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Everything posted by johnnybgood

  1. What a contrived article. The word Noo may also mean rat. In our village I personally know dozens of Khun Noos, Phee Noos and Nong Noos. Of both sexes. They are all addressed as Noo. Alas, no fisticuffs yet.
  2. Money is number one in Pattaya. How many times have you heard that? Maybe use it to your advantage, and all these administration problems will just dissapear. p.s. No need to thank me.
  3. Happy New Year folks, maybe I shouldn't butt in here as there are some very good visa info specialists onboard. Are you sure-sure the 800k funds is NOT required to be shown came from abroad? I've always thought the K-bank letter I've presented to Chonburi Immigration for the past 15 years had to show - (a) the amount on deposit (b) for how long it's been there and (c) it's inward remittance?
  4. To be more specific, it was a one year extension of stay based upon retirement. In 2019 I left with a valid one year 'retirement' visa and a single re-entry permit. Due the uncertainties of travel at the beginning of 2020, I decided to stay in UK. When all entry restrictions were lifted in 1st July this year I returned to Thailand in September. All my previous visa stuff was by now expired. I had taken the opportunity to get a new passport in the UK and as my 800k has been in the bank for many years, I was issued with a fresh 'retirement' visa. As I'm no spring chicken anymore, I'm was anxious about changes in the immigration system whilst being away. Thanks for the always helpful replies.
  5. I would guess most of us residents came here to escape the nosey- busy- bodies?
  6. On my return from the UK after 30 months I went to Jomptien where I obtained my new 'retirement' visa with no problems. However I was surprised by the proof of address request which even has its own room. ( jam packed full of people ! ) I now feel a little bit out of touch with the required paperwork for the forth coming 90 day report and also a single re-entry stamp. Could somebody please provide up-to-date info regarding the required paperwork etc ?
  7. Tasted these PrimeBuggers in Central Mall ages ago. Seems to be more and more mercenary posters on here. Some have a target number of posts each day to earn a wage, others are promoting their own businesses.
  8. Unfortunately, Thailand doesn't do the shame thang. Same as our own 'elected' governments.
  9. Thanks for an info update. I remember your cartoons mostly from the urinals in Queen Vic 5555.
  10. OK this is for the general public not just the stoners ;)) In the open air venues where smoking tobacco has been normalised, are people also enjoying spliffs? Is there any friction from staff or a fear of flip-flopping authorities? I usually indulge whilst taking my dogs for a walk, so just askin'.....
  11. Thanks for the replies, also found OSH at that Paddies Bar at Lake Mapbrachan A new venue for me as it didn't exist when I left here 2020.
  12. Well that went down the page quicker than a tenth-floor turd heading for Pattaya Bay didn't it? Are there no players left in the city? What about the Darkside?
  13. Well I'm finally back in the village after 30 months exile in the UK. Who cares some may ask? Many, many Thais might the answer. So where in Pattaya can I buy brown beer / ale / bitter ? It used to be available on draught at Retox Soi Honey, the Queen Vic Soi 6 also the Sportsman had bottles Any update please?
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