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Posts posted by LennyW

  1. Ban Chang, Rayong is handy for schools, also easy access to Motorway 7, Au Tapau airport next door, quite a lot of reasonable priced housing, 3 main beaches, a bit more open spaced than most places, great infrastructure now, half way between Rayong city and Pattaya. The air also quite decent here with the wind coming off the beaches. You need to have a look around, start with Google maps and see the layout of Rayong province.

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  2. On 3/16/2023 at 4:18 AM, gomangosteen said:

    A very poor and misleading OP; the vehicle was 'off-road' and fortunately veered into a bank rather than a significant drop-off down the mountainside, heading to Wat Khao Prabat (Khao Khitchakut National Park, Chanthaburi) a temple which is open 8 weeks per year; transport is by 4WD pickup on a steep clay track.

    Visitors are limited to 24,500 per day over this timeframe, buses leave from Bangkok Bus Terminal (Chatuchak) at 8.00pm aiming to arrive around midnight followed by a 4WD trip to the midway point, shrine/worship there then on the second stage, followed by a 1.5km walk for the ideal sunrise views however vehicles and people arrive 24hrs a day.

    There are approx 100 4WDs in operation.


    Pic from Matichon News




    We've been but chose a daytime trip, and quite an adventure it was.

    This from a travel blog:

    While the traffic runs from the left side in Thailand, the rules are completely different on the road up to Khao Phra Bat mountain.
    Along the 5 km long road up to the top, the traffic shifts to both left or right before the sharp bends so that the vehicles driving up can easily turn the bends.
    The left/right shift happens along the longer and straight stretches, signposted well.
    Both driving up and down happens at relatively high speed, so, it is very “exciting” and at the same time a bit scary to see how cars suddenly change left/right while meeting cars driving in the opposite direction.




    Thankyou, hopefully those that are randomly posting without knowing the scenario might now understand.

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  3. On 3/16/2023 at 3:20 PM, stoner said:



    1 somchai with little to no driving ability or training

    2 somchai with truck that is not maintained

    3 somchai driving like a lunatic

    4 somchai with a truck overloaded to totally unsafe levels

    5 somchai truck not able to carry that weight as per manufacturer handbook

    6 somchai

    7 somchai

    8 somcahi


    almost all of these points are addressed in one way or another in most western countries. 


    point is there are very legit reasons why the brakes fail so often on somchais journey. to you and me these things are common sense. to somchai....well you know. 


    anyways of course the brakes are going to fail when you are barreling down the highway with an overloaded truck with poor maintained brakes and a vegetable behind the wheel. then another idiot pulls out to make a you turn and you have no choice (because you can't drive or make critical decisions) but to slam on your pathetically maintained brakes and they simply fail due to you having 3 tones of extra cargo in your truck. 


    i could probably give dozens of scenarios like that that happen quite frequently here. 


    so yes.  its a very legit thing for thailand when you factor all of those things in. 


    in no way am i justifying any of it. i am simply stating facts. 

    Yet you are clearly oblivious where and in what scenario this happened.....

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  4. 5 hours ago, BananaStrong said:


    SHAME on you for going 132 and endangering the lives of people living in Thailand.


    What horrible behavior and really makes expats look horrible.


    You seem so proud of riding dangerously and "getting away" with your behavior when compared with back home.   Horrible in a million ways, and you will never learn.   

    Sarcasm Sunday!!

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