere, then they won’t. unless they think relocating the airport 3 km from the town instead of 30.
  23. Perhaps the outgoing minister should have done something whilst he was the incumbent minister, rather than make stupid comments while outgoing.
  24. Not quite true though. Assuming by “they” you mean Thai people. I quite frequently read about foreigners, tourists and expats, being injured, raped or killed. Not everyday, but more frequently than I would like.
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