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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. Poor guy. Casually enjoying a walk while in retirement and a junkie muscle guy comes along out of nowhere and ruins his life. so sad.
  2. And you differentiate the two how? Those not wearing a shirt DONT want to be sprayed?
  3. Funding for what? He has died, not lying in a hospital bed waiting for repatriation.
  4. Died March 18th. And being reported April 14th. Any good reason for the information being suppressed for nearly a month? Other than protecting the image of Koh Tao and Thai tourism generally.
  5. And so it continues ad nausium. So little respect for the law, so many high ranking officials
  6. It will be pretty hard to instill any confidence in me, whether Anutin weighs in or not. Since he has, My personal needle now moves from 99.9% no confidence, to 100%. Not a lot of change
  7. Although ultimately, his recommendation that people wear masks was generally accepted to be a sensible health precaution by virtually every health authority in the developed world. the photos that I saw of him at the time, he was wearing a mask. he’s a jerk and a racist, but it doesn’t change the facts of what occurred.
  8. Can’t say that I have noticed any difference in attitude toward farang in Phuket. I suppose it’s a popular bandwagon to hitch to, but the reality is there has always been far worse cases than this Swiss guy and if he would just leave the country as he will inevitably be forced to do, the whole thing will blow over.
  9. I think it’s hard to argue Thailand has been neutral. Russians get 90 days automatic visa, Ukrainians get ? Right, a lot less. More accurate to say that Thailand has milked every cent that it can from the conflict. Primarily by sucking up to Russians and ignoring Ukraine. I guess it IS a strategy…….if you have no morals
  10. Maybe the seller of raw foods in the current heat should also consider their product offering. Buyer beware, but seller be aware of the damage your product can cause
  11. Yeah, sometimes you are just swimming against the current. He would do better to draw a line under his time in Thailand and move somewhere where rule of law, not law of social media, prevails
  12. Surely no Thai would do such a thing? But that poor wee girl knows better than a General who shall remain nameless.
  13. Soviet Union is no more but the major power within the Soviet Union (Russia) certainly is, and is on the march. NATO’s flaw is not one of grift, it is one of inaction in the face of its major (only) protagonist aggressively attacking both its and NATOs neighbor. if NATO isn’t going to use it’s power now, it will probably always find an excuse to kowtow to the Soviet Union in its current guise, ie RUSSIA.
  14. To be fair, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and S Korea were his first picks. The others were after thoughts and while Singapore ranks up there with the first four, the rest are a rabble. And in the case of Thailand, Russia has its claws in already, as has China. Clearly NATO has no business in the Asia Pacific region. Separate military Alliances are needed for what is a quite separate theatre of operation. by the by, before reaching out beyond the Atlantic, how about weeding out some countries within the current membership that are clearly at odds with NATO interests, in fact acting in concert with NATO adversaries. Looking at you Hungary.
  15. I wonder if he would mind checking out the travalator maintenance schedule, prior to another passenger having their leg amputated.
  16. Not a prude but you camped on St Tropez nudist beach in the 70’s and kept your shorts on. Hmm……..
  17. Been a bit of a weird old time. Last one, maybe two stories have been about Thais behaving badly, but fortunately normal service has been resumed. And the Brits have got their second wind, forging even further ahead. Lots of Thai pervs about with phone cameras at the ready, so we have barely scratched the surface of crimes that are ready to be publicized. But please, none of that local crap, it’s foreigners behaving badly that everyone is interested in..
  18. I’m sorry. I don’t see how this story relates to foreigners behaving badly. So why is it being reported on?
  19. It’s always been going on, just it’s flavor of the month to highlight it at the moment. Plenty of crap going on with Thai people as well, but foreigners behaving badly is what’s generating click atm. might change in a while in terms of reporting, will continue in terms of reality
  20. Prison time? Are you from Saudi Arabia?
  21. Just how many Thai people are there touring around and acting like wannabe paparazzi. It seems like everyone wants to be the one to post a viral video of foreigners engaged in public sex and they’ll go to extreme lengths to do it. There are moral standards that foreigners should observe. And then there are peeping Tom voyeurs who go beyond the norm to look for amateur porn.
  22. Any other irrelevant questions you want to ask?
  23. Is it fun? maybe choose somewhere with better air quality
  24. “According to Assoc Prof Chalerm Liewsisakul of Chiang Mai University's Faculty of Medicine, the last decade has seen a notable deterioration in air quality in the region, correlating with an increase in lung disease cases.” ya think?
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