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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. I saw it on the TV news while waiting for wild boar curry. Pictures of police checking out the Grand Warorot Hotel, and not finding much other than the radio station setup.

    I was out until a bit past midnight, Mike's at the LK Boxing Ring was open at that time, and a few bars inside, and the one on the outside corner.

    I decided to avoid the checkpoints, just in case, which was incredibly easy. (Loi Kroh to Chang Klan to Sridonchai, then left turn to The Chedi, then South along Charoen Prathet, back to Chang Klan at the end, under Aom Muang road and then South along the river. Quite a lot of traffic, perhaps only marginally less than usual at that time.

    Best to cancel the curfew because nobody seems to care much. Kind of charming in a way, to see a curfew being handled in pretty much the same way as everything else is handled in this country.

  2. Lamphun: NO curfew

    Mae Hong Son (and Pai!!) NO curfew

    Pattaya: Curfew was lifted!

    Chiang Mai: Offcially under curfew, but yesterday many bars remained open, discretely. No hassle reported from checkpoints.

    I'll be out tonight.

  3. wtk.


    im interested in where you got this information ?

    From the Number 1 Twitter feed. Good to see Freddie has since changed is mind, and opened yesterday.

  4. I have searched online for a picture of what Pattaya looks like all dark and under curfew... Couldn't fine one.

    Can someone take a couple pictures just before 9pm, (or after, from a hotel or condo)? Someone has to document a dark Pattaya, if only to tell our grand kids.. :)

  5. This guy makes a boat-load of sense, IMHO:

    http://twitter.com/khunpleum (Nattakorn Devakula)

    He's a TV commentator and seems to have some political aspirations of his own. I Reversed the order of recent Twitter messages so it reads properly:


    CRES is now blocking several Facebook/Twitter pages of politicians non-aligned with Democrats. Security operation or mainly opportunistic politicians? This is not Iran but it's feeling like it. Wake up and be fair Abhisit. I know there's a better side in you. Don't let yourself be used by the system. You are co-opted by the regime. Wake up and be fair.

    Regardless of whether Thaksin is evil or not, or whether he was the mastermind behind the fire and everything else (if he is he must pay dearly), this nation is governed under an apparatus disguised as a semi-authoritarian democracy--a judiocracy of a very anti-populist kind.

    I'm fully expecting Abhisit to finish the full term and no miracles from the courts. No unity government, none of that sort. Powers that be want to make it really clear as to who is the bad guy. They have certainly accomplished that and so no need for a unity government.

    Peau Thai has to regroup big time and re-strategize in order to win the Dec. 2011 general elections. Will not be easy because by that time Bhumjaitai will have loaded themselves with plenty of financial ammunitions for campaigning. Democrat as governing party will go into campaign very strong labeling the opposition as supporters of the terrorist cause and neglectful of lese majeste violations.

    My realist view is that as long as Thaksin backs PeauThai, it will not be allowed to govern the country. So unless Thaksin quits politics completely, we'll see a Bhumjaitai and Democrat together as a coalition. In order to not see Abhisit as PM, there must be a non-Thaksin party that opposes the Democrats. The existence of Thaksin is an asset and is a major advantage to the Dem. To beat the Dem, Thaksin must quit politics completely. It's not difficult to beat Abhisit in nation-wide election but the problem is that if you stand oppose him you immediately get labeled as a Thaksinite or a Red or a Commie, worse a Terrorist.

  6. Maj-Gen Piya said he is being detained with other UDD leaders in Naresuan Camp, in Phetchaburi.

    There is a lot of misinformation out there. I just heard on Thai Tv he is still at large

    That sounds a little too convenient.. Trying to hide yet another extra-judicial killing perhaps?

  7. Out tonight.. seems quite a few people got an early start today. :D I asked at some bars and they were doing booming business.. possibly because Number 1 closed. :) Many bars plan to open early afternoon.

