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Posts posted by Sabum

  1. When i moved here 3 months ago, my wife and her sister sat me down and told me i can have girls on the side. I was in shock.

    In the US my wife was VERY jealous and possessive.

    The only stipulation which they harped on endlessly was "no take girl our condo". I asked why and the sister explained in

    great detail of how my wife would lose face if the neighbors saw me with a girl.

    Since then she caught me once with a girl inside our place (her job takes her away for days at a time) but didnt freak out, she

    just told the girl you can see my husband but dont come my baan. The girl was shi tting her pants as my wife walked in with

    2 of her friends. My wife offered her a drink after and we all went for a swim in the pool. It was surreal. I expected WW3. The

    poor thai girl couldnt believe it, she was stunned. She was nervous going in the pool lol.

    We are planning on moving soon and my wife seems not to care if i have girls over. I am guessing she thinks she will never see

    these people/neighbors again so who cares. But talking with her about our new place she is already on me about no girls.

    YEEESH...... they explicitly said DONT bring a girl to the condo and you do (neighbours see) and 2 FRIENDS WALK IN with your wife!?!? Doesn't get any more loss of face than that man..... big mistake. Now you are moving to correct the situation.... try not to make her want to move every month eh? Seriously, she gives ONE restriction and you cant abide by it... some people.

  2. In my view there is no perfect system .

    And look at the law system in your country .. which is badly tinted by the rich .. who can buy time and using all kinda under hand tatcic to win the law suit .

    here in thailand is more basic ..


    go read about the part about the death of common sence .

    this is thailand . and so far the law work fine for many people . why do change it just to suit your mindset .

    Law is made to protect and help people . but in recently years it had been used heavily by huge company as tool and mean to ding into the pocket of the poor .


    anyway . i think there is no fair trail any where in the world .

    and the idealogy of a perfect system is just navie

    I think your complete perspective on the Thai justice system is naive. if you are rich you are innocent, if you are poor or foreign and forgot to bribe then you are guilty, is this what you meant by "so far the law work fine for many people"?

  3. I beg to disagree. You step on me, I cut your leg.

    Or at least PEE on your leg!

    I am not advocating attacking people, but confronting them yes, if it turns violent that is a rare chance, most people are cowardly and when confronted immediately back down, at least in my experience.

    My nurse friend was totally and visibly hurt and upset when she was called a hooker, how is it this <deleted> right to make people sad and unhappy for no reason? And I'm supposed to ignore that?! NO WAY. Absolutely DONT deserve my penis if I ignored her hurt feelings by some bastard. I verbally jumped on the guy right away and he quickly apologised. If a man cant do this much well...... dayum.

  4. Toneh... while I appreciate your direct way of writing from time to time this thread could also be titled: "Seriously, <deleted> why am I so simple minded?"

    You do not see a difference between media manipulation and buying votes? Sorry to hear that.

    Hey Friday, playing any good games lately? Tony's not simple minded, just a victim of young brain, I had the same affliction 10 years ago.

  5. The best response would be to completely ignore them. Not even turn the head or look at them. They were expecting some kind of reaction. What ever that would be, they would have more fun. If the OP and his wife would act as they were not present, they would feel like fools.

    How is that the best response? That is what most people do no? Because most people are pretty cowardly really, sorry but that is cowardly to me. I wouldn't even be able to look my woman in the eyes if I couldn't stand up for her.... They were not expecting a reaction, they were expecting everyone to do what they normally do which is ignore them and let them abuse and insult everyone freely because most people don't have any balls.

  6. Wow what a bunch of tards in this thread. This HAS happened to me and one of my old girlfriends (she's a nurse, wouldn't even know how to dress sexy and yet someone called her a hooker) I demanded an apology to her on the spot (she got it immediately) and was fully prepared to knock him out. How is defending the honour of someone I care about mean I have some sort of issue or problem? Rude scum need to know they cannot bully and abuse people lawlessly. The same thing would happen back home. Tards... the lot of you.

    What if he was a bodybuilder. Would you still have knocked him out?

    I'm a million times more worried about confronting a skinny Thai teenager than a falang who trains weights lol.

    Dave Im weird because I get all bent out of shape if someone is going to horribly insult me or mine? I think you guys are weird that just bend over and let everyone cross your boundaries... nutless, where have all the real men gone?

  7. Wow what a bunch of tards in this thread. This HAS happened to me and one of my old girlfriends (she's a nurse, wouldn't even know how to dress sexy and yet someone called her a hooker) I demanded an apology to her on the spot (she got it immediately) and was fully prepared to knock him out. How is defending the honour of someone I care about mean I have some sort of issue or problem? Rude scum need to know they cannot bully and abuse people lawlessly. The same thing would happen back home. Tards... the lot of you.

  8. Uh hello, this is Thailand guys lol. I watch soaps that have the BRAVEHEART or Lord of the Rings theme song among other crazy infringements. Thailand doesnt give a <deleted>.

  9. Thankyou so much! I'll go check them out as I am interested in all those kinds of games. Now uh..... where is Piyarom?

    Hi Sabum

    Piyarom is just before Sukhumvit 101/1, it's a large low level shopping park on the left. It's easy to see from the Sukhumvit and about 200metres after the new E11 BTS station. Entrance is directly from Sukhumvit



    Uhm holy <deleted>, thats right across the street from me almost. lol guess I'll go check that out soon.

  10. I think the opposite- Thais seem overly liberal with fashion. The stuff guy and girls get away with on the street is way more daring than what I see people doing in the West. sometimes i can't believe the kind of stuff my gf puts on, igh, especially those big moo-moo's that drap down from the breasts... lol, or 8 inch heels worn around just as casually as flip flops.

