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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. Quote

    Has the quality of air and air pollution become of a bigger issue in the last 2-3 years?




    (Well.. : bigger 'issue' in terms of awareness and attention: Yes, thankfully.  But has the air become worse:  No.)


    And also not in the last 20 years.   In fact it's getting a little better, very slowly.


    But looking at the last couple years, focusing on January-April mostly so that this year fits in the graph (April value is to-date) : 




    Or the long-term view: 




    So that goes back to 1996, more than 20 years.



  2. On 4/15/2018 at 3:01 PM, Cheesekraft said:

    Pm 2.5 over 200 during songkran...


    US AQI over 200 for several hours during Songkran. 


    (Not the PM2.5 value: the maximum hourly reading was 175 for Mae Rim, corresponding to an hourly AQI value of 225.)


    Daily average AQI during Songkran was 160 (13 April), 168 (14 April), 166 (15 April). 


    So that's quite bad.


    It's improving again though, for today I think we'll end up around 150 AQI


    BTW, this is an extremely interesting analysis of the initial improvement and then worsening towards Songkran the past days:  http://chiangmaiair.org/analysis-april2018event.html  


    • Like 2
  3. LOL.. This is a great one for the Silly Questions Facebook group..   EVERYWHERE will cool you down during Songkran; that's one of the things that makes it so great, with a cool beverage and frequent splashing you're more likely to get cold than hot.

  4. 17 hours ago, Ruffian Dick said:

    When I ride my bike across town, it's very obvious that there's little to no regulation of auto (or songthaew or tuk-tuk or motocy' for that matter) emissions. Thailand's auto emissions are enough to account for Chiang Mai's smog, especially when you take the area's topography into account.

    Then look at the charcoal fires that are lit on every street corner to cook moo ping and Thailand's beloved street food. You're choking on it.




    Hint 1: if it's all the cars then surely a place with minimal traffic would be much better right? (Wrong.)


    Hint 2: if it's all the cars then surely it would be just as bad or worse on work days during the school season right? (Wrong.)


    Note that I'm not saying that therefore hill tribe people are to blame, just that forest fires and agricultural fires are the cause.


    BTW, noticed that today is relatively better?  Big drop in fires in the region in the last 48 hours: 



    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, LolaS said:

    here are your facts

    No automatic alt text available.




    "Here are your facts", without indicating a source of the image, or what is being shown.  What period for example, and how does it change over time.


    I like the look of it though, what is the source?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Sparkles said:

    Your theory is flawed.Say a bike is left outside KSK and you attempt to take it but its left there as the person is inside shopping,I guess that could happen or the app would tell you .You cant draw a comparison with cars. Rent a car you take it back to a designated place, airport or agency and sign off with a full tank,you dont just leave it anyhwere ,totally different scenario which I thought would be obvious.Have rented many cars, one way, always told where to drop off


    Car rental companies are also experimenting with a similar model, where an app will tell you where a rental car is available.  Also unlocks with the app, and then you can drive it anywhere in town. 

  7. 13 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    30 microns compared to what levels in the rest of the house, or ambient air outside???



    60 or so.  It cuts it in half it seems, filtering out about 50%. 


    This morning with only 3M filters on the bedroom aircon it was around 45, and around 90 outside.   (My PM2.5 counter is likely not very accurate for the absolute value but it works well enough to see what is or isn't working to improve the air.)



    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    How many square meters is the room that you're filtering with the two different air purifier units (one designed for 33m2 and the other 23m2?



    Less, probably.  It's a regular sized bedroom in a house, with attached bathroom that has a door with vents in it. And a bunch of windows all around. It may be around 20 square meters or so.

  9. 30 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I should have suggested this earlier, but will add it now.


    For anyone with a PM2.5 sensor and an air purifier, one way to focus on the output of the purifier -- and minimize external factors like the outside air quality and air-tightness of your living space -- is to take the sensor and place it right up against the clean air output of your purifier. And hold the sensor there to take a reading(s).


    That ought to provide a pretty clear picture of just what kind of output the purifier itself is producing.



    Yes, or move it to a really small room; holding it exactly where the air blows out I'm not sure if I'm screwing things up by having air that moves to fast through the sensor.


    As for the results... just an air conditioner with 3M material on it I can expect something like 30-35 ug/m3 PM2.5 for my bedroom. (without any sealing of anything done, two big closed windows.)   If I put a Toshiba air purifier in the same room then it's single digits quickly with a unit designed for 33m2 rooms, and taking a longer time for around 15 ug/m3 readings for a unit for a 23m2 room.   (Although if I put the smaller capacity unit on maximum then it too gets the concentration down to single digits.)


    Right now isn't a great time to do tests though because the outside air is a bit too good.   We urgently need a bad spell. :)

  10. On 3/9/2018 at 10:51 PM, mat999 said:

    Chiang Mai was far worse than any Chinese city the other day according to Citylife


    Yeah, they were wrong.  Their reporting is really not very good on this topic.


    But it was a relatively less bad day in those Chinese cities that are on that list.  Which doesn't mean that Chiang Mai gets anywhere close to those places in China and India using any kind of period to compare.   So quite misleading overall.  (Actually there were other areas in Thailand that were worse on that day.)

    • Like 2
  11. 3 hours ago, balo said:

    You should all evacuate CM and head south to the coast .  Think about your health, you only live once. 


    How about you..? So far in February Chiang Mai has remained better than been about the same as Bangkok.  (And Pattaya wasn't great either.)


  12. 4 hours ago, mikey88 said:

    The long term effects of the PM 2.5 exposure is what I’m personally concerned with.

    My Thai partner was using a mask that was useless for 2.5 ....didn’t know.


    The Aqicn.org site has an article linked on different models.   It's probably not useless though, even plain surgical masks help somewhat.   Also.. don't go overboard with getting the strongest filtering kind because they can be difficult to breathe through, which then leads to not using them.  


    3 hours ago, kenk24 said:

    I am in Cm now and would not have even suspected there was a problem. 


    By local standards it's pretty okay.  It could be better though, if you suddenly get a really clear day after the winds change or a rain storm then you do notice the difference. (In terms of visibility and air clarity.. I cannot comment on health impact from personal experience as I don't have symptoms even during the worst of it.  That said, lower pollution levels is always better, of course.


    2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    I have always heard that CM has had a smoke issue.


    The whole of Thailand has a smoke issue when people burn things.  (Impact from nearby sources).  The whole North and North East (and the wider region into nearby countries) has a particulate matter pollution issue part of the year at the end of the dry season. While the cause is smoke from forest fires and agricultural burning, it doesn't smell particularly smoky. (More dusty..)


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