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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. At 200-300+ baht for a fish it's not outlandish by any means but I still think it's on the expensive side compared to similar, nearby restaurants. But the few times I've eaten there the food has been great - fresh ingredients and very well prepared.

    Urm.. what kind of fish? It makes a difference. :) (I indeed have friends who honestly don't see the difference between a Thab Thim CP fish and something actually from the sea. It's kind of a waste taking them to a seafood restaurant)

  2. So, is it really expensive even for seafood, or is this just a case of someone not understanding that seafood is a more expensive type of Thai food than khao phad kai?

    No offense to anyone above, but given the general level out there among Chiang Mai Farangs these days, one has to ask & confirm.

  3. another fool in thailand, maybe love in your eyes but in hers it will be your cash, take care of her and then family if she got kids start paying for them sending them to private school, and then the old chessnut that yours is different not a bar girl,no fool like a old or young fool, no it is not possable to find love with a thai, soon as money runs out you will be out as well,

    Funny that. As all I (we) have are debts.. :) She's obviously not in it for the money!

    I still don't quite understand how that land purchase is going to be paid exactly, it's a combination of putting some other land that her mum owns into the Government Land Bank (TKS, whatever) and then using the new land to apply some over-draft capital at a different bank and use that to ... .. whatever. While I don't understand it, I do understand that this is not a case of me handing over a couple saen baht because I don't have it!

    So, erm, Think again. You're wrong if you think you can apply your sad experiences to other regular people who don't find their partners in bars, restaurants and similar.

  4. And I'm about to buy a nice plot of land with one.. :)

    How big is the plot, Winnie? Seven feet long, three feet wide and four feet deep? :D:D:D

    LOL, it's 4 feet deep alright compared to the road. So beware, it's big enough to accommodate the entire Chiang Mai TV party turnout! :D

    Don't go back to where you came from without the missus and expect her to remain faithful. 5 out of 10 will stray within a month, 3 out of 10 will stray within a week and 1 out of 10 will be shagging the alternative before the aircraft/bus/train leaves the station.

    This is not based on assumption, it is based on personal experience from the outside looking in and waiting for the odd boyfriend/husband to leave.

    I guess that depends somewhat on the background and class of the Mrs though.. And furthermore I think only those who are faithful themselves could have any rights to complain about it!

  5. there are a few studies out there which suggest the rate of infection of HIV is 1 in 1000-3000, however, these figures, which are clearly unreliable as you can see by the huge range in the 'guess'


    .125 (12.5% chance of having HIV) * (1/500) (random guess of contraction rate) = ...

    So.. let me get this straight: you think "1 in 1000-3000" is a 'huge range' (0.1% - 0.3%), but a couple centimeters down in your post you're perfectly willing to take a random swipe at a contraction rate?


  6. Yes, we ARE talking about peanut butter sandwiches... the real ones. I just made the original post to poke some light hearted fun at all the culinary discussions on this forum. If there is some secret code in someone else's reply I am not aware of it.

    Good save Ian.. you suppose he bought it? :)

  7. I have a question: Why are espresso machines so expensive? Like 20K, 30K and even higher? Many cost more than motorcycles..

    Any good deals around on a more affordable espresso machine?

  8. Had a nightmare myself on TT&T Maxnet. Moved to TOT and never looked back. First time I've had home/consumer type internet in Thailand that's fast AND reliable ALL of the time.

  9. I'm afraid that can be mostly blamed on the small minority of very vocal posters who are so offended by such threads. :)

    Um, strangely for other topics if there is a small minority who complains then the topics ARE closed. Those people complaining obviously being the ones who don't want any information getting out on the topic...

  10. This just in, as the explanation given for why another thread was closed: 'Discussion pedophilia [sic] and prostitution is generally frowned upon because it inevitably turns rather ugly and nasty.' Eureka! That must also explain why food threads too are generally frowned upon!

    Exactly. You are not allowed to have an intellegent, rational discussion on anything controversial. Likewise you can't mention any place that sells anything if they don't advertise on Thai Visa. Quite simple really.

    Simple is a word.

    My three year old gets to have more controversial discussions in K1 pre-school!

  11. Would the gays on this forum report an under age boy in boystown/or other gay areas.

    And, to make sure we stay fair and balanced: Would the straights on this forum report an under age girl in bars?

  12. I agree that kindergarten is probably hyperbole, though it would be better if Paagai confirmed that himself.

    As to the forum rule, I take this to mean that you cannot have a discussion from a customer/consumer/participant's point of view discussing the merits of certain places of prostitution, which particular women, which particular prices and so on. Clearly this forum is not the place for that.

    Here I believe we are talking about one of Chiang Mai's social problems, specifically (underage) prostitution and possibly human trafficking and sexual abuse, and ways to identify it, and if at all possible prevent it or at the very least try to improve the situation for the better to whatever (limited) degree we can.

    I'd MUCH rather have one distasteful discussion now, compared to possibly failing to identify cases of abuse due to not having enough information on what goes on around me.

  13. People should not be walking around with blinders on, nor should they not listen to a sensible discussion on actual facts about what goes on in the world.

    Yes. In fact, I'd say this topic is long over due. Discussions shouldn't just be about the fun and happy stuff, or where you can buy a lawn mower or a pizza.

    To be honest, we DO talk about some of the bad stuff.. Pollution, crime.. There are many social problems that maybe aren't 'nice' to discuss, but important nonetheless.

  14. I think that there is still the possibility that much could be going on that you are not aware of. I think probably the only practical way to find out if there is such a scene is to seek it out as someone who wants to participate in it. That is obviously something you do not want to do and have not done, but precisely for that reason, I think, you cannot be so sure about whether and to what extent the scene exists.

    Well.. to be honest my main worry doing that would be that it may turn out that it's actually not all that hard. :)

    And that would just be asking some of the hilltribe aunties and tuk tuk driver very much in the tourist/expat areas.

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