    Lol uh, only girls I see dressed like that are freelance ho's, my Thai giks wouldnt be caught dead.

  11. Look at it this way - The bar stool barristers might very well say some of the books I have are banned - certainly discussing some of them (and/or their contents) here on TV would warrant having the post closed/removed under the rules we signed up to (Hence no detailed discussion) - but of course that does not necessarily mean they are illegal books - Simply TV has rules have decided that some topics are not open for discussion here on this privately owned website. In general I agree with those rules and endeavor to abide by them - but they are not Thai law.

    My books have been declared to and cleared by Thai Customs - So I say they are not illegal (or rather they have been legally imported) - If you wish to start pointing the finger at the competence of the Thai Customs Officers .. well up2u.

    As you pointed out earlier, I do believe we foreigners should abide by the local laws - I believe I have done so.

    If you have evidence that I have not, then let's have it. Or alternatively you might admit not having evidence that I have in anyway broken Thai law.

    Im just pokin fun at you because people that believe in following the law no matter how outrageously unjust it is make me squirm with irritation lol. ESPECIALLY when the local authorities don't. No matter how religiously you follow the law here you can easily fall victim of it and have it used against you. Wrong place wrong time or even if you try to "do the right thing" as I have only to have the law turn around and try to be used against you just for being an honourable and righteous person.... This is the last country you can blindly follow the law and think you are safe from it.



    FINALLY! Someone with a proper edumacation that understands the joke.

    Lol I drink ALOT less that you I can bet my life on that.

    Don't bet your life on that, I'm sure your friends don't want to see you lying on your back reading the newspaper!

    No seriously, I could bet my life, my soul, whatever, pretty easy when you have never had a drink in your entire life. Next to me you are a raving alcoholic, but so is everyone else. Just really hitting this point home with ya since you chose to infer I have some sort of negative problem drinking in sleazy bars, no sleaze here mate, Im sleazeless. What about YOU?

    Lol you are a Scotian redneck, I frackin knew it.....God how can one part of Canada be so completely different from another, oh yeah, big country. Maybe you could get dah boys together after a few beers and all wear your red flannel lumberjack shirts and jeans and go over to the Philipinas place and put a little scare into her UNION style.

  13. They are also misdirected. Because, as I point out above what is banned and what is believed to be banned are not necessarily the same thing - and that puts aside any argument of is what is 'banned' actually illegal. As someone points out above, a lot of what seems to be banned is self censorship - I can give an example.

    I have a book 'The Cars that Ate Bangkok' by a guy called Philip Blenkinsop - When first published it got a lot of media coverage and was selling well in Thailand (It is a photo essay of the environmental, health, social damage being done by cars in Bangkok) - It does not paint a pretty picture.

    Next thing complaints are made by a few politicos that this is showing Thailand in a bad light and all of a sudden the book cannot be found - Not banned, simply pressure put on not to distribute the book.


    For the record. I recently imported all of my household belongings, including my books - an index of which was submitted with the inventory - Not smuggled in - Declared and cleared by Thai Customs.

    The accusation that I am somehow breaking the law is therefore unfounded.

    Lol lot of sidestepping and dodging, are your books banned or not?

    I wouldn't take the incompetence of Thai customs as the final say in whether a book is banned or not, they are bound to miss quite alot when they are so busy looking for things to extort you on (outrageous tax amounts).

  14. Books are not banned in Thailand.

    You are mistaken. There is a fairly large list of books banned in Thailand which I'm not going to list here due to LM issues regarding some of them, just Google it.

    I'm looking across at a bookcase that has a few of them .. they are among the most 'borrowed' books I have.

    On a seperate post ive seen you say that all Farangs should strictly adhere to the laws of Thailand and respect their laws no matter how stupid or irrelevant one personally judges them, otherwise they deserve the full force of the law thrown at them, or is this view selective.

    Heh is this true? Good call catching him on that one then.

  15. Why hire Thai woman" Because it is the right thing to do!! There are many qualified Thai woman but **** like you find your nannys at beer bars. "you watch as Thai nannys let kids run in traffic" and you say I'm a redneck, look in the mirror pal or maybe wait until your sober!!

    Lol I drink ALOT less that you I can bet my life on that. And I work with Nanny's I dont actually hire them and I don't go to beer bars since well, I dont drink and I dont fornicate with ho's. How am I the redneck for watching THAI NANNYS act so negligent as to let their foreign wards run around in traffic? How was I rednecking it up by witnessing that?


  16. Now I don't buy them because they are bloody awful quality, but I can see there's going to be a tea-money bonanza down Sukhumvit in the near future.

    Check again buddy, if you have an honest vendor and you request it he will only sell you perfect quality DVD's. I buy from the same vendor all the time and only get good DVD's.

  17. My G/F has already found another job--lucky for her there was no problems but I do know some of her friends are finding it hard to get employment. I think your missing the problem here -- working without a work visa--. I'm sure if they were to put an ad in looking for college grad Thai for the position there would have been many that would apply. But the ad was for a nanny and the pay was not suppose to 12,000 for a Thai but it was changed to get a Filipno. Before anyone posts I know this Filipno and I'm friends with her and others at my church. I'm happy that they have found a loop hole here in LOS to find employment but I know in my country their ass would be kicked out if they were working not paying taxes and sending that money out of the country.

    No its you thats missing the point here. Why hire a thai woman that is less qualified, doesnt speak english and who has a reputation for standing around with their finger in their nose and doing jack and <deleted> all day? Not to mention a propensity for stealing. I watch Thai nannys letting falang kids run in traffic!!!! A Philipina woman would have the dayum kid on a leash.

    You sound like a redneck.... DEY TOOK ARE JEEEEERBS!

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