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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. U may consider using your present phone, getting an iPod Touch, and splitting the considerable saving with me....

    Saving is a little less than considerable, if you want data access in the middle of nowhere. Because in that case his present phone better be a Nokia Symbian model so he can share the GPRS-EDGE connection to the iPod over wifi using the Joikuspot Symbian app.

    If his phone is anything else then he'd first have to get a Nokia phone, a cheapo Symbian one runs about.. 8000 baht or so?

    But is IS a good combo.. Cheapo Symbian phone, say E52 or E63 and then the iPod.

  2. Did it on an ancient 100cc Honda Dream. It's easy. Be sure to break on the engine going down to save the brakes. (Especially if they're drum brakes).

    There's fuel available. Fill up before going up the road to Doi Inthanon.

  3. Unlocked and jailbroken are very different things. You can go to any True shop and legally buy an unlocked iPhone that you can use with any SIM card.

    Jailbreaking them is something you can find info on on-line. Not sure if shops do that for you. Consider if you actually have requirements that need it to be jailbroken.

    So, just visit any True shop. Airport Plaza is a good bet.

  4. This topic sounds rather racist to me.

    Yesterday while walking through Central (not Bangna) some girls were handing out leaflets for a Banks credit card as i walked past and they saw i was a farang they instantly withdrew their extended arms with the leaflet in.

    You know i felt violated as if i wasn't worthy... is this racism...? I ask because i am not sure if its racism or just they assume that a farang does not have the right visa/passport/residency whatever to have a Thai credit card.... so just to prevent any hassle they don't offer you the leaflet....

    Do any TV farangs have a Thai bank credit card?

    I do. At KTB.

  5. If we don't know, why proclaim - as some posters have done for months - that is is a fact that KP is involved in scams against their customers?

    And I see that WinnieTheKhwai is as liberal with quotes and truth as always.

    It's not 'being liberal with quotes'. It's distilling my own angle and point of view using only words that were in the original post. If you don't like this debating technique then fine; no need to be nasty about it. As an additional service, let me spell it out:

    I think the fact (as reported by TAWP) that King Power scams their own employees out of money to cover for their own security issues is vile. "Someone stole from me, so I'm stealing it back from my employees." And at 70% of their silly inflated prices, they might actually make a profit on it too! Based on that alone I would not buy anything from King Power, never mind who exactly was to blame for the cases where money was extorted from alleged shoplifters. (There may be doubt as to who shoplifted, but there is NO EXCUSE to keep this away from the law, and let corrupt cops and their associates threaten those people and extort money.)

    TAWP seems to say "At least some King Power employees are honest people." Honestly I don't doubt that for a second. Elephant-in-room lounges somewhere in the paragraph above, though.

    I hope that makes it clearer for everyone.

  6. "made her children "wai" me when they came home everyday from school. If they hadn't she would have kicked their a**. She made it clear to them that I was the one paying for their education"

    So what does that tell you?

    That you enjoy putting random words in bold type? :)

    To answer the original question for myself: I'm definitely number 1. If anything I end up having to broker peace between the Mrs and her family. :D

    (I may be number two after our daughter though, but not sure I mind. :D )

    Overall I don't think there's anything particularly Thai about this topic; in any good marriage, the husband and wife are first for each other. In any 'other' kind of marriage, maybe not so. If anyone feel's they're not first, that should give them some cause for reflection on their life / married life.

  7. the sad fact is that 70% of the value of the wares stolen gets directly lifted from the employees salary, as punishment.
    real thieves

    Summarized it for you.

    Avoid King Power like the plague they are. Hope your friend can soon find a better / fairer job.

  8. Not wanting to digress into pedantic detail but in Anthropology classes I recall the accepted figure was more like 13 years avg age for most of history.

    I'd say that's impossible. (Unless you include monkeys and what not). Humans can have kids at the VERY earliest at 12-13-14 years. If they'd die shortly after, then there's nobody around to raise/protect the babies. The whole show would be over pretty soon.

  9. Because at the end of the day i'm sorry to inform you that there will always be people who don't care for Thaksin - there will always be people who consider him a selfish rat-bag who cares not for anyone but himself and his money

    Why is that even a point worthy of such debate? And, how many people on this forum truly come out saying Thaksin was without flaw as PM?

    To me the main point of concern is that Thailand is unlikely to become a democracy in the foreseeable future. The ease with which a coup d'etat could be committed, and then a 'preffered' government (I'm being kind) installed, shows this clearly.

  10. Dude, it's a pool. Isn't there a pool forum somewhere to talk about pool issues with other people who have pools all day?

    Air conditioner filters would already be better. Or you know what, even better yet, actual measuring equipment: www.pcd.go.th.

    Nice pool though. Like, really nice.

  11. Awesome!!

    Will write up a detailed report as soon as I get a chance to visit.

    A detailed report? It's McDonald's. Aren't they all the same? I thought that was the point - been to one you've been to them all.

    Hehehe, I thought I'd catch some with that remark. :) But I was actually serious, and I'll find a way to make it unique....

  12. Let him who has eyes, read. The linked topic in the post you quoted gives the name of the person who bought the car registration plate 9999 in August 2003. And I don't think that the Chiang Mai mail will now report an event that happened over over six years ago.



    For information: Lao Po pointed out that the sale to which I referred was in 2003. This made me read the OP again and I realised that there was a new auction for the the same plate yesterday, or perhaps it is the day before yesterday now.



    Guys (not sure who's saying what anymore) : It's NOT the same plate. Did anyone ever look at Thai license plates? First of all they run by province, so you can have the exact same plate with a different province name on it. Secondly, there are letters on there. So you will get the number 9999 for EVERY letter series. There are LOADS of plates with 9999 available, for each letter combination that's in use.

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