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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. I agree with Ozzieovaseas.. Wouldn't subject anyone to the hobby retirement-project of some Chiang Mai Farang.. If you're going to pursue this then take the high road and let her investigate intern positions at say the Oriental Dhara Dhevi or other top places. Paid or unpaid; the experience and possibly connections resulting from that would be far more valuable than whatever the pay is at Nok's Coffee, Sandwich & Internet Pantry where she can swipe the floor so Nok from Sakhon can stay in front of the TV.

  2. Did they take over the airport too? :o


    Anyway, I don't think I recognized myself or even people I know in this topic.. If there is a problem then it's related to the economy from where people's money originates.. And 'bad' exchange rate.. Check what it was 12 years ago, seems like going back to a 'normal' exchange rate to me! Or did anyone think recent exchages rates were forever, like diamonds? :D

    I think this topic would be equally if not more appropriate on a UK (for example) forum, as that's where the misery originates, not Thailand which is the same as ever. If money is a problem now then mistakes were made when calculating retirement needs and income..

    Still, accepting that income is less for many people: So what? If you truly like Thailand it really shouldn't be an issue. Learn to like Thai food, entertainment, etc. If that doesn't sound like a good option then, heck, leave! :D

  3. LOL, worrying about Thailand's image when they lock up a writer and leave him to rot in jail for months, a tourists for being black and apparenlty 'rude', and a Swiss journalist for.. well, they didn't tell him what for. For being a journalist presumably.

    Apeshit should not just be worried about Thailand's image, he should make actual improvements.

  4. > they cant negotiate with them as Fedex have already paid the duty

    > anyone else experienced this

    Yes. Simple solution: Don't use courier companies and especially not FedEx for inbound shipments, who seem worse than others.

    Regular airmail baby, regular airmail. No tax, no pain. Back to the good old postman.

  5. Manners, moral, honesty and credibility

    Yes, as well as not doing certain things, such as:

    - Showing off

    - Showing jealousy

    - Gossiping

    - Putting others down, especially because of perceived lack of class!

    It's that fine line of being focused enough on yourself to not have to show off all time time, while not being self-centered. It's confidence without arrogance.

  6. There are much more interesting places outside the expat scene, if you like to find some adventure :D

    I always avoid such places, and when I'm in another town somewhere I never go to beer bars where expat are hanging out. Like I said there are much more sanook places elsewhere.

    Maybe that's why in 30 years I never went to Pattaya or other tourist towns, beaches or islands.

    Try it sometime, you may find it more Thai than you imagined. (And/or (re)discover things in Thai culture). It was certainly an eye-opener for me, and I didn't visit for years for much of the same reasoning.

    Anyway, it seems nobody is really responding to the question posed.. A queation which actually raises another question, namely what is the Farang scene, is there such a thing, and if there is, is there just one of them or several?

    You seem focused on the Farang/tourist sex scene and by definition there's not a whole lot you get out of that other than the obvious things. Come to think of it, you went off-topic from the question post right there in the original post, asking about what people get out of being in a Farang scene, but instead the post itself was summed up as "The Bangkok Farang/tourist sex scene sucks". Well hey, News at 11.

    But you might actually wonder if there even are Farang scenes that are worthwhile? This forum right here is a Farang scene by and large. Some people seem to get something out of it. (Some even so much so that it seems they spend most of their life on here. :o )

  7. Good post Mapguy, I think we're roughly on the same page. I fully agree that there's is plenty opportunities to to make improvements. These can be made and should be made.

    Ulysses, I'm not at all sure that hill tribes contribute to any greater level than flat-land Thais do either in absolute or relative numbers. I also don't think that it would be any harder to change ways of one particular group over the other. Burning fields does not help the soil any more compared to letting it be and then ploughing it over, and actually wastes nutrients. This is a simple truth that needs to sink in among farmers everywhere.

    But even if there was a group of total aliens somewhere on a mountain with whom communication was completely impossible, then that still wouldn't be a reason not to start big campaigns to improve the issue. And finally it was apparently successful to make hill tribe people stop growing opium by and large (never mind how that was accomplished) but if you can do that then you can do anything. )It's easier to find smoke than poppy fields.)

  8. Some of the worst apologists seem to be those in the tourism business, especially those with stakes in small and large B&B, guest house and hotels. Add TAT to that list. And certainly the deputy governor who last week gave his blessing to a car caravan to publicise an anti-pollution campaign!!! Oy! By default, whatever your humor, you are tending toward that camp and, alas, not contributing anything constructive.

    Who exactly are apologists here that you refer to? You'd be hard pressed to find people saying that March is a great month weather wise?

