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Posts posted by tommytouch

  1. You can get Marstons Pedigree in Tops, maybe not all Tops but certainly in my local branch on Ratchada. Decent beer, and the only English real ale I've seen in the shops. Can't remember the price, about B130 I think. The Australian ale Coopers isn't too bad either and pretty widely available in Bangkok. I've also seen Murphys, in Central Chitlom I think.

  2. Although I am biased I have to say that the best pizza is at The Duke's Emporium. Best pizza I have ever had. Thin crust, Chicago style, thin crust.

    Why are you biased? Because you're from Chicago, because you have something to do with The Duke's or both?

  3. The Angelini pizza sure does look good, although I'm not too sure about the careless cheese distribution (and it isn't cheap at that restaurant). For delivery I'm happy with Pizzanotti or Basilico, but need to try Scoozi too.

  4. Yes, actualy of Burmese origin I believe, as Hardie said, which makes sense given it's un-Thai-like taste, a bit like massaman curry in the South (if you haven't tried that you certainly should). Whenever we ate kao soi in Chiang Mai it was always proceded by a plate of chicken satay, I'm not sure if this is standard practice or unique to that particular (incredibly busy) restaurant. My ex told me the Chiang Rai version is different from Chiang Mai's and superior (yes, she's from Chiang Rai). It's great with other meat too, but I'm not sure I'd describe it as being a "light" dish. But I think your best, and probably most convinient bet is the food courts. Good luck, and try not to get any on your shirt!

  5. Yep, in whole form 'Spices R Us' at the Rembrandt has it (accessible from sois 18 and 20 I think), as does a small shop about half a kilometer down Sukhumvit 23 on the right. There's also places around the Pahurat Indian community area, obviously. I'm pretty sure I've also seen it in ground form at Villa near Sukhumvit 33, presumably any other Villa too, and probably Foodland as well. Get looking n cooking.

  6. When incoming travellers have arrived, gone through immigration, customs etc is there the option of turning either left or right before getting to the unrestricted public area, or does everybody come out the same way? I think the left or right option was the case at Don Muang, making it awkward if you needed to meet someone there, a hotel limo driver for example.

    Thanks for any help (from someone with a better memory than me!)

  7. Ok, thanks.

    The plantains I'm used to are basically big green bananas, and generally treated more like a potato than a fruit.

    I've never searched for them but don't recall seeing them anywhere here.

    Wil have to search the markets, and if no luck then find the next best thing. :)

  8. Considering you'll probably be flying in to Bangkok you should definitely spend a decent amount of time there. Endless things to see and do, more so than anywhere else, for obvious reasons. Personally though I'd go to more than just one place. I always suggest Bangkok, a beach and Chiang Mai, but as you've already done that you could maybe take a cheap flight to another country in the region. Phnom Penh, Luang Prabang, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh..... Somewhere no more than a couple of hours away.

  9. Yep, that's the place, on the left just before you enter the main building. I didn't have a detailed look around but they seemed to have all the classic ingredients needed for Indian cooking. One of the reasons I mention any places around Sukhumvit is because they're convinient for me and I want them to get business so that they don't close (as you mentioned does happen) :D

  10. I'm thinking about using my airmiles to get an upgrade on EVA, moving up from economy to Elite Class, BKK - LON. What I'd like to know is if there's much difference in quality - basically is it worth paying an extra £150 (roughly B15,000) to to move up from economy to Elite Class (only one leg of the journey)?


  11. Hi

    I recommended a good little place for buying ingredients for cooking Indian food a while back, on Sukhumvit soi 23. A few days ago I found another shop. It's under the Rembrandt hotel, Sukhumvit soi 20 (dont remember the name, Spice something). Convinient if you live around the area.

    I also had a good Indian veg meal at Red Chilli in the soi opposite, behind Basilico. I'm no expert but it was filled with Indian families and there were people waiting for seats, so..... It works on a swipe card system like many food courts do. You'll need to know your Indian food names though as there's no descriptions of the dishes (or you could just ask the staff). There's also a place upstairs serving meat dishes. Note: I don't think they serve beer.

  12. A bit late but for the previous poster, and anyone else who might see this, I did get the 30 day extension. And to my surprise no overstay fine! I don't know if it's standard procedure or whether the official was just in a good mood but there were no problems and no questions asked. Obviously I was very polite and didn't go down there dressed like an idiot (unlike one particular desperado that was witnessed). Maybe it had something to do with the fact that my visa expied on a weekend, when they're closed, as someone suggested....... or maybe it was the bottle of black label (joke). Good luck to anybody in the same situation :)

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