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Posts posted by Lee4Life

  1. 21 hours ago, nev said:

    Great idea, And don't stop their ban selling fake clothes and other goods in the bars I go in for a quiet drink not to be tapped on the shoulder every 5 mins by someone trying to force their fake stuff on me.

    The wife and I go to the restaurants for a bite up here in NongKhai, and it's the lottery ticket sellers that bother us. We just want to relax, visit and eat, and instead we end up fending off the lotto ticket sellers the entire time. I am surprised the owners allow it, but maybe the people here like it?  (but at least they are polite!)

  2. 9 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

    Evil foreign trafficker: "So, I have to tell you that, instead of working at the restaurant, you will have to provide sex for horny Americans..." - Innocent Thai lass: "Oh, no. I am so innocent. Please don't do that to me!" - Evil foreigner: "I'm afraid, that I won't pay your return ticket to Thailand if you don't agree to drop your knickers. And the next Thai consulate is 50 miles away; you'd have to travel there on your own, on the Greyhound bus, spending all your last cash..." - Innocent Thai lass: "All right, then..." (The innocent Thai maiden was later rescued from the evil falang man.)

    Your view point is biased because of who and what you expose yourself to, my experience with the people here has been good, largely because of who and what I chose to expose myself to. If you think there are no women here of good character then maybe it's because you only frequent places where there are none, or you listen to those who do such. The other problem is that many of the women who have made poor lifestyle choices have been helped along by men who themselves make poor lifestyle choices. Thanks for providing the excellent example above, except it is biased...you should have really left the "farang" out.

  3. 10 hours ago, lamecn said:

    I know of more cases where Thai women have managed to snare naive Westerners to pay for their tickets and visas to Farang Land, and once with their feet on the ground in the West, they drop the "boy friend" and start working in massage parlors; sending home enough money to buy land and build a big house back home in the village.

    I've heard about Thai women asking their mother what they can do to support the family, and the answers have been: "Go and sell yourself". 


    I'm afraid the type of Human Trafficking in this article has nothing to do with the type of scenario you are talking about, they aren't talking about women who use their boyfriends or husbands as a way to get to western countries. They are talking about women who have been tricked into going there on the pretense that they will have lucrative jobs and then end up working in the sex industry. 


  4. 16 hours ago, RayHaas said:

    Its about time!

    While it may seem like a good thing to not have to fill out those pesky arrival/departure cards, be careful about thinking this means that things are "easing up" as far as foreigners are concerned. It appears that this is just one step of many in a new system they are developing to keep tabs on foreigners in the kingdom. You can thank all of the foreigners who come here and commit criminal acts for that!

  5. On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 10:53 AM, BobbyL said:

    I agree, there isn't an abundance of parking spaces in a busy place like Bangkok. It just does annoy me and I am surprised these issues aren't more common. 

    There may not be enough empty spaces at times, but I have seen that often times there are and the people just don't want to look for them. Last time it happened to me the vehicle blocking me and another vehicle in was a 4 door pickup and had too much resistance for one person to push.

  6. I have used a Paypal business account linked to my bank in the U.S. for years, but when my wife opened one here in Thailand and we tried to link it to her Thai bank account Paypal froze it. As it didn't have much for funds in it at the time they froze it we just let it go, the steps they gave us to fix it was just not worth the hassle.

  7. On ‎1‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 7:35 PM, TunnelRat69 said:

    whats the difference, it all comes out of the toilet one way or another, please don't give me the crap "but gray water has been treated"  you wouldn;t drink it nor would I.

    Where I come from "grey water" means sink or shower water, not toilet water. Why would I tell you it has been treated? There is a world of difference, toilet water contains feces and urine and all kinds of harmful stuff. Shower or sink water is also sewage, but is certainly less disease ridden.

  8. 2 hours ago, ozziedave007 said:

    Try finding car ramps, axle stands and floor jacks around here.....poor man.

    The sad truth is that old wooden blocks or pieces of lumber would have worked fine to block the vehicle up. The part in the article about the jack not having an adequate support beam on it's top indicates that either an investigator or a reporter doesn't understand that correct safety measures require blocking and/or jack stands to prevent this type of thing.


     My wife and I lost a Lao friend back in the states in a similar accident. My heart and prayers go out to the family and friends, that it could have been prevented makes it no less tragic. 

  9. 6 hours ago, catman20 said:

    if you are talking about the drain type traps in the floor where a small amount of water sits to prevent smells coming back up they only work if you keep topping up the trap with water as the water thats sits in them evaporate very quickly. i took mine out cos it became another job for me to remember to keep topping the traps up with water. why call it a P trap when its shaped like a U could call it a A,H,M trap then :cheesy:

    Letter P lying down is close...maybe? I don't know!

  10. 3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:


    It's actually called a "P-Trap" (where I am from anyway). But it is shaped like a "U", it traps water in the lower part of the "U", making it impossible for the odors from the sewer or septic to come back up the drain pipe and into the building. Another method is to install a special trap-style drain in the floor. Those odors are potentially dangerous.

  11. 4 hours ago, sirmud63 said:

    if your going to carry a baseball bat in your car , make sure you carry a glove and a ball too . 

    your lawyer will thank you .:smile:

    I saw baseball bats for sale at the local weekend market, I told the merchant "I didn't think people here played baseball", he replied "they aren't for hitting balls...they are for hitting people". I walked on.

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