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Posts posted by nauseus

  1. 7 hours ago, webfact said:


    Police had prepared a 1,000 baht note and photocopied it so there was no


    5 hours ago, NanLaew said:


    The Pattaya bar busts have always claimed that  the presence of unused condoms is proof of prostitution taking place. I mean, what else are they going to be used for?


    Working in China, we had big issues with Chinese-made dynamite disintegrating when left too long in waterlogged shot holes. So we bought thousands of local condoms, wrapped the charges in them before loading the hole. They were good for at least 24-hours.


    Unfortunately, the Chief Driller forgot to empty his bag properly before flying back to Oz to see his wife on R&R. The fact that the condoms she found were cavernous enough for the average schlong made his claims'Honest Narelle, they're for me job' a real hard sell.


    Lesson there - always empty your bag properly, as often as you can!

  2. On 10/25/2016 at 3:55 PM, nauseus said:


    On 10/25/2016 at 8:28 PM, mercman24 said:

    i think 33 to the pound is a bit irrelavent (post 16) as 30 years ago THAILAND was as cheap as chips, doesn't compare with todays THAILAND


    Think what you like but this shows the history (and future) and the erratic nature of exchange rates.


    If Thailand was so "cheap" why was it not 333 Baht / Pound then??

  3. The problems in Pattaya are many and rather different due to:


    Insufficient roads / poorly planned roads / no real alternatives to road transport / out of control over-development / diversity of types of users / no real town centre as such / users who don't follow rules / important rules not enforced / a vast increase in the number of new users over the number of new roads over the last 20 years / difficulty of adding new roads strategically due to existing (poorly) developed land / new road(s) constructed that cause more traffic jams than before they existed / wasteful and expensive tunnel projects / lack of any properly effective Pattaya bypass / roadworks everywhere and running simultaneously (piecemeal) that all take ages to complete / shed loads of big buses for package tours that park on main streets / strangled Pattaya!


    Used to be pretty easy getting around.

  4. 5 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

    I rarely see such a well thought out , articulate and informative post, congratulations !


    40 minutes ago, Henryford said:



    What's Article 40, is that the one where we stay in the EUSSR. Sharia May is a Remoaner.


    It's Article 50 and I don't think that Theresa May is a remainer at heart! 

  5. I know that many people from the UK decided to retire here when the pound was strong against the baht.


    But look back at the long-term exchange rates before complaining! Try 33 baht to the pound (mid 80's)!


    The Brexit vote has had about a (-20%) effect on the value of the pound, so far. It may dip another 20% before the exit terms are clear.


    But much further down the road I expect the pound to be strong again versus the USD & THB. Not sure if there will be a Euro by that time.


    But you will need to hang on and wait for it!

  6. Looks like the boat went too far too the right from near mid-channel for whatever reason and then hit submerged obstruction (or even the artificial concrete banking itself) resulting in a hole in the bow, followed by rapid sinking. Good steerage difficult in that strong tail-current but that should have been allowed for by the captain!! Probably overloaded (as usual) but looks like stability probably not the main issue. Poor river-craft, very sad, and very avoidable. When I first saw this I thought it must have happened in the dark but no!  RIP those poor people.

  7. Another sad result of Brexit.

    Europe is going to hell in a hand basket and we still have people like you saying 'another sad result of Brexit'. There are NO sad results of Brexit, it could not come at a better time. The only issue I have is PM May taking her time to action the process. The UK needs to leave today, not in 2017.

    Instead of pontificating and putting millions into funds to establish think tanks, the Government needs to start a campaign of education. In particular the animosity towards the Polish needs to be stopped. They are amongst the hardest working most trustworthy immigrants in the UK and they have earned their place with us. There were huge numbers of Polish forces fought with us in WW2. The source of this problem is not Brexit.

    People like me think the idea of the UK leaving the EU is not only sad, but disastrous. Obviously I wouldn't expect Brexiters to agree. I'm clinging on to the hope that when the full ramifications are realised a new deal can be negotiated that allows us to remain in the EU.

    Sad? Getting out is the only way to avoid the disaster that is the EU! You must be part of the Klingon Empire! Scotty, ready with110% power. Aye Captun Cork!

  8. I still think we need to know where these Africans are coming from? Are the vast majority coming from Libya - a country 'rescued' by the 'freedom fighters' with the help of the UK and other Western countries?

    The Africans generally come from lots of poor countries in Africa, across the Sahara to Libya. They have enough cash available to pay up front before their trips are arranged.The exit route from Libya was available and used long before Gadaffi's demise and his family profited from people smuggling (mainly by cheap inflatable boats).

  9. Dastardly and Awayego et al

    How would you know if a significant proportion of the electorate had changed their minds? Oh yeah, another referendum! Brilliant! Best out of 5 maybe??

    And why would anyone expect the immigration issue to be a "transitory frustration"? It seems obvious that deep-rooted frustration is growing. Cameron failed to regulate it after empty promises of <100k/year. With the recent arrival of millions (mainly young males) into Europe via the Mediterranean, the pressure on the UK to take even more would be immense, if a member of the EU. \

    Any opinion just based on economics has to be just selfishness and not genuine patriotism.

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