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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. If you are a Thai, you do not need advice from farang. Let Thais do it. Let Thais raise money for Thai wats, schools, orphanages, Burmese, dogs, cats. Not our job and besides, we do not have work permits to do it.

    What a silly response, not to mention a very sad one.

    And who said everyone on her is Farang anyway, not to mention that there would be a lot of excellent advice available here no matter the race of the TV member!

  2. how can you write Thai but not know that bringing fruit to her workplace was a bad move?

    Well, wait a minute. It's obviously a bad move in the short term. In the long term however she would have to take to the idea of having a foreign partner no matter what, and be proud of it also towards friends, family and co-workers.

    So if she does come around even after this then she's made a step in the right direction. But if this was the reason for the relationship being broken off then that may have been for the better, not to mention speedyer. (if that's a word)

  3. I think the OP is thinking too much where it's not needed.

    And he's going after girls in serial, i.e. one after the other. You should aproach this in parallel, and then see how the sticks fall.

    There is such an incredible number of available women in the 25-35 age range that it's really not worth the effort trying to understand each and every one of them. :o She's still getting used to the idea, let her. Date other girls and then see what happens. The time you spent typing this into Thaivisa you could have spent chatting online with the next couple prospects.

  4. and should Abhisit during his period in office do nothing to look into these deaths, in my opinion he joins the ladder, albeit someway near the bottom

    Perhaps he can start by looking into those guys from Burma being sent to their deaths? And perhaps he could look into the cases when Chuan of all people let police officers off the hook who killed people in cold blood? (Surat Thani case for example).

    How about good old General Suchinda? What happened to a huge number of middle class protesters for democracy who have been missing for 20 years? :o

    Right. In case any other readers arent' aware, Chuan actually gave Suchinda a medal (or whatever decoration) while he was PM. Nice, that. I completely didn't understand how or why that happened at the time, but I do now, since becoming more aware of the factors that are of influence on the 'Democrat' party.

  5. a hope to be cooler soon .... dave2

    Noticeably cooler over the next few days :D

    Actually, no. While it's still overcast and drizzling like this morning it's of course cooler, but as soon as that goes away the hot season kicks in. :D Also because the air is clearer (less or no smog) the sunshine will really heat up the place.

    (Not complaining, just stating the way things are :D


  6. and should Abhisit during his period in office do nothing to look into these deaths, in my opinion he joins the ladder, albeit someway near the bottom

    Perhaps he can start by looking into those guys from Burma being sent to their deaths? And perhaps he could look into the cases when Chuan of all people let police officers off the hook who killed people in cold blood? (Surat Thani case for example). I would agree with Ulysses that it's all too common in this part of the world, but acceptable it is NOT.

  7. 1. I completely agree with both points in the original post. I'm happy I can call myself balanced in my opinion.

    2 :

    There are at least one or two on the board who post more or less "full time", day in day out, month, year in year out, spreading the same biased propaganda messages. Now I don't know if they get paid, or by how much, nor do I know who pays them (presumably from the same purse that pays the PAD), or even if they do it out of fanaticism.

    To be honest, I'd respect them more if they were actually paid, then they'd fall in to the 'rational people' group. Some of the things I do at work I only do because I get paid for it. So frankly I don't believe they're paid, they're just people without a life and far too much time and internet on their hands. :D Final point why they're not paid: What would be the point? To convince other people without a life and too much internet of something or another in Thai politics? If I paid good money for propaganda then I'd pay it to news media and influential Thai people. So I'd probably fund PAD, The Nation, TV personalities, etc.


    I would guess that Thaksin ordered the Thai police to externinate of actual, hard-core drug dealers. Should he be held responsible for policemen who abused the licence to kill? :o


    (And I'm someone who'd much rather see Thaksin in charge than Apeshit, but this is a no-brainer.)

  8. LOL.. As someone who got to Chiang Mai rather young as well, I think the best course of action is to throw any ideas about hanging out with people in some pre-defined similar age group out the window. (And besides, it's not like there's people in your age group who would see you with older people and laugh at you. :o

    Because honestly, some people in the same age group will be complete idiot basket cases, and some older people actually pretty fun and open minded. And, even if you do find good people in that age group then chances are they're not around for the long haul and will be gone when their travels/teaching/NGO/Gap stint ends. But you'll find that out by yourself in time. :D

    Peppermint Cafe (great staff, good food. Only been here on business so far so not tried the company much, but seems like nice long-stayers);

    Gekko Garden (recent find - great cocktails, friendly atmosphere, some farang chat - one to go back to again);

    Rannakosin Hotel Entertainment Complex (good range and reasonable steak, but bars and karaoke are just prostitute venues).

    Where/what are those places? Would the last one be 'Rattanakosin', as per the road? (and the ex-island in Bangkok) ?

  9. Noticed the flying ant thingys too. I guess they are a general sign of rain right? Good news for sure. Hopefully will have a lovely clear sky afterwards?

    Yes, usually it clears the air. However I have to say it's not exactly a huge downpoor.. Still, it'll be better than nothing.

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