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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. Can I just voice my appreciation for an EXCELLENT poll, that indeed managed to clearly show that Western left-right does not translate into a Thai yellow-red in any way. From this forum however it's also obvious that many people believe it does!! And on both sides of the Thai/Western spectrum too. Posts like "I'm liberal, so obviously I support PAD" are common, but this poll shows that this isn't obvious at all. Personally I'm VERY liberal ( borderline socialist :o ) and have nothing but contempt for the way PAD and the Democrats and their puppet masters have cheated their way to power, using any and all means OTHER THAN actually winning an election.

    However, note that this does not translate into unconditional support for the Reds, as there's plenty nutcases on that side, too.

    Overall I don't agree with people who say everyone non-PAD/Dem should just roll over and die for the sake of peace and harmony. I think it's actually a good thing that common people are becoming more involved in politics. It's another step in a maturing democracy, and a step towards people voting based on issues rather than because they got a couple hundred baht and a bottle of Chang. Protests are a common sign of a healthy democracy. (not saying that Thailand is there yet, but it IS encouraging, and in time tourists and investors to Thailand will recognize it for what it is: very much the same as politics in their own country where demonstrations and strikes are a regular occurrence, too.

  2. At least Khun Koo is Thai and has researched the issues. She has a lot more at stake in this than we do.

    If by "we" you are referring to 2-week tourists, I would tend to agree.

    SJ, you know Ulysses has been in Thailand near forever and runs multiple businesses here. Still you seem to enjoy to put out obviously and purposefully misleading and insinuating posts aimed at everyone who happens to disagree with you.

    Whenever you can't win an argument you respond with making personal insinuations in the general direction of people who disagree with you, or post an out-of-context photoshopped picture, or put words in peoples mouths that insinuate they're either breaking forum rules or Thai law or both.. That's a very childish debating style, good only to 'incite flames and arguments'. :o

  3. What you don't get Koo is that PAD was good and the Reds are bad. I think Plus and H90 can confirm that.

    You seem to live in a dreamworld where you think people's vote should count for something- get over it, let the military and clever, rich people decide who should be in power. That will be best for everyone.

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant! :o

  4. Koo, I really appreciate your postings!! Please keep it up, and don't let the trolls get you down, ever! :o

    Freedom of expression still exists in Thailand, no matter how much the government/military/etc tries to surpress it.

    Are you suffering from Stockholm Syndrome? I couldn't think of a more misguided "troll" reference.

    Nope, I'm quite normal otherwise. However I happen to agree with Koo fully. Probably the word 'bully' would be better than 'troll', but I stand by Koo nonetheless.

  5. It is sad to say and very few farangs are willing(to ASHAME) to admit that once lovely loving lady and turn into one that is nasty and greedy, jealous and wants to one up on here girl friends :o:D

    Typically they don't turn into one, they already are one. They just hide it better and have relatively a lot of patience.

  6. heavyred.jpg

    With their repeated history of violence, he probably doesn't trust the Reds any further than he can throw them... which, admittedly, probably is not very far...

    Yeah, and they even have vicious attack dogs now!!!!



  7. Koo, I really appreciate your postings!! Please keep it up, and don't let the trolls get you down, ever! :o

    Freedom of expression still exists in Thailand, no matter how much the government/military/etc tries to surpress it.

  8. Incidentally sufficient is probably not a great choice of language, sustainable would grate somewhat less. You can be sustainable at any level of the economic sector but sufficient is rather an unfortunate choice of words.

    Depends on what is actually meant. I think the intent is exactly to keep the poor down; not necessarily poor, but at the bottom of society.

    Also if it means like h90 said to not loan money as a business then that's ludicrous: A successful, growing business ALWAYS needs to loan money, because that's what's funding the costs and cash-flow of where they're going to be in the months to come. Same for people wanting to own a house; if not for a mortgage then few people would own a home. This is common economic sense.

  9. At the times when I would need a meter taxi it was always a flat fare, and a very high one at that.

    Buy a car. Or get someone to pick you up. Don't give them the business until they improve service. In Bangkok, meter taxis work. Everywhere else, they simply don't.

  10. Take it to Central Airport Plaza, the top floor in the new wing where they have the Phone & IT area. Lots of small shops there that will get your phone 'helped'.

    Although.. as in Thailand the phone market has been free of such attempts at monopolizing the market and piggybacking of hardware & services for a while, [proving that the Thai market is actually more mature than some other regions like the EU that CLAIM to be opposed to monopolies and such biz practices] this may mean that these particular skills may not be very current anymore. (how's that for a paragraph.. I'm not going to edit it)

    And also, I am on AIS 1-2-Call at present. What is my best option for getting the most out of the data connection capabilities in Chiang Mai.

    Go to their service center and ask about the data plan options they have. There's a lot to choose from, either by time or by data unit, including inlimited plans.

    Not much in the way of 3G yet in Chiang Mai, it's just a test phase using weird frequencies.

  11. Peaceblondies point is very valid. If you are farang do not get involved in even unpaid work. It is illegal. It is not a thaivisa rule perse. It is against Thai law.

    That statement is completely incorrect. And the word 'farang' is completley out of place as well, obviously for nationalities other than Thai (not just Farang, mind) there are rules that you must comply with, such as having the appropriate visa and work permit. Or are you suggesting that UNICEF staff at their Bangkok office are there illegally?

    Also there are many examples of exemptions, sometimes de-facto exemptions. You'd not need to look further than tourist police volunteers, people affiliated with religious organizations and so on. The examples stretch all the way from Western are Rotary Club members to biker clubs organizing events that help people.. you won't find them shaking in their boots on being illegal to contribute to society. It's yet another example of somethign that seemed like a simple rule for a forum but ended up completely skewed in its implementation. This is ironic because Thai labour law has that rule but at least they're more sensible in its enforcement!

  12. * Ask a local newspaper or magazine to come over and have them write an article, or write the article yourself and give to them with pictures.

    Right, and not just local papers; take some good pictures and write a press release and send it to the Bangkok post or the Nation; they'll print anything.

  13. so far this exchange between uG and rixalex has centered around the negative aspects of Thaksin,

    What about the positives he did ?? can those things be acknowleged by the anti thaksins pls. or are they , as the OP suggests, one sided fanatics ????

    Well, as much as I appreciated much of what Thaksin accomplished, as well as how much I disliked some other things he did, I don't see the point in doing that discussion over and over again. The usual suspects on this forum (on both sides) always bring up Thaksin in ANY political discussion ad vomitum. Someone said somewhere 'one trick ponies', always whining on about Thaksin.

    Just let it go, it's in the past. He raised the bar on many issues for all future governments including the current one who were super eager to put the tried and tested things on the agenda that they previously dismissed as 'populist'.

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

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