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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. I find the Visa system here, nothing wrong , doing retirement extension ,takes 2-3 hours, one day out of 365 , 90 day reports few minutes 4 times per year, if online, if not working do it by post, I will go to PO when I need to go shopping ,returned no later than 7 days. you just need to have everything in order . regards Worgeordie
  2. Seems appropriate for a criminal to get another criminal to do his bidding, better luck next time......... regards Worgeordie
  3. At my Bangkok Bank branch it has always been 7 days for a 12 month statement ,as it has to be sourced from main branch in Bangkok , knowing that I always ask for a statement at least 7 days before I am going to do my yearly extension, maybe you need to change banks, as some can do yearly statements immediately ,ask around. regards Worgeordie
  4. That's going to put them off, the very wealthy don't like paying taxes..... regards Worgeordie
  5. Another one, they cannot just walk away, if I cannot have her , nobody will..... regards Worgeordie
  6. Has anyone been down to the vaults lately ......just to make sure the huge reserves of foreign currency that have been reported to be there.....are still there. regards worgeordie
  7. If he can climb a tower , he can walk to the bloody market ... his wife said. ???? regards worgeordie
  8. I would not waste my time counting them , its posted at top of the page, and your up to 28 ......all over 10 Baht and a Farang , yes he looks like Farang to me. regards worgeordie
  9. Today I heard this noise going on in the garden , bird making strange noises, and very good rendering of a cat meowing , the bird was about size of a common myna , was shiny black in colour, had a long tail compared to body length, but out of the end of it long tail , was an even longer wire like extension with small feather at the end, something like some Birds of paradise have, I dont have smart phone or camera so have tried to describe it the best I can, I have seen a similar black shiny bird , bit bigger also long tail,but without the extension. anybody know what it could be...? regards worgeordie
  10. You have done well today Lou , 20 posts in one thread, and not finished yet I bet ....... regards worgeordie
  11. Thanks , Yes I have watched the Quiet Place 1 & 2 , will have to watch the Silence regards Worgeordie
  12. Just finished watching a double feature Don't breathe and Don't breathe 2 , and very good they were too , thriller, horror, suspense and lots of killing. regards worgeordie
  13. Wolfe a new UK series about a black CSI guy, 6 episodes out now, it was worth watching i thought , opinions may vary.... regards worgeordie
  14. TAT and Thailand want to forget about attracting wealthy ,tourists, retirees, it's never going to happen , Thailand has always appealed to the more adventurist man in the street, would wanted something more exotic than Spain, Greece, Italy, or Canary Island's .just hope they come back one day, just hope Thailand treats them better, less scams, double pricing , a lot to ask I know , ???? regards Worgeordie
  15. Getting older so sometimes make mistakes, they should NOT kill the Tiger. regards Worgeordie
  16. NO !.... The Government can compensate the buffalo's owner, we need more Tigers in the wild not less , regards Worgeordie
  17. Yes and they have a South American monkey named after them, not a lot of people knew that ......sorry ....Michael . regards worgeordie
  18. What are these hunters going to do when they find the Tiger .... the Tiger must have been hungry , so you cannot really blame the Tiger ,I just hope they are planning to kill it. regards worgeordie
  19. I would guess to keep their stuff dry on the back of the pick up trucks, it is the rainy season. regards worgeordie
  20. When you get the dashcam installed, mention it to your insurer when renewing your policy and you will get a discount... regards worgeordie
  21. All a misunderstanding , they were just going for the Guinness World record , for how many plastic bags they could get on a mans head in two minutes .... and he's paid the father of the murdered man 5 Million THB , so what's the problem ......???? regards worgeordie
  22. It was really pissing down in Chiang Mai last night, really heavy rain, thunder and lightening. regards Worgeordie
  23. Yes, and he never murdered anyone , till proven guilty in a court of law..........???? the video must be fake .....???? regards worgeordie
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