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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. That's an excellent post Paagai, very interesting to read about the current situation. Makes it sound a little more sad than I initially thought. Of course the same applies to 'straight' bars of the same type just the same, most of those are equally sad.

    (I should stop posting drunk, I get way too mellow :) )

  2. And the greater moral of the story...

    use this:


    Far fewer disappointments.. And if it ever breaks then any gas shop guy around the corner can fix it.

  3. If the license is valid then you'll be fine.

    You could in theory also get an international license to go with your valid UK license, but especially for English language licenses I don't think this is even necessary.

    With your valid UK license you can also apply for a Thai driver's license if you're on a Non Immigrant visa. In that case no need to take an exam, just a basic test to check that you're not blind or deaf. For that you go to the Transport department which is on the Hang Dong road on the left side after Tesco but before you get to Big C.

  4. Well, commercialism was not among my reasons for moving to Thailand. And indeed I don't plan to visit the party. I looked at the listing though.. Hundreds of people! Compare that to just a couple handfulls who post here on a regular basis.

    EDIT: Nothing to do with Thaivisa though; 'large congregations of Farangs' were also not among my reasons for moving to Thailand :D I don't even like bars/pubs owned by Farangs. (with just one notable exception but I don't want to turn this into a pub-topic. .... oh wait.. :) ).

  5. There are some forums that actively promote libel and slander in the name of "free speech", but hide or change anything critical of that forum - in other words, they are hypocrites.

    At least Thai Visa is trying to do the right thing and actually pays attention to laws that protect everyone from lies and defamation by twisted Internet sickos.

    The reason why Thai Visa has so many advertisers is because they are professional and popular and businesses want to be associated with them. Almost no one wants to be associated with scumbag websites with no worthwhile supervision. The funny thing is that they can not figure out why they do not get any advertisers. :)

    Without knowing which odd-ball website(s) you speak of it's hard to comment. And I don't visit a forum for the advertizers but for the people and their opinions.. In fact I don't see any advertising on any website anywhere. Courtesy of Firefox and AdBlock Plus; I don't even see the logo. (Made a point including that as it now includes the name of a newspaper I really despise. (Not even sure if I'm allowed to say THAT but it isn't in the rules so I guess I'm clear)

  6. What happened to the topic about quiz nights ?

    I think it was concluded.. :) We got a great overview of the places that have quizzes and when they're held, the way they're organized, etc. Nothing much else to do but banter now. :D

  7. I have a real Thai car. Made in Thailand, registered in Thailand... It's no different from most other cars I see around me.

    Oh wait, maybe real Thai cars would have a LCD TV and DVD player combo in it. I only have a crappy MP3 player.

  8. Well, the parking situation sucks in that area.

    Really? I had no trouble at all parking my scooter right in front of the restaurant.

    A scooter! Is it pink, too? :) If you need to park a truck then I guess DK book center is closest.

  9. And you don't mind this out of control "moderation" ? On some forums at least you have the right to speak your feelings without playing word games.

  10. Winnie, laptops travel with, but how about that external HD you back everything up onto. Would hate to lose a laptop (rainstorm, forget it a pub, fall from the moto - heard of all of these happening) and your BU was stolen from in the house just the week b4. You do back up don't you ?

    Backups are for sissies. :)

    Ok, no really, we have fancy backup stuff at the office.. and the most important things I back-up on DVD as well.. How likely are those to be stolen..

    When I have my laptop with me it's in the car usually.. For some reason break-ins into cars are exceptionally rare in this country, Gawd knows why.

  11. Well, when you often speak of your boyfriend then you can't really blame people for assuming you're not male.

    Esteemed Khun Khwai,

    Let us all forgive each other our assumptions, since they are all caused by the evil Gnaro-Ru, the opposing principle to Ur-Orang, and it is in our nature to make mistaken ones in inverse proportion to how much damage the mistake may cause. However, it is more difficult to forgive one's own assumptions about oneself, I have noticed, assuming, of course, that you are infected with "human nature's" virus of ratiocination.

    The smooth floor, and the banana peel, are both culprits here, but not gravity.

    I need to get me a prescription of whatever it is you're on! :):D

  12. Also, it may depend on the individual ATM machine; some just can't dispatch more than 20 bills. So it's not just the bank you need to check, but also the particular ATM type.

    Better yet, get a local bank account and do an international transfer. Then you can easily just withdraw 2 times without charges, and will solve any issues.

  13. There are some leetle racial generalisations creeping in here.

    Peaceblondie may get away with murder 'cos she's a censor, but she sure talks some crap: Chiang Mai Drunks. Uneducated peasants: I bet they wish they were sober sophisticates like you darling!

    After over 14,500 posts here, only newbies call me 'she,' or insult moderators.

    Well, when you often speak of your boyfriend then you can't really blame people for assuming you're not male.

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