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Posts posted by lamphun

  1. I suspect the opposite -

    In a statement published on the Internet soon after his conviction, Cleghorn said he was framed by corrupt officials, including Siam Reap District Court judge Ten Senarong who wanted land he owned near the ancient temple Angkor Wat.

    When he refused, Judge Senarong's sister Tan Senara, who ran the local office of the crisis centre, began approaching girls in his village offering them US$10,000 each to testify that he had molested them.

    Graham Cleghorn

  2. yes but he proof what I wrote because he is NOT real german he is from Poland!

    add 30 kg+30 years in optical age and he is german.

    come on: 95 % of the women married from Germans are bar girls.

    There are other girls, but they don't marry ugly old farangs.

    Aw.. come on! He's not THAT ugly!...


    And no, I'm not gay. :o

    Come on.....we still look better than most Brits.... :D

    OK OK, if you compare with brits......

    In terms of looking better, it is too easy to win against Brits. Do you know any nationality looking worse??

    By Brits I presume you mean "Soapdodgers". They look a lot like Germans :D

  3. I occasionally see mentions of the 'bearpit'. Is it another hidden forum?

    There was originally a politcal section on TV, but this got a bit heated so a new site called "The Bearpit" was set up. This ran ok until the powers that be decided they didn't have enough time to maintain it and sold it off. The new owners were somewhat to the political right to put it mildly, so it's lapsed into a dreadful neo nazi notice board haunted by a few sad characters. Boon Mee is a moderator. :o

  4. I agree with Ajarn.

    Some people may have an agenda (me for instance).

    Obviously we want as many customers as we can possibly get (who would'nt).

    just think that it would be unfair as "One Man's meat is another Man's poison"

    For example those that are in the business would obviusly ensure that thier restaurant was in the poll, I would say our food is some of the best Thai food available in the Chaing Mai area.

    Somebody else who does not use Thai Visa who runs a small restaurant could be frozen out because not many people know about him but he scrapes a living. I magine if all their customers came flocking to our restaurant instead?

    We would get rich and he would go out of business if our dishes were similar.

    There are probably over 250 active members on the Chaing Mai forum who regularly dine out. That is an awful lot of spending power.

    If anyone WANTS to advertise their restaurant on Thai Visa then they can do so if they want to lay out the dosh.

    A Poll would be some seriously FREE advertising, and unfair IMHO

    I hope you can see where I am coming from. I want to be as fair and impartial as possible, our place will stand or fall on its merts. it has been mentioned on the dining out pages, of this forum, I am happy about that of course, but ours is a THAI restaurant and most THAI restaurants are owned by those that do not use this forum.

    So because you own a restaurant you don't want this forum to discuss restaurants.

    I don't see the problem. The purpose of this forum is to pass around tips about living in Chiang Mai. Eating is part of living. This isn't a competition. If you feel someone needs mention then do so.

  5. I think the restaurant reviews are excellent. Chiang Mai has new places opening all the time, so how else are you going to find out, except by the opinion of others. In the case of the “Dukes” they’ve had some really good publicity. Forget about minor problems.

    I can understand why some owners might object to a bad review, but if it’s justified, tough luck. It might help them to get their act together and improve their offerings.

    We did have a problem a long while back when an ex moderator whose name can’t be wrITten here, was using this site to push places that were paying to advertise on his own personal website. Proper moderation should make sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen.

    If you want to be formal then have a TV smilie rating like Michelen.

  6. That's a great photo of Edinburgh. Where did you find it and what year (if i'm not being indescrete?) was it taken?

    type Edinburgh photographs into google. This site had hundreds of old pictures, No idea about the date.

    How about Canberra ?

  7. There are less 'ghost' soaps on now that before.

    The Ghost soaps were often hilarious. Susan Khon Bpen, or the one with the detached head. Now that was entertainment. They just don't seem to be making programs like that anymore.

    Who remembers when TV stopped at 9pm ?

    Over the long span I think things are actually improving. Anyway look how bad TV is in the UK.

  8. Once again the British football fan is stereotyped.....

    yes - youre right, they are

    and i think this story may further reinforce the sterotyping...

    English if you don't mind the Scots have long since shed their hooliganistic behaviours

    You need to get out a bit more.

    Loads of fools around this planet and that includes the scotts as well.

    I have personally been on the receiving end of that shit.

    Not impressed.


    It's Scot not Scott. No need to hold it back, get that xenophobia off your chest. Throw something :o

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