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Everything posted by LennyW

  1. Impossible for Thais, it would mean they have to give way to traffic that is already on the roundabout/approaching from the right, giving way would equate to a loss of face - not going to happen!!
  2. It is a sad fact that Thailand produces various blades to fit 4" angle grinders that are not actually meant for angle grinders, usually meaning the guards are removed to facilitate this. Even more shocking when you look around on a building site, some of the labourers small children sitting among unguarded and plugged in power tools of various sorts!!
  3. Meanwhile, another new topic...... Thailand Considers Law Revisions to Attract Foreign Real Estate Investment
  4. Sugar tax on coffee shops is what is needed, it is like many Thais permanently have a coffee shop coffee in their hand, crazy!
  5. Most of the Expat shops carry the original Smash.
  6. Saw the video, they drove flat out through a red light and massively impacted the van!
  7. That must have been some deep sleep, over the footpath and other obstacles and still doing a good speed when hit the coffee shop!!
  8. Should arrest the mother for allowing a 13 year old to ride a motorcycle!! So many of these noisy wee brats about, i can understand the cops frustration!!
  9. lucky he did not get market vendor justice!!
  10. Thais, Men and Women, seem to think it is perfectly okay to try and drive a vehicle when they are hammered, it is just the norm!
  11. From the way the car is parked it very much looks like the Russian was taking the Racing line!!
  12. Wow, you shop at the two most expensive shops in Thailand for foreign foods!!
  13. So how much do you pay?
  14. The Burriram Circuit is up to spec, already has FIA approval, but for testing only at this stage. The major downfall is the lack of a nearby major head trauma unit (or it was at the time), but although not mentioned, yes, lack of accommodations and infrastructure in general would probably still prohibit it.
  15. Definitely, he is straddling the bicycle lane and the opposite lane he should have been in for the direction the car is facing!
  16. Not a common hippo, a Pygmy hippo, massive difference in size even when full grown, these rarely get above 250Kg and are an endangered species, Normal hippos range from 1500kg to 4000Kg, So, this one not common!! Obviously they could not trade mark the animal itself, but trade marking the name "Moo Daeng" would allow them to control use of that name for Merchandising, Tik Tok, Line stickers etc., smart move!
  17. "Mr. Tosawat firing his weapon to clear the path for their escape"..... As you do!!!
  18. MotoGP Thailand 2024 - Official Ticket Packages | Buriram Please keep up to date!
  19. Local whispers say that there is a good probability that the U Tapau circuit could become a reality, the government/navy already own all the land south of Sukhumvit from Ban Chang to Kilo Sip, with the upgrades coming to the airport, the 7 motorway, high speed railway etc. We can hope!
  20. You say you understand shipping costs and tax, but i doubt you understand just how expensive shipping has become, In the last two years shipping costs have quadrupled, and that is about to get worse unfortunately. Massive taxes on imported goods, then you also have FDA charges, Transport and local distribution charges, then the end retailer needs to make a profit. So what does a kilo of Thai rice cost in Australia?
  21. 25 years ago at the Thai shop in Aberdeen, a single Thai Mango was around 5 Pounds, a 5 baht pack of Mama noodles was 50p, so an awful lot more of a mark up than the OP is questioning!
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