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Posts posted by aqua4

  1. have one customer in Switzerland who made a Linux cluster with 25 XBoxes and now he want to increase it to 50 XBoxes.

    If you need Xecuter 3, Xenium Ice or DuoX-2 let me know, we have our shipping center in Thailand.


    Why? Is the number crunching ability of the processor in the XBOX better than a P4? Also the costs appear to offset the costs of a middle of the road Celeron 2.4Ghz.

  2. Well the long and the short.

    Fake ATm machines in Thailand would be a bit hard to hide, well at least to me. What I do know is that if someone gets a hold of your card, be it at a hotel or resturant, that can copy the card by machine. IT, there is a dupliate card running around.


    Baht&Sold, that is an odd amount. 1171.60 baht You cannot draw 60 setang from a machine. However if a card is cloned and even if it is a Thai card, if it has a VISA logo, you can still "swipe" the cloned card as a normal transaction. No need for pin numbers.

    There are alot of scams around. Being in Thailand, you might not be on guard as you would be at home, so someone could still peer over your shoulder to see your pin if they wanted. What they use to do in South Africa after hours was to place 2 paper clips between the rollers in the ATM machine. In this way your card goes in, but does not come out, until you kow how to remove the paper clips from the rollers.

    By this time you are thinking the card has been swollowed, but it is not so. This in mind you only call the bank the next day. However your card has been available the whole night to a gang.

  3. Now there is an idea. :D

    Baht buses are great - no problem with them - cheap, reliable mode of transport.

    But I think it would improve Pattayas air quality and make it a far nicer place to walk around if they were ALL converted to GAS :o

    I think the majority of bkk taxis are duel fuel :D

  4. Well the Baht Bus concept gets used all over Thailand not just in Pattaya. Outsiide of Pattaya they call them Song Taew's. With the limited amount of space in Pattaya, I dont see cabs makin it as they will just add to road congestion. Who needs that.

    There was the idea of using minibus taxi's for longer trips. That will in all likelyhood show up later this year. But to have alot of cars clogging roads. No way! :o

  5. I like Pattaya more than I do Bangkok. Compared to Bangkok, there is less pollution, less traffic and it is easier to get around.

    What makes it vastly different is the mixture of cultures, the changing nightlife scene, the complete change of the landscape. More and more families are arriving in Pattaya, more now after the Tsunami. All those "Beer Bars" that was once on Beach Road is now part of history and a huge condominium complex is being built. A new shopping center is in the pipeline and off course the marina. All those "Beer Bars" that you think is new beyond Second Road, is not really new but relocations. The idea of closing Walking Street, is comming closer, for the development of the marina. Pattaya is getting a second english television news broadcast, in the next month or so and from what I can see will give the present one a run for its money. :o

    More Hotels are opening each day, not the grimmy sort, but better quality hotels. I see more families on the beach now a days, be it Thai or Falang. Pattaya has been more and more geared towards family tours. The Chinese still make up a huge tourist presence, but not a spending one. :D

    As for violence, most of it is Thai against Thai or Falang against Falang. Very rarely across the spectrum. There are increases in petty crime, but from where I stand, I think Pattaya Police does an excellent job in terms of visible policing. Lets consider that there is a slum just a stone throw away from Jomtien.

    You are correct that it is a supply and demand in terms of the flesh trade but, when you look at the amount of bars just closing then you can see that there is a slump, all be it the market being saturated. Pattaya will always have it bars, but as time moves by it will no longer dot the landscape as it did many years ago.

    Pattaya, I dont see as being an insult to Thailand. The largest customer base for the flesh trade is Thai people themselves, not Falangs. Go to any back street in Bangkok and there you will find the little yellow flickering lights of a Thai bar. Falangs did not bring it here, nor are falangs the largest customer base.

    There is a booming property market in Pattaya, but this is mainly due to the improving infrastructure. The local government is spening huge on development. Many falangs see Pattaya as a good place to retire, english all round and easy to get around with a low cost of living with excellent low cost health facilities. Where in the world can you get a surgeon at 11 at night for minor surgery for the price of US$30?

    Yes, Pattaya is not for everyone. :D Even I know that.

    I remeber someone once telling me that Pattaya was "Gods Waiting Room". Alot of the expats living there are old, really in thier years and in my view are doing nothing more than waiting to die. If he has a young bird, so be it. I think nobody really wants to die alone. This must highlite your failures in life.


  6. Saw something in that line play off 3 years ago in Pattaya. A German guy went through the same thing. At first I thought it funny, but when I sat down and thought about it in-depth, it was scarey.

    They had been married for 3 years in Thailand. He went home for a few months and when he returned the guy who opened the door asked him what he wanted. He asked the guy who he was and was told "My house". His wife had a common law husband and children. After a scene the police was called and removed the German from the property. :o

    I heard from a friend who has an internet cafe in Bkk that this is also playing off with non bargirls, where they are looking for cash cows.

    Sad really.

