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Posts posted by RakJungTorlae

  1. I think your friend has made a wise choice. Its very hot this year and running around Asia looking for jobs and supporting ones self is not much of a life. and a university degree would be much more useful then a TEFL.

    Alot of people are fed up with the immigration policies

    if one is retired here and settled in well, or one is working for a international company or really dose have a good English teaching qualifications and teaching at a good school then one should have no problem in residing in Thailand for the time being.

    other then that people tent to walk on thin ice around here.

    i like my job and i have behaved my self for the last few years and made some wise investment choices well lucky really. and now im looking at Australia or U.S to reside in. I think Thailand is digging a hole for its self slowly. and a another personal option is i think its kind of a shit hole.

  2. I dont get it. what dose one fail in Thailand? fail the exams for being thai? or fail at building a life in 3rd world developing country? I work on the border aran/poipet. and trust me a over night drvie in to siam reap just for fun, we packing heat!!

    Malaysia and Singapore are not cheap. the Philippians is improving and there police force doing a half descent job on crime. I did say half descent. but dont go walking around the slums at night too.

    Vietnam is a nice holiday but its quite boring.( my opinion anyway).

    All of these country's do have expats and im sure some are very happy. i know a few in each.

  3. yay im post 100!!!!

    edit.. Crap mist it by that much!!!

    when i was 21 i was on a date and then i stood up form the seat we where sitting to stretched my legs and my then out of nowhere my gf came and sat down next to her with this strange grin on her face.

  4. Good one sub! You coursed a international incident. Just finished reading how you burnt your ass on ur bike. That would have been hilarious but good thing you’re not hurt.

    I wouldn't know much to what there thinking all the time but they do take a very aggressive approach to most things in life with pride and arrogance.But they are hospitable as well. There not

    so much different form the Chinese, but they will believe they are 1000 times better. My guess to what they think of Thais are there beneath them.

    last Russian i spoke too said to a group of Taiwanese tourist " hows the weather in japan" replyed back where Taiwanese, the Russian said. same thing and walked away. LOL

  5. I think some people need to stop being so up their own arse!

    If a farang wants to sell durian at a market and another farang wants to sell bloody cupcakes at a stall then let them! It doesn't even matter about their age or background! If the Thai people don't give a shit, why do you? Is it hurting your pride to think that a white person is lowering themselves to a working class level in Thailand?

    Without knowing the background of why they were particularly selling at a market, you don't really have any leg to stand on and make a judgement. They could have had a work permit, they might own a business. They could be covering for a Thai friend etc etc. The reasons are endless and you'll never know unless you ask them directly.

    If you were to take a poll, 9 out of 10 Thai's would describe these people as "farang kee nok".

    Alien Working Act 2008:

    Penalties applicable to foreigners working without work permits:

    - fine from 2,000 baht to 100,000 baht, and/or

    - imprisonment, and/or

    - deportation

    - prohibition from reentering Thailand.

    Where you get those numbers from? most people i know would not think like that if they had a respectably tidy stall "farang kee ngok" is a stingy dirty like hippie. All though selling durian is quite odd the cupcake idea might be a hit.If you noticed Thailand is not so bent on small rules( mr meaner for a small stall don't think cops would waist there time) . And there are such people these days as Western-Thai. they are a Cambodian visa agent worst nightmare a westerner with a Thai passport.

  6. instead of posting a new thread ill continue here. My brother 25 and hes gf will visit Phuket on Thursday and stay in some hotel in patong, its hes first trip to Thailand and i am quite worried about hes safety. hes lived quite well protected life due to hes job and wealthy, as he is will be a tourist there i told him ill drive down and keep an eye out and he said no as he will be with hes gf and we will hangout in Bangkok, and he said he will not carry money around . so respecting hes wishes.

    ive never been to Phuket , as i work for a casino in poi-pet im strongly connected in Bangkok and there has been my home since a teenager, but seriously i know nothing about phuket.

    i know i might be over reacting and petty crap goes down all the time. but hes my brother and i don't want to see him upset or beyond that.

    so any strong advice i can give him or should i still go down and hang around close by?

    BTW my cousin love phuket but gets hes dumb ass in to all sorts of trouble. he finds a away to clean it up him self while giving me a headache and making a few calls here and there. so he might make me feel a bit edgy

  7. Once again its just not Thailand that is infected by Korean culture, Korea over the past few years has put in tremendous effort to export there culture and entertainment. Why i find it very funny that Korea still points its nose up at mostly poor country's, but whatever its just business.

  8. i dunno what it is about drum and base but when i hear 5 seconds of it i vomit, i just push straight through like morning sickness for a woman and out it comes even im sober. like my kryptonite or something

  9. i sometimes wear a thin light jacket. dunno how it works but i do get cold in the shade and have one near by before entering a air con area. if i forget it and start to freeze my ass off i call it a lose and get back in to warmer areas.

  10. I know a few youngsters (Thai) who have done time for drug dealing, there per-day profit was an eazy 20K baht. there are some who can push alot more. i my self use to buy E, ice, ect and i don't blame a drug dealer for selling it to me. why should i? my choice,

    my philosophy on the matter is that there is a large demand and for the people selling it would be like a same greedy addiction with cheap thrills as winning at the casino. easy money with an edge of going bust.!

    As to westerners selling drugs in pattaya, well the sun there just fries your brain.

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  11. it depends on the Sitcho.. if they will take it to court. i payed 20K few months back for over the limit, but was released before court. few guys in line where waiting for court cases and seemed to be in deep shit.

    i think the right way to go is.. is to pay 30K! go to court, get 20 K back, and then whatever penalty the judge has to give is. ive herd of both.. deporting and or community service.

  12. Who's that?

    Titanium, saw them in London in the summer....not my kind of music but not a band bunch of lads!

    sorry it took 4 years to reply. but this is like looking at a really bad photo.. funny though in 2010 i worked with these guys for a bout a year at the club i used to work. bunch of knobs if ya ask me.

  13. I suspect many of the guys who think all Thai women are bad came to Thailand because their mate down the pub told them that Thai women are all perfect. Their mate probably told them that Thai women all look like dolls, enjoy doing household chores and live to serve their husband (like a slave treats their master) regardless of how ugly, smelly, fat, drunken and socially inept he may be.

    These guys are obviously in for a shock when they find out that Thai women are actually all unique human beings with independent thoughts (and desires) and, of course, imperfections. Also, it doesn't help that the guy's mate from the pub told him that, to find a Thai wife / girlfriend, he just needs to go to a strip club in Phuket and buy the one with the best body.

    It is a very small minority that females in this country are out to cheat farang. unfortunately its a large migratory of farang that like to follow in each others foot steps.

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