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Posts posted by canopy

  1. On 8/25/2018 at 9:01 AM, Unify said:

    I'm considering a move to CR, largely because of better air quality, and any insight anyone has is appreciated.


    Never, ever consider moving to CR for the air or you will regret it. I was lucky enough to tour in CR during the burning season one time. I say lucky because I was able to see immediately it would be a mistake to try to live there and decided on another province. Visibility was not just low, in CR it was shocking as it impacted driving because you couldn't see that far in the distance. It was like a volcano had erupted nearby. Sometimes they have firetrucks roaming the streets spouting water to make small pockets of better air. At the hotel the room was closed with air conditioning on yet the air inside was sickening. We put sheets over our heads as a sort of face mask and still could hardly sleep. The next day we admitted it was the most difficult night of sleep in our lives. We rejoiced getting on a plane back to Bangkok because the air there was clean and nice compared to CR.


    I can't tell you which is worse, CM or CR but the important thing to remember is they both get very bad air along with the entire north of Thailand. The bad air impacts 100% of the population there. It may surprise some people how few months out of the year meet US EPA air quality standards and even Chinese tourists of all people have complained about the air. They are doing their best to hide the bad air by making a more forgiving "Thai scale" of air quality and resisting including PM 2.5 levels. Sadly there is no light at the end of the tunnel, no road map to clean air in the North of Thailand, no hope in our generation. A lot of threads are about buying air purifiers and leaving the area for health reasons. CR would be such a great area without this, but be warned if you go there for the air you will regret it.


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  2. Here is what I found regarding the move on the up side:


    His Majesty King Vajiralongkorn has donated the new site, which is about 300 rai of land and three times larger than the present zoo.


    The move ensures the animals will have a better environment and quality of life


    Consultant companies have already surveyed the area in order to make sure meet the international standard.


    And on the downside:


    At the end of this month, Bangkokians will bid farewell to Dusit Zoo, as the final curtain falls for the site, treasured by many not just as a recreational edutainment place, but also as a vast green space

  3. I found this interesting as maybe now every single circuit in a typical home should be protected by an RCBO?


    ...Refrigerators, surge-protection devices, electric motors, and many other devices have reported problems of excessively tripping the RCBO breaker when these items are in normal use.  It doesn’t take much of an imagination to understand the frustration of a home owner when they come home to find all the food in their refrigerator spoiled because of a RCBO tripping during normal operation.  However, modern refrigerators do not typically have this problem.  In fact, if you have a refrigerator built in the last 20 years or so, if it does trip the RCBO, it is probably more likely that there is a problem with the refrigerator than with the RCBO circuit.


    There are many scenarios where a hazardous electrical fault could be occurring on a refrigerator that did not trip a regular circuit breaker, which could have been stopped by a RCBO circuit.  The water lines feeding the refrigerator break, worn down electrical insulation, moisture accumulation, and any number of other electrical malfunctions could lead to such a scenario.  There is no doubt that your family is safer with a RCBO on their refrigerator, than they are without it.


  4. How is the new zoo they are building in Phatun Thani to replace the Dusit zoo different or better? And why did they decide they needed to move to a completely different facility instead of retrofitting Dusit?


    And why did they choose to close Dusit three years before its replacement will open? The public has no place to go for three years and the animals need moved twice. There must have been some reasoning for this right?


  5. 44 minutes ago, cracker1 said:

    And you trust a Thai Bank to take money from your account when they choose ?

    The legal form you sign guarantees consumer protection and I challenge you to show one case where a bank stole money from the consumer for a bill auto payment. My experience is the system is 100% safe, convenient, and reliable. I have all my bills set to auto payment and it feels terrific. I used to do this in the US and it is just as good here as it was there. Everyone wins. The bank has money in your account instead of being in your wallet, the utilities get paid on time every time, and you kick back and relax and do nothing every single month of every year. And there is no !@*# App. It's perfection.


