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Posts posted by LennyW

  1. 7 hours ago, 2008bangkok said:

    Depends where they live in relation to the school, my son gets a Bolt bike and it's 50 baht each way

    That is the issue, Mom & Pop wake up early to go and earn a Thai wage leaving the kids to drive alone, 100 baht a day from a menial Thai wage would be a massive chunk of their daily income, this is why the police even at school gates ignore the infraction, they understand the background.

  2. 18 minutes ago, 2008bangkok said:

    I know this stretch of road and they could do with more lights.

    Saying that how can you not see a person, I disagree with prosecuting the parents unless they willingly let the girls drive the bike.

    My daughter does the same despite my best efforts to stop her I will get reports of her being spotted on the back of her mates bike which is very worrying.

    One thing they could also do is to stop anybody who doesn't have a license from driving into school and as a fair few use a bike to get to school.

    My son at 15 has just started at a college and there loads of bikes in the car park, no way they all got a license so strict enforcement from schools may ensure that kids get a license aswell as parents keep driving to drum it into them how dangerous it is.

    I will not allow my son to get a bike ATM even though he is constantly pestering me I make him get a Bolt taxi to school 

    How many Thai families could afford a Bolt taxi twice a day 5 days a week???

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 2
  3. 16 hours ago, Rob Browder said:

    That would be a problem, as my job ended awhile back - I was well outside the time-window to apply-fresh for the medical, when old enough to get my pension funds refunded.  Maybe that is the trick?  So, have to cancel to get the payout - then re-apply within the allowed time-window after your job ends. 

    This is correct, i have recently done it at Rayong. Your employer needs to provide you with a form when you leave, a Kor Tor 10 (spelling??) if your employer did not give you, you can go upstairs to second floor in the One Stop Centre at Mapthaput and get it from there, take that with you to SSO in Rayong along with Passport, Thai bank book, Pink ID card and Yellow book, they will complete the forms for you, you just have to sign. But this must be done within 6 months of leaving your employment. If you have been paying in for less than 15 years they give you a "lump sum pension" paid into your bank in about 1 month. At the same visit i registered to continue payments by myself, received the papers with my new number, then through the back to the finance department and did my first contribution, i now pay at 7/11 every month. For SCB, my bank(i also have UOB but they would not pay it into there), they gave me a form for the branch manager to sign so they could automatically take monthly payments, but they said not all branch managers will sign it!

    Rayong SSO is great, really helpful, i was in and out in less than half an hour!

  4. 2 minutes ago, Doctor Tom said:

    They will rue the day they ever got involved with the Chinese and those that jumped on the EV band wagon and bought that rubbish will weep.  

    Indeed. The Thais love their finance, but unlikely they understand that when they have paid off their EV and want to renew there will be no trade in, no resale value, and they have to start again! These EV's need to be treated as a consumable, and they need to prepare themselves financially for that, but very unlikely most of them will have thought about that.

    • Sad 1
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  5. 4 minutes ago, pattjock said:

    Just another extremely overloaded pick-up truck in an accident. The maximum legal load for a pick-up is only a few hundred kg. Here you can see pick-ups with a ton of pineapples in the back, front wheels barely touching the road.. A heavy load will seriously effect handling and breaking capabilities of a pick-up.

    Not overloaded at all, they are called 1 ton pick-ups for a reason, not a few hundred kg pick-ups. The SUV is clearly fully at the wrong side of the road, no fault of the pick-up in this one.

  6. On 7/6/2024 at 6:54 AM, Denim said:

    I would think lions trump pit bulls as a burgler deterant.Eaten not bitten.


    But allowing people to keep these animals as pets on a private property ?


    No, you have to draw the line somewhere.

    Apparently, it is legal in Thailand to keep Lions at home, but you must have the correct paperwork, and also you cannot move them around from location to location without a permit!!

  7. On 5/30/2024 at 3:44 PM, bob smith said:

    anyone else had enough of all the silly games here?


    i've got a sack full of cash in the safe that's just collecting dust.


    never been to the Phils but by god them women look amazing.

    friendly too!

    and good english levels.


    temptation is very high at the minute.


    anyone else feeling the same way?



    If you have never been you may be shocked on arrival, not great!

  8. 1 hour ago, patman30 said:

    it will happen here
    just as it is happening elsewhere
    sending VAT free "gifts" internationally via the postal system will become a thing of the past
    though this may be more to do with shopee and lazada and low value items from China

    I read an article before and that is exactly what was mentioned, cheap Chinese goods coming in through Lazada and Shopee, quite a sizeable amount apparently!

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