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Posts posted by Sabum

  1. Me and my friends lives in Thailand are so boring compared to yours Serpico...

    We should have a busmans holiday so i can see all these rogue things in Thailand first hand...because even after 10 years here its only ever vicariously through you and TV that i get to read about all this stuff.

    I'm sure it happens and i don't doubt anything you post or say :) however little me just living here with a normal Thai lass not involved in big business, building houses in the sticks etc never ever come across the problems and situations you do...

    How do you do it?

    You answered your own question there by stating you don't do anything of significance here in Thailand. Sitting around in shorts and a tank wearing flipflops drinking beer all day every day isn't going to involve you in Thailand in any way that you will be exposed to much at all.

  2. Just wear your ThaiVisa polo shirt.

    People will know that your relationship is real, you're obviously a wealthy professional and the missus is a Thai Chinese astrophysicist from the elite end of the society whom you met at the gates of Harvard University

    No looks of disapproval, only wais and people falling over themselves to help you.

    ThaiVisa shirt : Never leave home without it. :)

    I logged on for the first time in ages just to say this.

    You have been using the same joke for years, over and over, does it not EVER get boring? Have you no life outside waiting for an opportunity to say the same thing yet again on these forums?

  3. The big concern in my eyes is that when these devious farang backpacker types get wind of the kind generosity of the Thais in this article, they might be lining up to get arrested under the hopes of receiving media attention and a free ticket home.

    As my final post on Thaivisa I'd just like to say that you: JohnGotti/TonySoprano are a silly monkey.

    I have a bunch of big projects coming up and I need to kick my Thaivisa addiction, goodbye cruel world.... lol


  4. I have had an epiphany... I cant believe I have discovered one of the worlds greatest secrets and answer to all the worlds problems. BAD parents don't understand they are BAD! They don't connect their BAD kids with the BAD way they raised them. Oh my god! How can this be!?

    Thought this was common sense but apparently not! lol unbelievable, people really dont take responsibility for their crap do they? Raise your dam_n kids right and they wont be bad or naughty. Connect the dots you simple mo'fakas.

  5. What are you flucking kidding me? Your 9 year old son is naughtier than a Thai boy and you wonder why? YOU RAISED HIM THAT WAY you silly ninny.... Having worked with children here for 5 years of every nationality, poor Thai kids are the best behaved, everyone else is a little monster with the exception of 50% of the Japanese kids and the few strict falang parents that raise good kids here.

  6. Maigo, my woman has to go to many factories, companies and offices and has seen it all over and over.

    :):D I know, she's different ! :D:D:D

    I have no idea why you said that.... guess its funny to a retarded person and I just dont get it. If by different you meant "manager of the SE Asian division and responsible for overseeing many foreign companies in Thailand" then yes she's different... she's also not Thai....

  7. Maigo, my woman has to go to many factories, companies and offices and has seen it all over and over. That list is simply true and widely accepted by foreigners that have Thai employees. No sense having a seizure and getting all angry at stating the facts of having Thai employees. There are good employees, but they are the minority. Not about the West is better or some guy running out of money (<deleted>?), its just the way it is. Why does it make you so angry if someone points it out?

  8. Soigirlhunter, how have you lived here for the amount of time you have and you dont even know this glaring part of Thai culture and behaviour? They often laugh or smile at bad mishaps even if they are the perpetrator. I don't like it, but it's what they do.

    True. Seldom if they are the victim however. Which may be telling.


  9. Soigirlhunter, how have you lived here for the amount of time you have and you dont even know this glaring part of Thai culture and behaviour? They often laugh or smile at bad mishaps even if they are the perpetrator. I don't like it, but it's what they do.

  10. Uppity is definately racist, if you said it around a black American you would expect a fight. Just because its not used that way in the UK doesn't make it sound any less racist to a black American, you could quickly try to blurt out that you are just an ignorant Brit who doesnt really mean anything bad but that might take too long and you'll find yourself picking your teeth up off the floor.