    Some of the claims are so ludicrous though (worst city in the world, worst in Thailand, etc) that a dose of common sense would add some much needed balance.

    And I have no connection whatsoever to the tourist industry other than as a customer.

  9. So, what does that thing actually do? Do you have a picture of it, or perhaps a link, etc.? (Like where to buy one)

    And will that clear PM<10 pollutants from the air?

    Winnie the cow (?)... My air filter (ioniser, HEPA, charcoal active, etc. if you like) cleans up (in this case - down to) to 4 microns thanks! How's the Gulf of Thailand this week? A tad warm I hear from my yachty friends down there...

    The only thing I know about the gulf is the Chonburi air quality report from the PCD site.. Are these units sold in Chiang Mai or are you ordering them from Bangkok or abroad? Could be a useful appliance to own for thei month of March.

  10. ICN (Seoul, Korean Air)

    KMG (Kunming, Thai Airways International)

    RGN (Rangoon, Air Mandalay)

    However I think that you will find that destinations are added and removed based on many factors. The high fuel prices were a particular shake-up last year in the industry.

    Mostly I miss the Yellow Shirts and the CNX-AMS flight. :o

  11. I was quite happy with my Siam Commercial bank up until today. As a person who needs cash on a regular basis (most small Thai businessed don't deal in credit cards) I like to take out about 10,000 baht at a time. It saves on going to an ATM machine all the time and it saves on the charges. The more times you visit an ATM the more chance there is of running into the credit card crooks. I get charged $5 every time I use my Canadian ATM card... no matter how much I take out, so the fewer times I have to use it the better.

    Today when I tried to take out 10,000 baht at the Siam Commercial bank, the ATM machine says it now has a limit of 2000 baht!!! What's up with that? I can spend 2000 baht in less than an hour if I shop for anything worthwhile. I just paid 2500 baht for a camera battery and memory stick.

    I find it irritating that banks seem to set their own rules and you are stuck with their policy. Having a limit of more than 5000 baht was the one thing that kept me happy with Siam Commercial when compared to other banks. Now they are even lower!

    Sorry for the vent, but I'm pizzed off!

    Another typical case of FIT (Farangs in Thailand)...

    - The withdrawal fee is set by your own bank's policy. You're barking up the wrong tree.

    - When ATMs run low, not all bills may be available or the maximum may be reduced. Chiang Mai is not short on ATMs last time I checked.


  12. Both Thais and foreigners purchase BIG bikes without registration. To get a big bike registered from scratch, it will cost 60,000 Baht and above, depending on make, model, and year, so you can see the reason why some people are tempted to ride without registration.

    Let's see... Reason: They're cheap, they don't mind riding an illegal and uninsured bike, they like evading taxes.. any other reasons? I don't think it makes much sense at all frankly. But then this could be a typical case of FIT. (Farangs in Thaland)

  13. No it isn't. :o

    (As per your Avatar.. :D )

    I saw the figures for today and it's not as low as I thought it would be, seeing it's quite clear out. Yesterday night saw a sky full of stars so I thought the figures would be rather good this morning.. I guess there is a component there that you just don't see visually.

  14. So - regardless how many Thais up north are not fully supportive of Thais being gay, and in spite of the evidence that this parade was a second annual Thai-run parade - northern red shirt Thais who generally favor Taksin do not condone any Thais who use violence against humans. That has become the larger issue.

    Yes, perfect summary. Also agree completely with Ulysses above, as I think do most Thais no matter their political allegiance.

  15. Or are you too cheap for aircon? :D Books like aircon too youknow. Never met a book that liked things balmy and humid. :o

    By the way, in an hour or two I will be posting an article from the WinnieTheKhwai press agency and the header will likely be 'Dust situation in the North IMPROVES', and beat The Nation on accuracy and truthiness. But I'll wait for today's figures to be published so it will be fact based. Non-fact based observations yesterday and last night already show me that things are improving. Of course we'll have ups and downs this month, but again, that's why March is a shitty month weather-wise.

  16. Well here we are bunkered up in the house with the windows shut and aircon again. March 2007 revisited.

    Also don't forget the aluminum hats.

    Come on, it's a very clear day today (and yesterday) for the time of the year. Nothing at all like 2007. Keep it real pls..


    I know I'm only dreaming but ... close your eyes and think of that famous helicopter attack sequence in "Apocalypse Now", but on a smaller scale. Music optional. Thai troops in helicopters landing beside large fires and rounding up the silly goats who are lighting them, and bringing them in a for a chat and a couple of days in the cells. I wonder how many less fires would get lit after that strategy got publicised?

    This I'd LOVE to see. It would still be hazy this month because they couldn't do the same across the border, but at least they wouldn't add to the problem.

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