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Posts posted by lamphun

  1. Similar to the owner's substantial girth.... the story expands even further today:

    A further arrest of a German man with no work permit at a Central Pattaya beer bar.

    On yesterdays show we reported on the arrest of Mr. Van Kempen from Holland, the owner of the Cozy Beer Bar 1 in Central Pattaya. On Thursday Night Immigration Police returned to the bar and made a further arrest of a German man who was found to be working without a Work Permit.

    Mr. Harold Kramer aged 42 was arrested and taken to Pattaya Police Station. He claimed he was also the owner of the bar. Despite this he was charged with the offence and will now face deportation if he is convicted.

    - PCN

    The Dutchman must have grassed on him.

  2. So a friend of mine travelled on a visa run to Cambodia last week and was refused entry back in to the Kingdom as he had oversayed his visa up to the maximum B20,000 fine, he was actualy 9 weeks overstay. He has been blacklisted and told he will be unable to re-enter for 12 months.
    What happened to your friend seems rather unusual and I cannot but wonder whether, when asked to pay the fine, he might have done or said something disrespectful to upset the immigration official.

    I guess you will get the full story when you next meet your friend.



    Unless some new directive is out, overstay max didn't previously mean automatic black list.

  3. Posted by me :D

    Sorry Brit, Sorry Minburi. :D

    Looks Like I qualify to being stupid on two threads at the same time :D

    But it is a good story - probably totally ficticious though :D

    (No doubt the moral outrage brigade will be on my back any time soon - how dare I laugh at a handicapped, murdering, shoe shining lesbian lovers!! :o )

    I'm rather surprised at Mobi for writting this. Isn't it time that people like Mobi stopped bashing Pattaya and trying to give it a bad name. I for one am sick and tired of this type of post and feel something should be done about it.

  4. What is it you english people are actually objecting to here ?

    As no crime was commited, I must assume that Britmaveric just posted this to stir up a bit of trouble. :D

    Most people consider not paying for a hotel room a crime

    As I didnt see any mention of that in the post I'd have to assume that Kurgen has the inside track.

    A few hours later he calmly spoke with officers who managed to clear the case with the Hotel without further intervention by the Police who then released the man without charge.

    -Pattaya City News

    Monday 15th May 2006

    A non story. No hamsters were involved in a pile up on the M1 motorway.

    Is this is Brits way of stirring up the english football louts for the world cup. :o

  5. >

    Italians? Some of the restos I guess? Segio's place in Moon Muang Soi 2 is no more, that was pretty fun 4 years ago.. :D



    Sergio's new place is on the Mai Jo road, left hand side before you get to the Rimping junction. The seating is a bit limited but he has a big screen.

    Trinidad and Tobago 5 - England 0 :o

  6. Put a bunch of disrespectfull, drunk, low life Farangs and a bunch of poor hookers and their boyfriends at a cheapo beach resort and see what happens.


    You see, Kerry, Brit and all the other defenders of the realm?

    You can write your heart out on page after page explaining that there's more to Pattaya than just the part between beach and third, and all that other stuff, and you just get an ill considered, trite, two dimensional reply, like the one above, which means he either hasn't read anything you bothered to write, doesn't give a shit, or is just winding you up, or, most likely, all three.

    I actually thought it was pretty funny. Put your humour cap on.


    What is so funny about a cynical supercilious snipe from a Pattaya Basher? :D

    Sense of humour failure from the usual Pattaya Pushers.

    We don't seem to have a "knickers in a twist" smilie. Try this instead .. :o

  7. All part of the sterile Thai Visa approach, which is overseen by overly P.C mods.

    Well theres always that other forum, with no moderation, and all that happens there is every single thread ends in a slanging match. :D At the end of the day, rules is rules and if you dont want to follow them its upto the mods to sort the problem out. We all step out of line at some time or another but most of us learn that when a mod says enough is enough, then its wise to take note. :D Added to he fact that the other topic was over 2 yeas old and half the people who contributed to that thread have either left or been banned. :D

    I'd like to point out that a certain poster, lets call him Daleyboy has been discussing moderation issues and should therefore be banned henceforth. :o

    Actually I agree with Griffin.

  8. I don't think you quite get it. If news about Pattaya were to include all the murders, bashings and general mayhem among the Thai side of the population we'd be inundated with crime stories. I doubt Pattaya would ever recover.

