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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. 66 years young, recovering from my second stroke, etc. But since ajarnpim appears to be a lady; I won't list yesterday's very vigorous cavorting that followed the 1.2 hour swim....

    Trust me, not going into any kind of details is highly appreciated by both ladies and gentlemen alike. :)

  2. Pu Sae Ya Sae is held behind Doi Kham temple in Mae Hia district on 6th June, it starts at 6 but the gory bits normally are around 8.30-9 but do call them at 053 276491 extension 16 for details (I am sure they won't speak English though). PM me closer to the date if you want, as I will haev the details by then.

    Here are a few past articles from previous years and peices of information about Pu Sae Ya Sae...




    Thanks for that!! Interesting.. and pretty close to where I live. Would be nice to do a separate post/topic closer to the date to confirm. I'll try to remember and start one.

  3. time to take a break from these senseless dwibes for a long while... just too chicken shit but CM sees to have filled up with them over the last few decades..

    Yup.. Aint that the truth.

    The demographic is increasingly similar to Pattaya these days..

    Or... maybe it's just the logical result of having finally reached a critical mass, tipping human interaction from the friendly & respectful 'small community' vibe into a more big city kind of mind set. The Farang sub culture is definitely not a small village atmosphere anymore.

  4. > pu sae ya sae crazy animist festival

    Sounds fun... What/when/where's that?

    Reason they're not promoting it could be because Bangkok government isn't big on animist stuff. :) Like for example the Phi Ta Khon stuff in Loei they do promote, but a VERY sanitized version of it. No mention of all the weird shit.

  5. Do wall mounted water heaters restrict how much water pressure you get?

    They need a minimum water pressure to operate.. Typically water is forced through heating elements, and water doesn't do that by itself just for the heck of it. Similarly it's not easy to convince water to stream upwards. I blame Newton.

    Right now I am on city water pressure and I can barely take a shower because the pressure is so low. That problem will hopefully be fixed once I get my water pump fixed, but when my pump is working, I still don't get much pressure. Do I need a different water heater?

    What's the pressure like when you just open a tap on the same floor where the water heater is? Do you get real good pressure then? If so then you need to get all the gunk out of the water heater, there's usually some filters innit.

    If you don't have good pressure also from a regular cold water tap then you're looking at installing a water tank and proper pump.

    Believe me, proper water pressure is one of the key success factors to comfortable living in this country.

  6. Well she's new to the forum. Her first class upbringing most likely didn't include common netiquette. :) Still I'd be inclined to give her a chance and settle in.

  7. .I myself left school at an early age but benifitted from a good upbringing.At least know, or beware of basic manners and how one should conduct themselves in public.

    Hint: A forum like Thaivisa is also a public place.

    'Nuff said?

  8. Well, look at the percentage of people able to get an education in this country. It's a logical consequence. I assume that in addition to posting here you also walk up to people in your area, Thais and Westerners alike, and ask about the education credentials of their spouses?

    Or are their wives/girlfriends and their education (or lack thereof) the minor issue and is in fact everyone in your area you an idiot?

    (except yourself of course? :) )

    i know i will get alot of negativive replies from this

    There's a word for that. :D

  9. Living in Chiang Mai I tend to meet more red people and I have to say it's getting pretty incredible to listen to their opinions. I keep hearing things that were pretty much unspeakable not so long ago.

    At this point I just hope that it will indeed be elections that settle this. Believe me, an election even with some spotty parts is far preferable to some of the alternatives.

  10. Favola at the Meridiene is great for Italian themed Sunday brunches.

    Still the same chef as when it opened? The main seems to have a fetish for chocolate and other sweet stuff.. Almost every dish there came out sweet. Also given the high prices I don't think this one will become a regular place for me..

  11. Never tried his place but heard good things.

    I have met Marco, outside spicy what a <deleted>, full of himself and thinks he owns chaing mai, lucky I did not knock him out right there and then.

    Best place for him in a kitchen

    Well he IS French in'he? Par for the course. :) Besides I'd be looking for someone to make me some food, not chat in front of a derelict nightlife hel_l hole. I know of cuter people to do that with. :D

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