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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. I will go to either ______ or the Phillipines. Both countries have their problems but are going to be way ahead of Thailand in the years to come.

    The Phillipines? Not unless Thailand has a massive civil war and then falls into the sea. :)

    Even in that case I'd grow gills before going to the Philippines.

  2. Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

    Who is us ? and how many ?

    I think Bangkok needs a park much more than another shopping mall. Kaengk's suggestion is really solid if you can just pause and think about it.

    Call it a start to the sufficiency economy also in Bangkok for a change.

    As for how many: The topic is 'ideas'. For one person to have an idea is enough. This is not a democracy, in case you missed the repeat memos.

  3. A friend of mine - a well to do American, loves Filipino women. His business is out of Honolulu but he lives in Manila 50% of the time. About three years ago he brought his Philippine angel to BKK. I met her and thought she was like a virgin angel (theveda in Thai). Well it took less than a year for him to find out she was turning tricks out of the Emporium while he was doing business. She also had a pua noi living in P.I. with two of her brats. She was about 23 and sweet enough to eat.

    Well, after than, he took up with another Manila woman, but this time he put a dick on her trail (pun intended). She came out clean as the Ivory Soap girl, 99 & 44/100% pure. A year later he calls his home in Manila - no answer. Short version: My friend was positioned to care for either of these fools and their children. The second one thru her children's future away on a karaoke system and high dollar items stolen from his upscale condo.

    There is a lesson here.

    Lesson, ehm..: "Don't go overboard in the fonts department" ?

  4. Just so this won't be taken as advertising, I'm reporting on an event that already passed, yesterday. :)

    But it was excellent, and another example of something that would be unheard of for Chiang Mai 'in the good old days'.. Life in this city just gets better and better.

    Wine Connection had a wine tasting event yesterday evening and it was lovely. Seating outside, 200 baht ticket to sample some of their wines, plus they served some French bread, cheese and chorizo type sausages. There was some live music (not too loud) as well.

    I will definitely be going back if they ever have this again. There wasn't really a limit on how much wine could be sampled as well, so went back for seconds and thirds.. And bought some nice wine as well. It's a really great place. And there are other restaurants and food outlets nearby, so you can order some other snacks as well. (It's located at Nim City, where Rim Ping Airport is)

  5. *Amazing* In the center of our town snuggled amongst the farang eateries and shops are hundreds of hookers many barely legal.. it's no Pattaya but we dont often hear of farang vigilante missions to expose the chaps that are promoting this scene!? yawn. He smashed a sign, big deal.
    Would it be possible to name and shame the school that is going ahead with hiring this thug?

    he is a fool for sure, but jeez you guys need a hobby.

    :) Well said!

  6. Sounds like gotglue [and others] are still on 'the honeymoon' that most of old timers have gone thru and now can look at LOS with eyes wide open and not be blinded by all the [superficial] smiles.

    I hear what you are saying, but too many of the newer arrivals seem to think that Thailand is an Oriental Disneyland for cheapskates. It is not and never has been.

    There are plenty of old timers who love this country despite its many imperfections and don't really want to live anywhere else (unless things were to really spin out of control)

    Yup. I think the only people who really need a plan B are those who are bitter. (And there are MANY!) Probably they were bitter people before even coming to Thailand. Then when sobering up from the initial rush, they're then bitter at Thailand.

    Yes, plan B, definitely plan B for those!

    Can I just say that I only see many more GOOD developments than bad ones, developments that make Thailand MORE suitable to stay long term and to raise a family? Things are slowly but surely becoming less 'Third World', for lack of a better term. Some way still to go of course in terms of safety and human rights, but Thailand is getting there, in the usual 'two steps forward, one step back' kind of way.

  7. Interpol may be wondering if this is the same Thaksin that was twice elected as PM by the very people whom he was allegedly terrorizing. :D

    Yup. It's all pretty pathetic and will do not much more than cause yet another massive loss of face for the Thai government. :D

    What happened to resoting normality and getting the economy and tourism back on track? Instead they yell 'terrorist!' at everyone. That does a lot for tourist/investor confidence. :)

  8. Dogs love stinky cheesy armpit odor of European elderly women. That's why the dogs in my neighborhood always

    are licking feet of 80-year-old Caucasian woman.

    Ah.. I sense a new business opportunity for Thailand!!

    Dog Spa!!!!!!!! :)

  9. Coincidental to this (resurrected) thread, I bought 250 g of Hillkoff's Italian Roast beans today.

    I don't have a proper mill, only a blender attachment (the purists will sniff, I know).

    95 B for some of the freshest perfectly roasted 100% Arabica bean.

    Hillkoff is the shizzle in the minizzle....love the place, the coffee and all the various accoutrements.

    Bean (sic) going there for years.


    Agreed with Hillkoff, and being able to select the roast. Question though, is grinding in a crude blade grinder better than letting them do the grinding? (Can specify the grind setting when ordering). With a blade grinder I don't think you get the same uniformity, but is it still better to grind fresh?

  10. Before things got off the straight & narrow, I had a question on exactly where the checkpoints were located; it would be good if we can get back to that.

    Specifically, does anyone know if there are checkpoints on Suthep Road, and on the Canal Road, South of town?

  11. Have you guys ever considered purchasing alcohol and consuming it your home before 5pm?

    Don't be silly, what's the point in that? The issue is that during daytime it's light, and girls in bars are ugly, which is even more apparent during daytime, and exceptionally apparent while sober. So drinking is crucial. Drinking at home?? What on earth for?

  12. My goodness yes, I hadn't thought about the working girls, they must be furious, not to mention the ladyboys around Taphei!!

    Actually, one positive side-effect of the curfew... With the sometimes there, sometimes not, curfew checkpoint at Thapae Gate, the ladyboy population in the immediate area is noticeably absent.


    It went down noticeably on LB'S and BG'S before said events for lack of customers and since the events it is even less. NO tourist, no customer, no punter ,no money, go home.

    That would be LBs and BGs. Why the apostrophes?

    Post-Op there's no apostrophe in LBS.

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