  7. Well,

    It was to good to be TRUE. Unlimited, does mean LIMITED. I have had True for almost 8 months and this is the first time that I get told, there is over usage. :D

    What next? :o

    Date 8 April 2005

    Dear Members,

    Subject: Overdue Payment (Excess Usage Charge/Monthly Fee)

    We, True Internet Co., Ltd., wish to express our gratitude for you to entrust us with the internet service. While we continually strive to improve our service quality to our valued customers, Records have shown that you have an overdue payment (excess usage charge/monthly fee). amount 1262.6baht. Please pay this account promptly. If payment is not received shortly, we will have no alternative but to temporarily disconnect your account.

    If you have already made a payment before receiving this letter, please accept our apology and ignore this letter. For further information or any inquiry, Please contact our Call Center at Tel: 02-900-9898 Monday to Sunday all 24 Hr.

    Your prompt attention to this matter would be highly appreciated.


    Customer Service

    วันที่ 8 เมษายน 2548

    เรียน ท่านสมาชิก

    เรื่อง ขอให้ชำระค่าบริการ

    บริษัท ทรู อินเทอร์เน็ต จำกัด ขอขอบพระคุณท่านสมาชิกที่ให้เกียรติเลือกใช้บริการเชื่อมโยงเครือข่ายอินเทอร์เน็ตของบริษัทฯ ในโอกาสนี้ขอเรียนให้ท่านทราบว่าจากการตรวจสอบรายงานทางบัญชีของท่านสมาชิก ปรากฏว่าท่านมียอดค้างชำระค่าบริการอินเตอร์เน็ต เป็นจำนวนเงิน 1262.6บาท

    บริษัทฯ ใคร่ขอความกรุณาท่านสมาชิกโปรดดำเนินการชำระค่าบริการดังกล่าว โดยท่านสามารถชำระค่าบริการ ณ สำนักงานบริการโทรศัพท์ทรูทุกสาขา หรือสอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม ได้ที่ ฝ่ายบริการลูกค้า โทรศัพท์ 02-900-9898 โทรสาร 02-699-4831 ทุกวัน ตลอด 24 ชม. บริษัทขอสงวนสิทธิ์ในการระงับการให้บริการอินเตอร์เน็ตเป็นการชั่วคราว หากยังมิได้รับชำระค่าบริการดังกล่าวจากท่าน ทั้งนี้โดยมิต้องแจ้งล่วงหน้า

    ในกรณีที่ท่านสมาชิกได้ชำระค่าบริการดังกล่าวเป็นที่เรียบร้อยแล้วทางบริษัทฯใคร่ขออภัยมา ณ โอกาสนี้


    ฝ่ายบริการลูกค้า บริษัท ทรู อินเทอร์เน็ต จำกัด

  8. In my view I see the whole "Liberation" of the south as having two heads. The first being an issue of "Identity" and the second being that of "Politics".


    Of the 4% of Muslims in Thailand, 80% of them live down South. They are mainly of ethnic Malay descent. If we look at education in the South, Thai schools have pretty much been boycotted because they teach Thai and not in Malay or Arabic, nor does it cater for a Muslim community. With note to this, being that education levels in Southern Thailand is at the lowest levels in all of Thailand because of the boycott. Therefore schools had been vandalized as much as they are in the South. There had been a huge amount of Muslim Schools which do not fall into the Department of Education's, system. They are pretty much unregulated. However if memory serves me correct, the government clamped down on those. These had been the only schools that taught in Malay, Arabic and gave Muslim Studies. This might have helped to exacerbate an identity crisis for them and what may have been perceived as a threat to their religion or "way of life".


    If we look at what such sources as Islam Online states - "The territory of Pattani was annexed to the Thai kingdom in 1902 in the same way as East Timor was annexed by Indonesia,". If we look at PAS on the Malaysian side of the border and PULO and BRN on the Thai side, we can clearly see that they do not only want Muslim culture brought back to the South, but they want it to be an independent Muslim Country where laws will be enshrined to the max as it would be in any other Muslim country.


    I see the PM making many mistakes and actually forging the 2 separate heads together, instead of playing divide and conquer. He was as ill prepared for it as GW Bush, who instead of diplomatic moves used force where it was not needed. Violence begets violence. Why was this not seen?

    What happened to Somchai Neelapaijit, the human rights lawyer? His vanishing act added more fuel to an inferno. What had happened to the Rule of Law? His clients right to a defense? This might have been viewed not only as being "Anti Muslim" but also as being the end to the Rule of Law down South.

    Would it not have been better to have given the South their own identity again, by allowing Muslim schools, providing better development funds and creating more employment and stability. Poverty is a breeding ground for radicals. Creating more transparency and accountability during the last fire fights they had. Where people did not see the dead as victims but as martyrs. It is when people start to see martyrs and not victims that in my view you have a shift in thinking, which is dangerous.

    Now it is not a cultural issue but a religious and political issue. This is where you open the doors and people like Osama gets invited in to provide support.

    The only thing the current PM can be glad of is the fact they have not advanced beyond fertilizer bombs and pipe bombs. It would be a sign of very bad times to come when they advance beyond those tools, because it would show more international support in my view.

