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Posts posted by RakJungTorlae

  1. Thai, veits, Philippines, Turks, Lebanese. All fight in groups. Just there mental state of mind, if one feels threaten then the brothers helps out.

    You guys don't have any friends.

    Street fighting is never fair anyways. It's all about how fast you can injure the other person and get away before the cops come.

    What I am curious to know if the Alfa of the group has been out beat and taken down, witch cultures and ethnic groups stay and fight and who run away. This separates the men form the mice or brave form stupidity.

  2. Yes, amusing. It belongs in the joke section of this forum. Unbelievable crock to me. Wonder how drunk the OP was when he wrote it.

    My thought exactly and I wonder how long it has taken him to discover 'real' Thailand.

    He has been living in a bubble and it only takes one prick to burst your bubble.

    Dave (nr Buriram)

    Kind of like a blow up doll!. how drunk was he when he wrote it?? how dunk do you have to be to confuse them to real people!? only the OP know.

  3. Some toms can be very charming in the eyes for thais, I have lots of tom friends and I must say they can be very witty and still girlish even though around me “oh my god look at that doll its so cute” and then a hot girl walks past they shouting “where you going sweetie” and I have never seen a negative response from the girls they holler at. But a lot of them grow out of it and end up marring and having a family. It’s a long term fad for some, but real lesbians will just continue that way of life.

    But as I always say now and will continue to say, DON’T DRINK THE WATER!!!

  4. The "REDS" (leaders) are nothing but "TERRORISTS".......... same as BIN LADIN, nothing more - nothing less............. think about it and if you cant figure it out, then go ahead and think that they have a cause and say good things about them......... "Taksin's Puppets" and Bin Ladin's kin-folk..................

    midlife crisis?

  5. hel_l no, you did the right thing. If they wanted to be so petty as to ripp off customers like that then they should have a sign clearly posted, saying "No ice XX baht extra charge" cheap ass bastards.

    lol..Flight the power.

    I think to myself if I could start any business 10 years ago I would have got in to the ice business. Even the company I work for now makes a killing of ice per date. Around 20K baht per-day more or less and this is not including the mark up on mixes Pepsi, soda and water. But I really know cinemas in Thailand are not making their profit from there snack bar.

  6. The machine is set to fill it at that percent. Next if he did it again it would over flow. <snip>

    So how does it work at KFC? They push the button a couple of times to give me an ice-free full glass.

    The ones in fast food joints around are press to your satisfaction the option is not on the Major and SF Cineplex beverage machines. If they did do it for it would overflow or just take it away and let it go in the catcher part. To my knowledge too Major and SF have not a very good business relation with Coke or Pepsi or both and the syrup mix is quite expensive.

  7. A-hole. :D

    So what movie did you watch? Was it any good? Did you make a move on the lucky lady? :D Are you going to make half asian half thai babys? :):D

    Avatar 3d and it was good. No didnt make a move on the lady. Already made half asian half thai baby.

    Anymore questions while were at it?

    no more questions. But you should relax and help them not to lose face. they make crap money and it might come out of their pay if there is a lose somewhere.. so next time just chill. Perhaps some ice will help :D

  8. Try going to Australia & asking for ice in your beer. Those who ask such are deemed as "fairies".

    BTW, it's not whinny....it's whiney.

    Aussie drink anything with alcohol in it then turns in to ferries , thanks for the educational grammar lesson Skippy.

    Here's another one for you loverboy;

    ferry noun

    /ˈfer.i/ n [C] (also ferry boat)

    a boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles across an area of water, especially as a regular service.

    You really are a strange person :)

    I corrected it already. 2 bad you court it 1st. oh well I snooze I lose!!!!....

  9. Try going to Australia & asking for ice in your beer. Those who ask such are deemed as "fairies".

    BTW, it's not whinny....it's whiney.

    Aussie drink anything with alcohol in it then turns in to fairies , thanks for the educational grammar lesson Skippy.

  10. The machine is set to fill it at that percent. Next if he did it again it would over flow. They say if u don't want ice in your drink you are gay. Witch I think you are for posting this and waisting my time.

    Oh really? No ice in my drink means I'm gay? Never heard of that one before/

    Don't take it personally that you are stupid.

    Maybe your a regular here, but you sure dont make newcomers fell welcomed here. Posters like you redefines the word troll.

    A-hole. :D

    So what movie did you watch? Was it any good? Did you make a move on the lucky lady? :D Are you going to make half asian half thai babys? :):D

  11. LOSO Is the only musically talented Thai musicians I've seen so far. Everything ells sucks ass

    Although im a fan of RNB. They just can't cut the cake.

    Sounds like you have had little exposure to Thai music then. The main reason people like Loso is that he is a pale imitation of a western act, so seems familiar and safe.

    Well since I work for one of Bangkok biggest nightclubs and still quite a young lad I think it's a safe bet that I know of nearly every Thai musician mentioned on this thread.

    But you are right since I am quite young I am more in touch with the western acts and enjoy western music and not ready and don't think I ever will enjoy much Thai music.

    I know bird is a talented musician, but I am decently not a fan of he's.

  12. The machine is set to fill it at that percent. Next if he did it again it would over flow. They say if u don't want ice in your drink you are gay. Witch I think you are for posting this and waisting my time.

    Are you OK?


    LoL im A-OK!

    But you know I’ve stopped drinking coke and Pepsi after learning from YouTube it’s the best way to unblock a toilet that doesn’t flush.

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