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Posts posted by aqua4

  1. if they weed out all the incompetent ,lazy,drunken, leacherous pervert , unqualified english teachers with fake degrees wont there be a drastic shortage ? surely 1 of these cowboys is better than nothing ,so long as they are cheap??

    I think that is the problem as it is don't you agree?

    There is already a shortage of labour in the market. "Weeding" the market will only make it worst. How many Government schools will want to fork out 50K minimum per month for a teacher.

    Now they talk about bringing in the Fillipinos and the Indians. Do you really think that will happen? I don't think so. How many adverts read --- NO ASIANS. Bringing in Asians would be a loss of face! They will not stand for it. As for Indians, they are the wrong colour. We know how colour works in Thailand, dont we?

  2. QUOTE(Kaojai @ 2005-06-09 09:34:45
    Rather than criticize what he was reported as saying in a dubious English translation, why not read the original Thai text of what was said? …assuming your apparent expertise in all things extends to understanding the language of the country in which you reside.

    Of course, it's a whole lot easier to play pseudo-colonial disdainer of all you survey.


    Another farang gone native. :o

  3. It will not do much. All that is needed is to simply steal someones phone and there you go. Why reinvent the wheel? :o

    However they might consider "Blacklisting" stolen phones sim cards. That would prove to be far more effective but would not deter someone from using a mobile phone enable explosive device. So its is a no win situation! :D

  4. Bangkok Pattaya Hospital:

    Very good and on par in terms of what I would expect in terms of price. Friendly staff, but to business like for me.

    Pattaya International: Soi 4

    Pricey at first but the prices have come down. Very friendly staff.

    Loma Clinic:

    Got misdiagnosed twice by 2 different doctors and ended up becoming allegic to ethromycon and roxithromycin. Not a place I would want to talk to again. After 3 visists and the skin rash did not go away, the good doctor asked me --- When you go home. I smiled. :o

  5. Sorry mate,

    If you got robbed of your passport in LOS, just go to the police or the embassy. No freedom was taken away by taking their passports!

    They wanted to make money - They did! :o Is this not way the headline reads "Sex Slaves"?

    Taking the passports was the big mistake.....by doing that they took away the girls freedom....A Foreign person new to Oz needs ID...in most cases the paaport is their only form of recognisable ID.

    The brothel in Sydney was owned by a Viet.....she needed a Viet translator in court.

  6. Slavery :o

    I would not think so. The article was poorly written for a start which turns a legal issue into an emotional issue. Nothin more than sensational.


    They where prostitutes. They accepted an offer to make money in Australia and agreed to the terms and conditions.

    Jeanette Morrish, QC, said the women were brought to Melbourne from Thailand knowing they would work in the sex industry


    They knew that they would perform sexual services at a price and work on commission for upfront costs airline tickets etc.

    Believed she would have to work off a $A35,000 debt and that it would take three to four months to do that.


    Passports taken, why? To guarantee that they would not stiff the owner of costs already incurred. If they did not agree to it, which they did, why not go to the police on a Sunday when they has a day off?

    Ms Morrish told a jury that the women had their passports taken from them and were forced to perform sex acts (Was that not why they where there?) to cover the costs of air fares, visas, passports and living costs.


    Ms Morrish said that although the women consented to working off their debts, in the law, consent was not a defence for slavery

    So, now the story changes. They consented and accepted. The definition of 'sexual servitude' refers to a person not being free to leave the place or area where the person provides sexual services.

    The UN Protocol : The consent of a victim of trafficking in persons to the intended exploitation…shall be irrelevant.

    However, they had not been charged with trafficking and/or, they had only been charged with sexual servitude.

    It's going to be an interesting legal outcome. :D

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