    Replace Patters with Thailand and I think you have it right mate! :o

    The next time you arrive at Don Muang (or Suvanabummi) don't get in that taxi to Pattaya. Instead go somewhere you've never been before, Thailand. Anybody who thinks Pattaya is a mirror on Thailand needs to get off their bar stool and see the rest of the country.

  9. I don't think you quite get it. If news about Pattaya were to include all the murders, bashings and general mayhem among the Thai side of the population we'd be inundated with crime stories. I doubt Pattaya would ever recover.

  10. We could probably debate the pros and cons of Pattaya vs other places in the LOS till the cows come home, and never agree with each other. However, just a couple of points to keep the debate going. (as if it needed them!)

    Someone once asked me the question: What are the pros and cons of Pattaya?

    My reply was: You have just summed it up it. :D:D

    Nice one. :o

  11. These poor unfortunate wretches, with no sense of humour, who hate seeing people enjoy themseleves, are green with envy every time they see a fifty plus, pot bellied farang walking down the road arm in arm with some gorgeous young scantily clad young lady

    Not really Moby, I usually look and see a financial arrangement, I'm sure most Thais see the same thing. Come back when you are 50 year old pot bellied farang with no money, walking down the road arm in arm with some gorgeous young scantily clad young lady. Then I might be jealous.

    I thought most marriages were a financial arrangement :D

    hmmm Tell us more :o

  12. These poor unfortunate wretches, with no sense of humour, who hate seeing people enjoy themseleves, are green with envy every time they see a fifty plus, pot bellied farang walking down the road arm in arm with some gorgeous young scantily clad young lady

    Not really Moby, I usually look and see a financial arrangement, I'm sure most Thais see the same thing. Come back when you are 50 year old pot bellied farang with no money, walking down the road arm in arm with some gorgeous young scantily clad young lady. Then I might be jealous.

    As a recently-single, 30-something American with a nice chunk of change, Pattaya is like the promised land to me. Granted, I've seen little else of the LoS though other than 3 days worth in BK which was virtually almost all in malls there, otherwise Gulliver's. Then there was Chiang Mai for Songkran. I'm sure there's so much more to Thailand than Pattaya, and in no way do I consider Pattaya the quintessence of it. That'd be like considering Las Vegas the capitol of the USA. They're both fun places to visit, but I couldn't live for long in either (this also coming from a New Yorker, mind you) It'd be just too much excess for me to handle for a length of time and I'd inevitably burn out. :o

    Neat post. Fun parks are great to visit but who'd want to live in one ?

  13. More clippings than anywhere else - because every lil incident seems to be reported in Pattaya.

    Isn't it someone by the nik Britmaveric whose doing most of the reporting ? This man should be given a medal for alerting the public to the dangers of taking a holiday in Pattaya.

  14. No worse than any other place in thailand

    What statistics are you basing that comment on ?

    Most of the folks I know that live in Pattaya have been burgled at least once.

    A highly suspect conclusion from the "my cat has 4 legs therefore it's a dog" school of thought.

    I would suspect any rise in crime, if that actually IS the case and not merely a perseption is a result of increased population - more people more crime...

    I'd suspect it's due to the larger proportion of criminals per head than any other place in Thailand. Lets face it Pattaya is a magnet for low lifes. Those expatriates who've come to Pattaya from abroad may think the place is normal, but for someone who lives in another part of Thailand it's like a different country.

    As I've said before Pattaya does Thailand one service, by attracting large numbers of gangsters it keeps the crime rate down for the rest of us.

  15. I should have known it. I think I posted that city about 400 pages back. :D

    Sore loser. :o

    Wasn't difficult, a capital city with Tibetan style buildings. It coudn't be Lhasa as the chinese have done their worst. Only place left was Bhutan.

  16. I tried the fish and chips at the Queen Vic English Pub last night.

    Not bad, but a small portion for 260. On top of that, they have FRENCH FRIES, not chips.

    I prefer the Laughing Leprechan with REAL chips and a simular piece of cod. IMHO it is cheaper and a little more tasty.

    Noticed a Fish and Chip shop on last visit inside the moat just opposite the UN Irish pub...dont look too bad ...any comments?

    I haven't been there for a couple of years, but I thought their fish and chips were terrible. Refried chips were the nastiest

    I checked out the Fisn N' Chip Shop a week ago. The place has been remodeled and has a new owner. The food was pretty good.

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