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  6. I chose to setup auto payment with the bank, no App. Each month the PEA gets paid automatically without me doing anything. Works well. No app/phone stuff to deal with. Spam is becoming a real problem so the less tentacles you allow businesses to wrap around you the better. Allowing businesses to bombard you with annoying advertisements through SMS messages and Apps is awful. I just want my bill paid and to be left alone, thank you very much.


    • Thanks 1
  7. It is quite simply surreal. We know the farmers will continue over spraying to their heart's content, everyone is out there eating poisoned produce and fish, bathing in poisoned tap water, and getting sick and some dying from all the poison everywhere. Yet try to find someone who cares. The poison sprayers as well as the people living in the poison simply don't care at all. You can educate them and they still don't care. Same situation with the fire setters and the people living in the smog. Nobody cares.


  8. 4 hours ago, kannot said:

    is  that  before  or  after  they  solve  the  massive  labour  shortage  in  this market, Thais and  Burmese  dont  want  manual farm work anymore

    You keep dragging this gem into threads so maybe it's time someone says something practical about it. I understand that you personally have failed to find workers and for a farang I can appreciate that can be a difficulty. However, all around you are farms operating with an ample work force accepting a meager wage doing manual labor. No different than anywhere else in Thailand. So please stop with this nonsense about a so called labor shortage / no one doing manual labor anymore. This is just your way of trying to escape blame when really the problem lies solely with what you've failed to accomplish on your plot of land.


    • Haha 1
  9. These people deserve high commendation for proving so vividly and definitively that the tap water, the vegetables, the fish, everything is full of poisons that make people sick. Their report is the key to unlocking a path to a healthy place to live. But the public reaction? Nobody cares. I mean seriously, nobody cares. In light of this report they will all just keep spraying their chemicals, eating poisons, getting sick, and not caring one bit. Even the government official whose job was to be there didn't even bother to show up. He should be named and shamed.


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  10. 1 minute ago, AsianAtHeart said:

    Where do horses, oxen, and dogs belong? 

    The animals you speak of are domesticated animals. Elephants are not. They are wild animals. Huge difference.


    5 minutes ago, AsianAtHeart said:

    Being "wild" does not always equate with being "safe."

    No one said being wild is 100% safe for any animal, anywhere. What was said is elephants belong in nature with their family, not having their mom shot to death in front of them, taken to a cage, and tortured to teach them how to live with humans and spending the rest of their lives a slave in unhealthy conditions begging for pocket change to please man. There is no better example of animal cruelty than this.


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  11. 4 hours ago, mogandave said:

    Name calling, clever.


    There are no names being called here, but instead truths being told. I am simply making it clear to all that you make up something dumb, act like it was someone else's idea, then attack it for being a bad idea. I will continue to school you and call you out every single time you do this. If the truth makes you feel uncomfortable and it feels like people are calling you names, tough.


  12. 20 minutes ago, mogandave said:


    Yes, that’s what I want, a videotape to give to the police of someone raping my wife and daughter while I’m away for work...



    Dumb approach. That's why it is so important to get a camera with a sim card. Because once they are gone, forget it. The beauty of the camera approach is the police arrive as the thieves are breaking in / loading their truck with your stuff. And you have footage of the whole thing. So of course this approach is just too good, too cheap, and too easy for most people. So they continue to think of inferior ideas that cost more, are clumsy, and not as effective.


  13. Why on earth would anyone consider a dog which presents its own set of problems and limitations when you can easily throw the thieves in jail using a simple, cheap security camera? This is not medieval times. We live in the 21st century and you can choose something better than any gun or dog. A camera is like having someone there 24 hours a day 7 days a week that never sleeps, keeps perfect footage of everything that happens, and instantly gets the authorities. And the camera will do this perfect job every day of the year for free. This is just too good, too cheap, and too easy for some of you apparently and you need to think of dumber ideas.


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