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Posts posted by Jack100

  1. On ‎2‎/‎18‎/‎2020 at 10:38 PM, OZinPattaya said:

    People are starting to realize that Trump is not the only guy with skeletons in his closet. Well, maybe better to go back to the Clinton Era, of interns and cigars and actual grand-jury lies and impeachment. The democratic party is sure to abandon this guy on--let's face it--purely political and politically-correct grounds. So congratulations, all you democrats, for reelecting the next president of these United States, Mr. Donald Trump!


    My moderate, centrist and staunchly democratic father, who hates Trump with absolute fervor--complete and incurable Trump derangement syndrome--STILL never will vote for Sanders. Ever! That should tell you something about 2020. I mean, come 2020, he just won't show up to the polls. If a radical from the dem party is the candidate. 

    OZ you forgot to mention the Kennedys !

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  2. On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2020 at 9:22 AM, TopDeadSenter said:

    America saved the Iraqi's from the oppressive and tyrannical Saddam, then the Iraqi's had a chance to make their lives and country great. But, instead they chose to fight each other about power and religious opinions and made a right pig's ear of the opportunity the USA gave them. Now they blame it all on America. Ungrateful, and they deserve exactly the mess they are in. End of.

    Chose to fight each other over power and religious opinions , now I wonder which other  country in the world can hold its hand up ...........

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  3. On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2020 at 7:05 AM, soistalker said:

    You would first need to teach Thais compassion for humans. You would also need to put every Thai back in kindergarten so they can learn to share the road. For f^&is sake, the only things you need to do to get out of kindergarten are to be able to SHARE, and to snap Graham Crackers into equal pieces.

    I'm sure Thais can be taught about the Graham Crackers....the sharing part? No way.

    Does this word " share " actually exist in the Thai language  ?

  4. 12 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

    I am doubtful that unless you include small religious statues there are 52 things in Iran worthy of the money a missile costs. Just take their navy, refineries and then bunker blast their nuclear site. I know they say it is too far down for that but you can bomb every possible entry and exit. 

    No way in and no way out. 


    After that constant drone surveillance. 


    The reason Iran isn't going to respond is they know the gloves will come off and that Iran will cease to exist.


    Crying .... you seem to be  100 %  in the " history is bunk  ' camp  !

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  5. 4 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Does anyone actually know how many groups are fighting each other out there?

    Every time someone somewhere cops it another group seems to spring up all shouting 'revenge'. Names out of hat, how about  UAA

     ( Uncle Achmed's Avengers ). Although I've no idea who did what or when to uncle Achmed, it just sounds good.

    The whole place out there has gone completely crazy and no government in the rest of the world pleading for cease fires, calmness and let's sit down and talk about has any effect in anyway.

    The two things that have made a lot of the world go bad are religion and crude oil.

    Anyone got the real answer for fixing it?. I might have but I can't post it.


    Well one think that has worked  ( for about 35 years ! ) in the past is to have a really strong , despotic leader who can knock  local tribal heads together and is absolutely ruthless when it comes to any internal and external threats to his regime . !


    It also helps if he keeps buying  massive amounts ( billions$ )  of  useless    modern weapons beyond the capability of anyone army  in the country of actually using them , just to keep the West , Chinese and Russians happy . !

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  6. On ‎12‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 1:49 PM, Kerryd said:

    Lol - every time I go to Immigration I pass by the "Ocean Tower" site. Today I saw a small group of people working in there and thought about posting that maybe, just maybe, they might start building it (or more likely try promoting it again and hoping to attract a new group of suckers). They still have a webpage up but the links and promotional stuff are gone. I found a realty site that is still listing condos for sale there as well.

    Immigration should take over the property and relocate into a larger facility. More office space and more parking !


    Kerryd  I dont know if you are aware of this but the owner (lease ?) of the Maserati , Rod Astbury passed away in Aus about 2 years ago of natural causes .

  7. On ‎9‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 8:45 AM, nobodysfriend said:

    Well . it is not about WHY it happens , it is more about HOW to prevent the damage by the fast development of the effects of climate changes .

    And that the climate is changing is a fact , or do you deny that ...?

    nobody , wars are generally recognized as being bad for everyone , apart from arms sales , however nobody is rushing around trying to prevent wars , it is just accepted as a part of life or rather death  . The same with climate change  , nobody is going to do much , other than tinkering until you are unable to get insurance or planes start falling out of the sky  etc . Then things might change but not before.

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