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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. Against forum rules.. Will be closed in a second.

    Phone backups are good. (Sync to Outlook, etc.)

    Alternatively you could perhaps request your phone records to see any calls.

    Failing that, the village near Ob Khan is tiny; (Don't think the village itself is called Ob Khan, that's the national park) If you ask around you will find them in minutes.

  2. Yes, it's been very dry. This is June already, it's ridiculous.. Too many people slacking at Songkran, now look at what you've caused!

  3. > Where are you finding your avocados?

    Doi Kham store. (Royal Project)

    > The best are the dark green rough textured, in N.A. they come from Mexico.

    Here they come from Mexico too. :) (or wherever, they're imported and VERY expensive. Rim Ping has them, at your wallet's peril. )

    > The smooth lighter coloured are not as flavourful.

    They sure are LOADS cheaper though. :D I've seen them also at Doi Kham, but very rarely.

  4. They can only block it if they can find it.

    ( So to be safe, put it all in an account that I open, then I give you the ATM card. :) )

  5. Lovely how "The Nation" finally finds an article that matches their agenda and then publishes it. Shame on them. What a pathetic excuse for a newspaper!

    Yes if anyone publishes an article which is negative to the beloved leader, shame on them!

    Doesn't make the article any less true though.

    The larger point is that there have been DOZENS of excellent articles in highly respected international political magazines such as Newsweek, The Economist, as well as the biggest international newspapers, and somehow the Nation missed all of them. :) (As has this forum, as a result, where almost all official news content comes from The Nation. Oh yes, and the Phuket Gazette.)

  6. Lovely.. people who don't live in Chiang Mai claiming it's impossible, followed by actual useful links showing that it is.

    NB: The difference between a serviced residence and any residence is spending 4000 baht a month on a maid. (Who will by the way provide a LOT more service than the 'service' in some very expensive serviced places.)

    (Now the wait is for the obvious clever remark... )

  7. ^ Agreed, in 10 years or less, he could be a serious contender to be PM. Is he going to be a candidate in the upcoming elections?

    Of course, he is going to have to get over his habit of opening his mouth and inserting his foot! :)

    As i recall, he ran in elections for Bangkok Governor. Anyone know how many votes he won?

    He came in third. As a first attempt as an independent, with no established party backing him, I'd say that's an encouraging result.

    But as for the right here right now, I support anyone put forward by the party the Thai people elect. If that's Abhisit, all the more power to him.

  8. If Abhisit would just return to his country of birth and stay there, Thailand could go forward with its long, long reconciliation phase. With the waters polluted with the hi-so hate-speech of Abhisit, Kasit and others, nothing good can happen.

    Who do u think should be Prime Minister ??

    Nattakorn Devakula. Will take a couple more years though.

    Still, you heard it here first.


  9. I think Bangkok should have less parking, not more. Especially in downtown areas that are well covered by the BTS and MRT. If parking is to be built, it should be as far away as possible, near those MRT or BTS stations. Parking attracts cars, and Bangkok roads really cannot handle any more of those.

    Public transport and covered walkways are the way to go. Take Hong Kong as an example.

  10. Interpol says no call received to arrest Thaksin

    (AFP) – 10 hours ago

    LYON, France — Cross-border police agency Interpol said Friday it had received no request to track fugitive Thai ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra and that it would not arrest him on purely "political" grounds.

    Thailand said Thursday it would request Interpol's co-operation after it issued an arrest warrant on terrorism charges for Thaksin, whom it accuses of funding protests that led to deadly clashes in Bangkok in recent months.

    Interpol's headquarters in Lyon, France, quoted its Secretary General Ronald Noble as saying he had "no knowledge" yet of an official demand from Bangkok for help in the case.

    If such a demand were made it would be subject to Interpol's "normal procedure" and referred to the agency's judicial advisers.

    A spokesman for Interpol, which helps coordinate investigations between its 188 member countries, told AFP that its statutes forbid it to ask its member states to carry out arrests of a "political nature".

    Thaksin was ousted in a 2006 coup and later went into exile to avoid a jail term for corruption. He has been living mainly in Dubai, with visits to other countries including Montenegro, France and Britain.

    The Thai government accuses him of inciting unrest and bankrolling rallies by "Red Shirt" opposition protesters which have sparked deadly outbreaks of violence.

    Thai deputy prime minister Suthep Thaugsuban said on Thursday that a request for Interpol's help would be sent "so any country that knows of his whereabouts can notify Thailand, so Thailand can begin the extradition procedure".

    Thaksin said in a radio interview Wednesday that Interpol would recognise the accusations were "politically motivated".


    -- ©Copyright AFP May 28, 2010

    Published with written approval from AFP.



    Excellent.. More loss of face to the Thai government. When will these clowns be put out of their misery I wonder? :)

  11. Djukanovic said Thaksin had been an elected Thai premier whose government was brought down by a military coup.

    Correct me if I am wrong

    You're wrong. The ability among some to white-wash what happened is stunning, but the rest of the world really isn't in doubt what to call it when tanks roll down the streets, the constitution is shredded and a military junta takes over. :)

    Wake up.

    At the time of the Coup there was no legal government in power

    Thaskin was caretaker PM and


  12. Anyway, back to the OP, let's have a big Peace Park, where you can eat som tum and gai yang amidst the rice fields and buffaloes and authentic Isaan music. Tourists would love this bit of cultural Thailand and the tribute to those slaughtered in the May massacre of 2010 would help to restore humanity to an urban population who is all to upset at the thought of walking 300 meters in either direction to another massive shopping mall.

    Again, this is a BRILLIANT idea!! Sad that the words 'memorial' set so many of the hate mongers off on this topic, very predictable.

    But the idea itself is solid as can be.

    And besides, it's not like we heard anything constructive from resident establishment-fanboys. :)

  13. Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

    You and your friends believe the red terrorists who burnt down Central World. Fire comes out of your mouth.

    That is correct.

    Those who supported the burnings have no say in the rebuilding.

    They would like to support more burnings.

    The red cheerleaders, only support destruction.

    No say? Oh, boo-hoo.

    Support more burnings? Hmm, only your PC. :D

    Only support destruction? Dear, oh dear. Your generalisations, stereotyping and bias make your posts quite humorous.

    You still read his posts? :) It's very predictable anti-democratic hate-speech. Skipping is really much better.

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