  11. I'm pretty sure its just one standard charge of approximately 3 baht per unit..... HOWEVER, your apartment can and will charge you another rate so they can skim some for themselves, for instance, my lovely apartment charges 7 baht per unit! MORE THAN DOUBLE! I tolerate it because my rent hasn't gone up in 5 years and it is a very good price for the quality... just wish my 12k apartment didnt come with a 8k electricity bill..... I pay almost double the rent because of my electricity bill... amazing Thailand. Well I just count it as a 20k apartment, its still worth it, even for that price its the best quality I've found even for places costing close to 40k.

  12. It's a learning experience.....after 8 yrs, I'm still learning, but are they learning??

    Not very much....

    Dude you havent learned a dam_n thing, not even a tiny bit. You are not supposed to be giving money to anyone outside your immediate family. You seem so concerned people will think you are a cheap charlie, this is just propaganda other fat old men tell eachother to justify their paid for relationships. Its all bullshit and all you need to do is keep your way too young wife happy, everyone else is not your concern.

  13. "Do you know WHY most Thais wouldn't bother to stop and help regardless of any accidents sometimes? They ARE afraid that things will get turned around and they are the one who will get the blame who caused the accident."

    This is the stupidest thing I have ever read on Thai Visa.

    John, you don't know what you are talking about and are completely wrong, sorry to inform you.

  14. Just got in from Battlefield Bangkok myself. Great store, nice falang owner that is very knowledgeable about his products. Picked up a game but wanted to buy them all....lol. If anyone lives in the On Nut area and likes these kinds of games let me know.

  15. Like i said earlier, it is a national passtime but lets call it policy: to cover up murders of foreigners and muddle the facts of foreigners killed by Thai mistakes and incompetence. Make it look like a suicide if possible, accident that can be blamed on the victim at the least. If anyone missed it, the authorities have already been telling local newspapers NOT TO PUBLISH THE STORIES ABOUT THESE DEATHS, as it would hurt tourism, can you believe this crap?

  16. Everyone needs to read up on Thai history. You will quickly see the truth, and that is that the military has always controlled the country since the end of the total monarchy in 1932. Of course they cant be prosecuted, they are in charge.

  17. I still say, whether these containers were dropped off a container ship, fishing boat, pontoon, barge or warship there would have been so many people involved in filling the containers, loading them on a vessel and dumping them at sea you just could not keep the story secret.

    Just wonder if it was the Khmer Rouge when the killing fields got full?

    Did anyone watch this program? I saw part of it - I did not see any skeletal remains, they did dive down to a container. I did not watch all of it though so maybe missed something?

    I remain a skeptic. There have no doubt been some very bad things done here I'm sure - I just know that containers falling off ships is not really rare and fisherman would find more fish around them since the fish like the structure. A container can sink like a rock or float awhile depends on the contents - right?

    You guys need to brush up on your recent Thai history. 1976 entire special military units and "others" murdered, raped and mutilated the bodies of an unknown amount of young university students that were protesting peacefully. People think several hundred. Basically covered up as no one has been held accountable and yet many witnesses and people involved. 1992 military opens up machine gun fire on groups of thousands of peaceful protestors, no bodies? 2003 three thousand murdered in the drug war.... are all bodies accounted for? Doubtful. What you guys need to understand is this is a repetitive theme and its easier to try and cover things up and forget about it when there is no evidence and no bodies.

  18. Never having been to the Philipines lol but having dated 3 Canadian Philipinas and almost marrying one after being with her for 6 years... well yes they are really passionate and ya crazy comes to mind thinking of all 3. I still fantasize about sex with my Philipina exes.... while living in Thailand and dating Japanese! I got issues.

  19. So you know all of this and yet you decided to stay in the country anyway? Either you are not very bright or you are just making up these phony stories.

    If you all think KSR /Bangkok is so dangerous than you have been living in a cave. The bottom line, if you don't look for trouble in Thailand, the likelihood of finding it is slim.

    Completely false, it seems like you who has been living in a cave. Neither I, my girfriend or any of our friends has gone looking for trouble but the most brutal trouble has found us anyway. Your logic is that bad things happen to bad people, ridiculous.

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