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Posts posted by Jack100

  1. 3 hours ago, Grouse said:

    Brexiters are refusing to accept their victory | Financial Times.pdf 217.56 kB · 2 downloads


    Looks like die hard Brexiters are snatching defeat from the jaws of "victory"!

    Grouse , just thinking , in a short few weeks it will all be over bar the shouting , for better or worse  and you will  have to go back to your old life and being a normal person again ! Are you mentally prepared for this ?

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, simtemple said:

    The legitimate government of Syria invited Russia and Iran to assist  them to defeat US backed terrorists ISIS & Al Queda. Do you believe  everything American & British MSM tell you? Wake up! Russia and Iran saw what American and British thieves did to Iraq and Libya. The same thieves have been attempting to steal Venezuelan gold and oil since the Drug Running, Hitler Backing Bush family last held the White house

    sim maybe I am missing something but regardless of who runs the show , oil is paid for on the world market .

    Perhaps  you would like to give us an example of  oil being stolen by the US and British thieves , presumable you mean Exxon and BP ?

    There are , of course , many examples of the Govts  60%+ share of the oil being squandered and stolen instead of being used to develop the country . Nigeria comes  to mind .

    • Confused 1
  3. 1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

    Where is all this going? Nowhere!!


    The UK helped create this Saudi monster. The US is using it for its own ends and the rest of the world is 'tut, tutting'.  "Oh isn't it terrible?"


    Take away their oil and they would be riding across the desert on their camels again.


    Venezuela; you're next for regeim change. We want your luvvely oil. Watch this space!


    Wasn't it Bush (junior) that said; "Don't know what god was thinking, putting all US's oil under other countries' land!"

    Well having worked in one or two of those  other ( ME ) countries I must say , George does have a point !

    • Like 1
  4. On ‎1‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 10:08 PM, sanemax said:

    As the Worlds 5 th largest economy , we can make trade deals with the other top economies , USA , China , India , Japan , as well as Australia , Brazil , Canada and all the rest .

      If the EU doesnt want the UK to buy their products , nevermind , its a big World out there

    Sane , the UK  used to be the 5th largest economy in the world but I think you will over the last 2 1/2 years it has slipped to 7 th .

    Sorry about that and we ain't even started the process yet !  

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Grouse said:

    I would like to see NI reunified with the south. I think there would be a majority for that and it would kill off the DUP permanently. What a freak show they are!

    Grouse when its all over , I'd like to think we could sit down and  I could  buy you  a pint  , unfortunately I doubt either of us could afford one frankly

    .,,,,,,,,,,,, perhaps a kindly French or German feeling sorry for us will step in. !


    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:



    anyway, re your observations in Patts


    I don't see any mentioning here of the Crawler on lower Sukh in BKK

    he is crawling on his stomach in the gutter between Asoke and Soi 4, both sides of Sukh

    raining flooding or whatever -no sweat - he crawls in his shitty rags

    has been doing that for years and years


    he drives a Benz, on 2 occasions I've had a beer with him


    but, by all means - challenged people have a hard life in LoS - not much safety network here




    Regarding the crawler , there was one in Nana Soi 7  below the BTS, when I came to BKK in 2004 , recently I was amazed to see another one in the same place maybe younger looking . I wonder if these prime  ' sites ' get sold on?

    Maybe there will a beggers Monopoly board one day . !

  7. 12 hours ago, Spidey said:

    So, did you support the miners strike?


    Scab is specifically used to describe a strikebreaker, but never heard of the hard right supporting the strike.

    Actually  I knew someone who I would describe as the local village  eccentric who did break the strike .

    It took about 400 policemen to get him through the line .

    Actually Ive forgoten the point of this thread and why I wrote this ! Sorry about that

  8. On 12/29/2018 at 8:39 PM, owl sees all said:

    Phone him up on a Friday Evening and put that to him.

    Well George G  cant deny selling his house for a near  1/2 million ( pre Brexit ) pounds because it is a matter of fact .

    Regarding the "Mariam "  iraq "unregistered ' charity some 84 k was apparently paid to his wife !

    Nothing  else  to say really , the question was whether he was a true working mans friend  , democrate and Brexit supporter .

    Only the last  one fits with me -and only for the time being I would imagine .

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