    The only fact that makes me worry right now is the fact that they have issued a blank warning. Being that they know something is going to happen from human intel but nothing specific of note.

  9. Well it has been heading north for so time already. Only the blind could not see that. However I would have thought that the PM would have learned from history and defused the situation during last year already.

    See how they cope with their independence and how long it is before they come calling for help.

    Sure with shoddy education down South for generations, that should work. :D

    How can you call Bush a failure, since 9/11 how many terrorist attacks has the western world suffered.

    Not many, but you lost most of your rights after the attack. Osama must be laughing his ass off in some cave. :o

    You may not like the guy but he is successfull and maybe he thinks he can win...

    Successfull at what? Successfull and MAYBE thinks he can win. Where is the success in MAYBE you can win?

  10. Odd topic.

    From what I am lead to understand is that the Thai embassy in Stockholm has 22 people at present in a safe house as they have run away from thier husbands. What the newspaper is warning people about is using the internet agencies. People from Issan pay between 2-3500 Baht to get listed. What does not get disclosed is who the person is in reality. i.e The falang could be a perve and you would not know because nobody has checked him out. The other problem is brokers in Europe who appear to be trading in Thai women.

    These stories are not new, they get rehashed all the time and the Thai newspapers do run them from time to time. There was also the story in last year where people had luring women over to Europe and they end up getting stuck in a brothel. :o

  11. A loaded question, with not enough information.

    Assuming one registers a company in the UK as a limited company, and operating an Ecommerce business from Thailand. Is this legal? ie, not paying taxes in Thailand.

    That would depend, I am assuming that the UK and Thailand have a Double Taxation Agreement. This being, if you pay tax to the one, you dont need to pay to the other.

    What are the risks? I presume one can not give a contact address in Thailand? but only in the UK.

    Depends on what you are selling. If it is tangable goods (Radios etc) that would be important to tell people that it is comming from Thailand as it is going to get duties slapped on it when it enters the UK. Services would make no differance.

  12. Drug-crazed US tourist found hanged in hotel

    --->No evidence of a "Drug Crazed" person.

    CHIANG MAI: -- A US tourist was found hanged in the bathroom of a Chiang Mai hotel today, apparently after having taken a drug overdose.

    --->Found Hanged - So it was murder then, since he was hanged and not hanging?

    --->after having taken a drug overdose - So he as overdosed, murdered and then committed suicide?

    According to local police, Mr. Jonell Anthony Fryler, 26, had already been dead for five hours when his body was discovered this morning.

    --->dead for five hours - So he was so crazed nobody heard him?

    His naked corpse was found on the floor, but evidence, including a mark round his neck, indicated that he had used his belt to hang himself from the bathroom door.

    --->naked corpse - Why do all suicide falangs always get naked first?

    --->a mark round his neck - So he used his belt to hang himself from the door was that the attempt or the deed itself?

    Although police suspect the death to be drug-related, officials will perform a further autopsy to determine the exact cause of death.

    --->drug-related - Hung from a door and from the bathroom, where does drugs come to play?

    --->further autopsy - What, the first autopsy was done in the room?

    ---> exact cause of death Hung, Suicide and a drug overdose. We need to still find his exact cause of death? :o

    --TNA 2005-03-31 --> Tripe News Agency

  13. Oddly enough I did offer the service to Estate Agents in Pattaya about 2 years ago. Nobody was interested. I thought it was a great idea. You could do a virtual tour of a house.

    Cost wise it was reasonable, it would take about 10 minutes to do a room. The only problem was that I had to do the website as well as it used a java backend to display the images. The software listed uses Flash or Real Player. I never really fancied them as people need to download them, whereas java was already in just about eveyones machine.

    No special lens was needed to do the panaromic views, just a tripod.

  14. All we hear is a one sided story. He has not offered anything by way of interview.

    He cruised around to have sex with 15 year and older girls, which if I am correct is the legal limit for Statutory Rape, being under 15. He does not appear to be that dumb. So no statutory rape charges can be brought against him in any event for sex with a minor. That will not fly. :D

    Under Thai law Schiemann could not be held for deliberately spreading the AIDS virus

    There he cannot be charged with attempted murder. It will be a bitch to prove though. To find anyone to say "Peg Leg game me AIDS". In Thai society, saving face is a big thing as everyone knows. Would anyone want their daughters sexual history brought up during a defence cross examination? NO!

    However in a small town of 30,000. Lets look at it. The hospital asked people to come forward - Peg Leg Banged or Not. 66 girls tested positive, HOWEVER they do not say how many showed up for the tests. Could we deduce/assume that 400 showed and 66 had AIDS in a town of 30,000. That would make a 16% positive sample, would it not? FAR higher than what offical stats tell us.

    Blame the falang? The question is. Is he a scape goat or not? :o

  15. Indo Siam are you telling me that:

    In order to get a work permit for my own business, the business must be registered for VAT? If I recall that you had to make 1 million baht a year in order to register for VAT.

    So in order to get a work permit - your business must make 1 million baht a year in sales? :o

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