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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. any other confirmations? Unbelievable if true

    Looks like Thailand has its twin tower disaster. It is defiantly a terrorism act by Mr. Thaksin

    He was shopping in Paris, remember? Please face facts, and consider the origins of the resentment you saw today.

  2. Maybe this is being paranoid, but can the fact that the only TV working is government TV, which reports every incident to create panic be a prelude and justification to a mass assault that will result in many deaths?

    BBC / CNN are on Truevisions.. Al Jazeera is on cable and online.. Twitter is everywhere. I don't really feel cut off.

  3. Update: ATM machines to shut down nationwide during curfew period.

    A few hours ago, bank officials said that ATM machines would remain up and running. Telling people not to panic.

    Freaking liars. :)

    It's not like you need money anyway while at home. :D Interesting though: Nation wide, does this also include the Southern provinces that by and large aren't under martial law & curfew?

  4. My sympathies to those who lost their lives today, regardless of 'colour', and to those struggling entrepreneurs and employees who have lost businesses and jobs.

    It seems to some on here though some downtown shopping centre is more important than people who've died because of this.

    Yet it is only ONE People who has died because of this. That soldier, I meant. And I feel really sorry for him as HE WAS FIGHTING FOR RESTORING THE PEASE, ALL OF US. All of poor/rich Thais, all of stinky farangs sit on bars, for all cheap prostitutes or whoever else - He was NOT LETTING those red thugs dictate their way to US. All my prays for him!!!

    The rest on the counter? Well...

    1. A civilians who was not smart enough to stay far of this all (while SOE was announced rounds and rounds)? I feel nothing for them - it was their fate, and we cant change that here and now.

    2. A press who tried to pull their noses to the shooting ranges a bit far that was really need for their own safety - and they was shot? It was their fate also, raging for a rewards for a "!really HOT news!". They knew what they're doing, and they was decided to risk it.

    3. A red TERRORISTS lying down now as a dirty dusty dogs, and smelling asfalt burned by them? ROT IN hel_l, as you was informed to go home THOUSAND of times!! :D

    4. A children? They are mostly innocent (but see the story of 12-yr boy burned a bldg), and all the blamings should comne to their parents who brought them to the barricades (and now back to the step 3).

    Im sorry if someone feels so sensitive about my words, but it is what I am thinking now. Guess I am not alone.

    Me myself is to set a temple's "tamboon" for all the soldiers have died\wounded, when all of this is ended. To the only soldiers, not the rest said above. The rest is not deserved, IMO.

    You forget the killed journalists. Please re-assign some of your hatred to make some space to pray for them at least. :)

  5. Yesterday I wasn't sure but now I know that the reds (and Thaksin) are finished. My daughter came back from school and she told me that the teenagers have enough of the red shits. These children are the future and I think we can have hope.

    Keep in mind that every segment of society is divided among class lines. While the kids from your (and mine) school are coming back thinking badly about the reds, there are children all over Thailand coming back with a very different view of events. Little boys playing, wanting to be their hero Seh Daeng, etc. This is the massive challenge that the government (ANY) government faces, trying to make everyone get along again. Tough one.

  6. Well it's much easier to meet regular Thai people these days. Thanks to all the social networking sites. Combine that with the absolute booming of nightlife (Nimmanhaemin aerea, Santitham, near Kham Thiang and elsewhere) and it becomes very hard NOT to have a party. :)

  7. Well it turns out that MY report was complete BS. I just walked over to City Hall to see if anything was happening and sure enough it was………People were working as usual……Not even a Red-Neck let alone a Red-Shirt in sight.

    Can someone please close this topic in that case?!

    <deleted> man, if you post something you heard then at least don't turn it into your own eye witness account: " I live across the road and can confirm this. I had business to do today inside City Hall and was told by the man I was dealing with that they are on their way home and that the reds have threatened to burn down shopping centers in CM but never specified which ones." AND you add stuff on shopping centers going to be burned. :D

    Please: :)

  8. For wine, women and song, Chiang Mai is extremely limited. Used to be fun 10 or so years, but that`s all changed.

    No it hasn't. You were just fresher to the whole scene back then. Objectively, it's expanded in every way both in size and alternative options, and new arrivals are enjoying themselves just as much as you did, then.

    Need I mention IanForbes again? He's doing what you did, presumably, 10 years ago, and enjoying it every bit as much as you did. I hope one thing though, that IF he gets jaded in 10 years I hope I'm not having this discussion with him, too.

    In the bars you have to go through the bar rituals, that includes buying drinks, bar fines etc.

    Which.. was... radically different 10 years ago, when smiling, selfless GoodThaiGirls bought you drinks and chipped in a couple baht for the privilege to explore your magnificent hotel room? :)

    Than we have the soapy massage places. These are in no shape or form comparable with the soapy massages in Bangkok or Pattaya and can be a rip-off for the naive first timers.

