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Posts posted by aqua4

  1. So,

    If I understand this correctly:

    No more work permits if you cannot show the 1 million Baht in cash.

    We run a business, if it had that type of excess cash, I would have moved on but it does not have that. Its a business not a bank. So this tells me - back to square one. Get a "B" Visa, which they will not give, cause you dont have 1 million to show for the WP. Which means I must now get an "O" visa and show 400,000 Baht, but brought from abroad.

    So where am I now? Is this going to make me a border walker? :o

  2. I dont understand. You asked him about the advantages of tax havens and he gave you an answer. It is his ethical obligation to put his client first.

    There is nothing illegal about it unless you want to use it for illegal means. If you want to report it - do so, however this creates another problem of paper shoveling that somewhat makes away with the reason of having an offshore account in the first place, does it not?

  3. Doing that in Thailand is a pain in the rear unless you are American. Paypal and most of the merchant card processors take forever to give you the money. As an example with 2checkout, 3-4 months after billing do you get the money. Paypal, well that is hopeless unless you spend it online.

    So there might be a few freelance guy in Thailand, but not that many if they are not US based.

  4. I thought it was acceptable to have a passport photocopy to hand rather than actually having to carry the real-thing around with you all the time. Perhaps someone could clarify this?

    I've started a new post on this very subject under Visas/Residency etc...


    Good question though Harry, I'd like to know myself.

    I went to the Q Bar once.

    That was enough.

    I thought you had no money reading the other threads.

    QBar is a 1,000 Baht entry fee bar with 200Baht drinks. :o

  5. I agree it is odd. Thai's have obsessions with degrees for odd things. Even falangs who open stores and businesses here do the same. Browse through the forum and see for yourself.

    You need a degree to be an estate agent and a used car salesman. Isuzu as an example was looking for sales personel to sell new cars off a show room floor, but the applicants had to have a degree.

    Paper in Thailand is more important that making money in itself. Just because you have a degree in Marine Biology does not mean you can sell cars. They dont take into account experience or ability.

    Smoke and mirrors.

  6. Is it unreasonable that the Thai Government ask both retirees and married / dependant visa recipients demonstrate their ability to take care of theirs ? Blame the visaless poverty packers that walk the borders ... for the present situation.

    I think that is as short sighted as any one can go. Maybe you should stop putting people down and actually provide some useful information. I few topics in this thread has been interesting:

    1. What happens to English teachers where the school does not want to go through the cost or paperwork for a work visa?

    2. Does this mean that English classes inThailand will raise to that for the elite only?

    3. If it was about border walkers as you so often put it, do you think that alot of falangs in Pattaya would still be here?

    4. The money that gets spent each and every day by these "Poverty Packers", who does that support? What is the average office wage in Bangkok, about 10,000 Baht for a middle management post. These poverty packers spend at least 25-30,000 Baht a month. Use private health care and pay double for everything. How much of that money goes to rural Thailand where the Thai welfare system takes care so well of the poor.

    We will never be able to change what the Thai government wants. What they want is far from normal considering where we are. It is unrealistic and unreasonable. If you look at the "Big Mac" index, you will see my reasoning. If you cannot see the unreasonableness of it you are clearly not well read. Just as closing the bars at midnight was, just as the Thai elite card, just as the asian crises a few years ago. All great ideas half though through.

    And please for a forum that has people such as Sunbelt Asia advertising businesses, I find it unprofessional for a moderator to be so uncouth at the best of times with poster's who are angry and frustrated. Where is you diplomacy?

    By the way, could someone please show me where foreigners become a burden to the Thai government.

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