    I also asked if they'd be interested to stay open through the night, locking the doors and keeping people inside, but no takers so far. If the curfew goes on for longer though then I bet I can get a party going somewhere. :D

  8. Chiang Mai province is divided into 10 election areas and Thai Rak Thai members were standing for election in all 11 areas.


    Yeah, not to mention that that was a lifetime ago, and the particular election that was boycotted by the democrat party. So not the best of examples. A better example would be to point at the mayor elections, though keep in mind that most Phua Thai voters aren't activist reds. Especially not now, one would presume. (and hope)

  9. 9pm.

    Doesn't mean streets will be completely deserted, or that people get shot on sight. Does mean some police checkpoints, allowing people through who are on legitimate and urgent errands.

    Just found the relevant post about the times but why is everyone panic buying restaraunts are open till 9 anyway...

    Not 'everyone'.. :) Visit any market and have a look how much panic there is. Some foreigners especially are relatively recent arrivals and haven't seen all of this before, so they are a bit over-concerned.

  10. My wife said that she has spoken with some other people (This is still hearsay of course) and that the word is there is panic buying going on in the Supermarkets, regarding the branches that are presently still open as many are being closed including some 7/11 stores under the emergency laws.

    I was at Makro yesterday and no panic was in evidence. I did hear from someone that hordes of Farangs went to Rim Ping and bought everything in sight! :)

    I see no reason for any panic buying; some of the stores that have connections to the current government are closing, others are closing early, but that leaves the whole day to buy absolutely anything you may need. Keep in mind all regular wet markets remain functioning no matter what, with most of their produce originating in the immediate area.

    EDIT: The only exception I'll make is for liquor.. With the existing law prohibiting liquor sales, and most bars closed, there is now a very small window to get liquor purchases in.. :D Bring your truck to Wine Connection and load up!!

  11. I have no interest to engage in political bickering or flaming. You're reading things in my post that aren't there; please take a breather. I stated my opinion, shown above, and that's all I have to say. Please direct your flames elsewhere if you think they're worth reading by anyone.

  12. Assuming the night of Saturday to Sunday is still a curfew night, are there any bar owners who will be opening their doors pre-curfew time, then make it a private party during curfew hours and let people go home after the game in the morning??

    That would make an awesome prospect..

  13. With a curfew, I think I'm going to have a very hard time spending money. Got a couple thousand baht, and at this rate this will last me a month. :)

    As I said a dozen times already, there is no curfew in Chiang Mai.

    Certain emergency laws have been put into place, but not a full blown curfew.

    This has been confirmed to us by the police and also annouced on the Thai TV channels.

    Point is that bars and restaurants are closed at night, no matter what you call it.

  14. You are making one error here; If the red shirts / Thaksin should succeed in toppling the government, farangs would leave Thailand anyway, take their businesses and jobs they created for Thais and take them to Laos or Vietnam or Malaysia, where farangs are not called farangs and are far more welcome than in this country under the best of times, because nobody would want to live in the shit pile this country would become.

    Than you can all sit together, eat som tam, drink lao kao and be proud of having reversed time, having turned this country into a banana republic ones again.

    Well said. It never ceases to amaze me that there aren't more educated and intelligent TV members that realize that that is exactly where Thailand will be once Thaksin comes back.

    Probably Dr. Thaksin is too controversial a figure, but I for one would welcome any democratically elected government, including one that's exactly like Thai Rak Thai was. (Pro rural Thailand, pro business, pro law & order) Some 'Farangs' just hold a grudge because of the social order campaign. Many sexpat rejects thrive on social disorder, hence the rabid hatred of Thai Rak Thai and Thaksin in particular.

    Needless to say, I would welcome a re-elected Democrat-led government just the same, and to be honest that looks a lot more likely! :)

  15. Central (includes Robinson) in particular has links with the Democrat party. That's why those are most likely to close.

    Makro I know is open during daylight hours. Tesco (CP Group) I'm not sure, I'm sure someone can confirm if they're open.

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