    Completely unheard of 10 years ago, or? :D A friend of mine got ripped off in a Bangkok parlour in 1976. His friends were telling him things were so much better 10 years before that. :D

  9. Perhaps the OP would like to live in a world where nobody is allowed an opinion, much less allowed to voice it.

    He perhaps ought to look into the meaning of the word 'Forum'.

    at this moment in time especially now, all i want to do is get as much information as possible from what ever sorces i can about whats going on. and not listen to some know it all <deleted> going on about what they think should be done, why its all happening, whos to blame etc....

    question for you mr guesthouse!

    do you have family in bangkok, or are you indeed living in the capital?

    You are as bad if not worse than the others.How anybody can bring football into this topic god only knows.For your information you need to listen more,and accept others have an opinion,regardless of what you think.

    My 10p worth,i would have guessed your post was from a farang in Bangkok,you lot are all the same

    opinions like placing a child on top of a load of tyres and using him as a human shield is o.k.

    and it wasnt just me who had a go at you for your so called opinion, but several other members of this forum did too.

    sorry mods for going off topic but!

    Well, that didn't take you long. :) I agreed in full with your original post.

  10. Actually, I always said that I prefer the current government to stay in power and I always supported the PM. I support him even more now after seeing how he has handled this. However, I also felt - and still feel - that the redshirts have some legitimate grievances and these need to be addressed if the country is going to move forward.

    The spiteful, poison pen red-haters seem to think that anyone who does not rant and rave about them is a redshirt supporter, but some of us have sympathy for their problems while realizing that the leaders are mostly crooks. I live in Chiang Mai and many of these people are my neighbors and most of them are not bad people. They just want a chance to improve their lives.

    They made their point several weeks ago and could have had a real chance at a strong voice in Thai politics, but they blew it when they turned down the PM's generous peace deal and now everyone is paying for their leader's stubbornness.

    I hope there is some way to salvage some kind of solution, but it is time for them to admit their mistake and give up fighting. They were so close to really accomplishing something important , but they rejected ending this peacefully, so no cigar.

    Very well said UG, its amazing how much wider ones perspective can be on situations when they don't have bias to a particular side or regime. :)


  11. Sheesh!! You people complain when he's on the screens inciting the crowds, and now you ALSO complain when he distances himself from the UDD and goes about his business peacefully.. There's just no pleasing some forum members is there? :)

    Secondly, what's with the inane rants at France? It's been discussed that Mr. Shinawatra can freely travel in most of Europe. It's nothing to do with France, he travels freely also to Germany, Italy, etc, etc.

    NB: I have reported this topic because political rants should go in News. (Request to either move or close)

  12. What you are saying is like saying if people don't visit some really awful hick towns in the USA and choose to stay in more cosmopolitan settings such as SF, NYC, Seattle etc. then they haven't seen the 'real' USA.

    I would agree with that, too. :) (If you visit the USA and only go to Vegas and Disneyland, then you haven't seen the USA, however without denying that these places are an intrinsic part of the USA. )

    Also consider however that not everyone travels to a country with an anthropological mindset, or the deep desire to understand the country, culture and people. :D Can't blame people for just wanting to take the kids to Disneyland and fly out, without a thorough tour of the desert towns, can you? :D

  13. I have been through Wars, Civil and otherwise, uprisings, semi-revolutions and a few more dicey situations in my life and can honestly say that this "Warning" from the NZ Govt does not worry me in the slightest. Those who staff the Embassy in Wireless Road in my opinion are there just for a holiday. They are supposed to report fact back to Govt of NZ however sitting in their Ivory Tower they are all guesses/opinions to what their NZ story should say back to HQ. They are NOT at all qualified to speak on the Thai situation, they DO NOT have experience and all are career diplomats looking for their next posting.

    In my 7 years here in Thailand every time I have gone to the NZ Embassy for information, that information has never been forth coming. I am always fobbed off by the staff. I have given up on them and the requests they put out to get registered. I also ignore the advice they put out because they lack experince in Thai affairs. I think I have a far better understanding of Thai affairs than they will ever have.

    The situation in Bangkok is just a "small town punch up" by thugs who are fighting over the money supplied my Thaksin and his cronies. Nothing more than that.

    I agreed with your post completely until the very last line.. Do people seriously still believe that line because they read it in the Nation two months ago? Consider, if it were true:

    - The government could just offer a little more money and be done with the whole thing.

    - Are you seriously stating that people are willing to die (and actually dying) over 500 baht a day? I have hired people on 500 baht a day and I wish I got that level of commitment!!

  14. Thats strange, last time we went to get a replace ID Card, we didnt have to go and see the local red shirt leaders.

    You have to go to the police to report it stolen. The police are red shirts. Then you go to your local amphur and if you're from the north or northeast then you are visiting red shirt bureaucrats.

    Wait.. I'm hearing that NOBODY upcountry supports the red shirts at this stage. Now I'm hearing that all the police and all the amphur guys are red shirts, AND would help with intimidating these people? Can you guys make up your mind which it is?

  15. Bangkok burning, people dying, Thaksin shopping at Louis Vuitton Paris..

    Here's a guy with his priorities all lined up.

    Aww come on, if he's on screens inciting the crowds you're complaining, if he distances himself from the protests and goes about his business you're STILL complaining?? <deleted>..

    Couple days ago all the loons of the forum were adamant that he was dead, and were making fun of fake pictures.

    Let it go; for better or worse, the man is a side show right now.

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