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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. On 1/12/2018 at 10:32 AM, Mark1066 said:

    What if you leave the country and come back to the same address in Thailand, less than 24 hours after you left?


    Then you will have a new Arrival/Departure card number, and your landlord needs to resubmit your TM30 form.

  2. 12 hours ago, sfokevin said:

    I’m curious... If someone has not been in compliance and wants to register... could they not just sign a new rental lease with their landlord and then have the landlord go and apply for the TM30?


    You don't even need to show a rental agreement or lease contract.  Keep in mind that this is just the basic reporting of where a foreigner is, same as what hotels do.  Hotels also don't worry about where tourists have been before they show up on their doorstep; they don't care and it's not expected of them.


    8 hours ago, rumak said:

    a much nicer way to put it is :   Immigration CM will see that you had no previous record of reporting

    your address (TM 30) and fine you.   Going to a hotel for a few nights will also not work as they will

    see when you first entered the country .... Can always try, but few win.


    Like others have said, you're not the one reporting.  I also doubt they check as long as you're not on overstay, etc.   "A hotel will see when you first entered the country"... yes they will.  So?    Ever been quizzed at a hotel where you were before and providing a full list?  Hotels can't see this information even if there were several other hotels or landlords who did a TM30 report on you.


    6 hours ago, sfokevin said:

    If the Thai owner shows up at Immigration with a completed TM30 and a lease that was executed in the last 7/days would it not be accepted without a fine?...


    The Thai owner needs to report within 1 day, not 7 days.   And the lease has nothing to do with it, you can lease something anytime, but as soon as a foreigners stays at a place then a TM30 report must be made before the end of the next day.  


    4 hours ago, narkeddiver said:

    My brother in law owns a guesthouse


    When he does the reporting for his guests about half the time Immigration try and sting him for guests who haven’t had a TM30 since they’ve been in the country


    That's very strange. Are you sure you understood correctly?  It's not the hotel's responsibility to check on where guests may have been before walking in the door.


    1 hour ago, narkeddiver said:

    He has asked about using the online service but they told him it wasn’t worth it for him as he only has 9 rooms - I’ll get him to ask again when he goes out there next


    That's also very strange. I know of a place with 4 rooms that reports online just fine.   As with many bureaucracy-related things though: it often depends on who you ask.  But 9 rooms is plenty, that's several new guests every day.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    The failure rate of new business start up in the West is roughly 90% within 5 years, since hardly anyone here makes business plans I would hazard a guess that the failure rate here is over 95% within two years.


    I think business plans (for new businesses) are overrated.  People make business plans mostly when they need something:  investment, a loan, pass some regulatory hurdle, apply for a subsidy, etc.  Then they get on Excel and do 5 year projections with graphs that go 'up', based on source data extracted from their hopes & dreams.


    Everyone else in small business just gets started and sees if there actually is a viable business or not.  If yes then great and do the paperwork. If not then no worries and try something else.  This by the way is exactly how most Thai people do it.  It's very Darwinian and I kind of like it.


    6 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    About the only shop that got the coffee and cakes bit right is Love at First Bite in Watkate and he spent 30 years in the US before returning home to start the place.


    15 or so years ago when they opened you'd be right.  Now there are lots of good places, and far better than Love at First Bite.  (E.g. l'Opera, the Dhara Dhevi bakery and many others.)  Even many of the hole in the wall coffee shops do surprisingly good. 


    7 hours ago, sanemax said:

    I dont know how much you know about Thailand , but businesses operate quite different here to back home , for example , when you buy a business, like a bar , you dont actually buy the business outright , you do not buy the actual land the bar is sitting on , you have to pay a monthly rent for the bar and land , so, you are not actually buying the bar, you are just buying the lease .


    Yes, unless of course you don't, and start a new bar on a property you rent or secure otherwise.  It rarely makes sense to buy an existing bar, mostly because the owner persists in thinking that it's worth more than the furniture and appliances.  (Spoiler Alert: it isn't.)


    (That said, it also rarely makes sense to start a bar, period. :)  But taking over an existing bar with the whole key money spiel is downright insane. )


    6 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

    There was such a coffee and cake place, can't recall the address, but it was in vicinity of Chiang Mai Gate Hotel, run/owned by a Japanese woman, but it didn't last long.   It was a shame because the coffee was great and cakes/pastries also very good.


    It's still very good.  It's named Baan Bakery. And now it's just down the soi from where they were, down Suriyawong Road Soi 1, past the new "BED" hostel at the end of that soi.


    The old place is now a Halal restaurant that puts too much salt in their food.


    On 1/7/2018 at 8:21 AM, Ulysses G. said:

    The smokey season has almost never bothered me much and a lot of other expats feel the same. However, there are a lot of others who are really made uncomfortable during those months. 


    And then there are those who make others uncomfortable even before those months with non-stop whining about it, after they find out that Asia's air doesn't resemble that of a Norse fjord, most of the time.


  4. On 1/1/2018 at 1:46 PM, chingmai331 said:

    I am surprised at how far Riverside is from nearest moat corner.  Yes, 3km.  


    I'm not; it's clearly WAY out, pretty much as far as the Canal Road condos. 


    I think the OP started out making a lot of sense to limit it to 1km from the moat. (Or even better: 1 km from Thapae Gate: being close-ish to Suan Dok gate still means you have another 1.6km to go before you get to Thapae for example.)


    It's very puzzling why so many condos are built WAY out, where land prices aren't even all that high.  A condo needs to be IN THE CITY, otherwise the proposition doesn't work anymore. (Foregoing space, a garden, etc., but you get to walk out the door and be in town.  If you walk out the door and you're not in town then you're not doing it right.)


    Anyway, 1km from the moat in any direction there aren't all that many.


    It's something like this area: 



  5. On 12/17/2017 at 6:56 AM, Ricardo said:


    Just spotted a report that Cathay will start direct non-stop to IAD/Dulles from HKG in 2018  ...




    Hope it may help the OP or others ?


    I saw that too, but the flight gets in at 10:20pm.  That makes it extremely difficult to get a connection anywhere else, or even to drive places after renting a car.   So will have to keep flying into JFK, where you can arrive in the morning.


    (There are a few things I avoid at all costs on US trips and one of those is spending a night at a hotel near major airports.  The other thing is cross country domestic flights.)


    1 hour ago, bubba said:

    UA are in the process of a total upgrade to their business class, which they call Polaris. From the looks of it, they will definitely give Emirates a run for their money.


    Will they change all their staff too?   Because that's an even bigger challenge they have, and the main impediment to an enjoyable trip.

  6. That building has been a ruin for as long as I can remember.   Clearly they're going to turn it into an actual condo or hotel now (probably condo) but I'd be a little concerned about the structural integrity of a building that's been sitting open and exposed for decades.


    Good location though for once; most condos get built way out in desolate places.. (that's not what condo living is supposed to be like..)

  7. 44 minutes ago, Bigfarang1948 said:

    Seats removed to reduce congestion?  Help me understand how removing seats is going to lessen the number of sardines in these cans? It seem logical, to me, at least, removing seats just lets more people crowd in and pack cheek to cheek, if you get my meaning. Oh well. Maybe I am sleepy or missing the real logic here.  ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ



  8. 19 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

    Very well then l'd rather not have any "interracting" consisting of calling people names and mischaracterizing posts. A negative social phenomena associated with personality disorder and against the forum rules!




    Agreed; you were politely stating your views.  Correct or incorrect, if that's a ground for blocking someone *and then telling someone you're blocking them* (which contrary to popular belief is not required to complete the process) then that's indeed entering into areas of psychological interest.    


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