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Everything posted by Lee4Life

  1. I just received my Non-O O/A Multiple Re-entry e-visa today via the Los Angeles Consulate, total time was about two weeks. I have no knowledge as far as the family visit visa goes.
  2. And this is big news? must have been a slow week.
  3. If Thailand chooses to tax your income then the U.S. can't?
  4. There doesn't appear to be a lot of damage, looks more like they rented the room to horders
  5. "Road Warriors"? Please explain the term, and while you're at it explain what Americans have to do with this article?
  6. You state that the accident is 90 percent her fault and then go on to say how dangerous the construction layout is. That's interesting. You are correct that the financial responsibility should default to her insurance company, unless she has third class insurance that is.
  7. My first wife was, and is sitting beside me here in Isaan, we have been married for fourty-two years and came here together. don't assume everyone is wearing the same pair of shoes you are. My dreams are of her and her alone.
  8. Before I start getting flamed, I am not in dire straits here, and still have the option of a border run to use my second visa exempt entry. I would just prefer not to use that option. I have been here for fifteen years on Retirement O/A visas obtained in the States (not extensions based on retirements obtained in Thailand). When I booked my return flight back to the States last summer the visa exempt entry period was 45 days, and because I needed to stay a bit past my visa expiration I planned on using one visa exempt entry during a border run. But then the visa exempt entry was changed to 30 days, which puts my departure flight three days after the visa exempt entry expires. So the options I am aware of are either to use my last visa exempt entry for the year and make another border run, or go to immigration and get an extension on my current visa exempt entry. What I am looking for from the fine experts on Asean Now are options I may not be aware of? Thanks in advance. BTW I am in the NongKhai area.
  9. I remember reading articles on this very forum stating that the Thai Meterological Department was predicting a hotter than normal hot season. It was also predicted by weather experts world-wide. How is that "caught off guard"?
  10. It seems to be common practice here to make employees pay when something goes wrong or they make a mistake. Take exchanging money as an example, bank tellers have consistently rejected some of our U.S. bills even though they are unmarked and crisp, they also reject them if they have a wrinkle or fold. When we asked why, we were told that if there is a problem with the bank getting the money accepted by other institutions the teller is held responsible. The same thing happens when cashiers at stores, they often recount your change several times because if they make a mistake it is taken out of their wages. These are just a couple of examples, but there are many others. I mark it up to one of the things that I don't particularly agree with or understand, but my world view is totally different also.
  11. yeah....I see it all the time, those pesky tourists wandering around in circles in the middle of the road. The fact is that if you were a tourist you would most likely be distracted by any number of sights and happenings that are new to you, making you more susceptible to an accident. But to say you are "not sorry at all for them" seems more than a little heartless.
  12. That is not limited to just the Canadian Government, we had problems with the US Embassy here that went all the way to a phone call with the State Department in Washington DC, they said they had no control over decisions made at the consular or embassy level.
  13. Maybe they meant the NorthEastern part of the North? We are in NongKhai and the levels here have been just as bad as the others in the article, we drove up to Chiang Khan a week ago along the Mekong and the smoke was so bad you couldn't see across the river. At night the fires on the mountains on the Lao side could be seen very clearly, they were huge. That's what I figured the article was going to be about.
  14. what kind of fire extinguisher could put out a truckload of burning straw? I drove Tow trucks for most of my life, fires are hard to put out, especially vehicle fires. Most of the time people would use up several fire extinguishers and the vehicle would still be a complete loss.
  15. If you read the entire article it explains that the study was done by having parents fill out questionnaires. That doesn't exactly instill confidence, it could be off one way or the other by quite a lot. Also, who is to define what constitutes a "mental health problem"?
  16. Actually some of the reports said that one of the balloons had a propellor steering system, this would explain the large solar panels.
  17. That appears to be a squeegee, you can't buy one of decent quality here.????
  18. Now how in the world did they decide that? What kind of inspection of a failed bungee strap shows that it failed because of "wear that was not to be ascertained with the naked eye"? And if they were actually correct, then the proper course of action would be to take measures to insure that bungee straps are replaced every so often, whether or not they showed signs of visible damage.
  19. at least you spelled Kansas right.
  20. I speak Thai, and have been in Thailand for fifteen years, I don't go to pubs, never been to one in fact, I have no idea whether or not bottled water is free or not in pubs. What's the whole story, how was the water presented to the guy? Did he ask for it? or did someone bring it to him without him asking for it? To say the guy knew better without knowing the whole story isn't any more fair than him getting slapped and handcuffed.
  21. sounds more likely that someone had a frequency jammer, not that all of those vehicles security or entry systems were all "hacked" at once.
  22. I have done that trip several times, there is no easy way that I have found, and Thai friends and relatives have told me the same. Three weeks ago I was southbound and got stuck in a traffic jam exiting off of 9 for two hours, we were travelling with another party and on our return we split off and they used 9 to try to go around Bangkok to the West, while we used 9 to go around Bangkok to the East. Our direction had a few slow traffic areas but was not stop and go, they got stuck in a traffic jam for nearly three hours. I believe the area we got stuck southbound was when exiting off of 9 to 35. The traffic was backed up for many,many kilometers before the exit and then are many toll booths side to side coming onto 35 and because of construction all of the traffic passing through the toll booths has to funnel down to about three unmarked lanes. It was horrible.
  23. While people in other countries are posting videos of drivers blocking traffic while trying to cut across three lanes of a highway at once because they need to make their turn and were in the wrong lane because the correct lane was too slow or because the next proper u-turn was too far away.
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