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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. That's why it's a bet. If it was certain one way or the other then it wouldn't be much of a bet. :o

    And also last year the wet season went on and on in the Southern Gulf side (Samui etc), with heavy rain all the way into December. Perhaps some of that spilled to places further North once, but I don't think it was typical.

    You're looking at a LOT more days like today in the next 2 months.

  2. I would go with the Central Thailand forum for the following reasons:

    1. Culturally and linguistically it's not a Northern province even though it's sometimes included in the (extended) North.

    2. Chiang Mai forum gets more posts, so may drown out anything on Phitsanulok.

    That said, it may also depend on the topic; like there are a lot of people here on the Chiang Mai forum, many of which will have visited Phitsanulok (like me).

    So if its 'posting' something to spread information then I'd go for the Central Thailand forum, if it's a basic question (any good hotels around town) then I would also try here?

  3. > My concern is that there may not be much of a social life for her. To this end, could

    > you please advise what sort of expat community in the 25-35yr old bracket reside in Chiang Mai.

    In that range you're looking at NGO workers (plenty), teachers (plenty) plus researchers, students, etc.

    And then there's a few more types, like those working for respectable companies, like me. Though I just fall out of the age group. :o

    Typically people in Chiang Mai become less ageist quickly, as they find that they may share more interests with people they'd normally not socialize with, be it younger or older.

  4. Excellent question, and not an easy one to answer.

    First of all, I just don't know if Huay Tueng Thao is an option (never mind if it's a good one); normally it's only open during daylight hours. Perhaps someone can weigh in.

    Second, the moat is NEVER an option; water doesn't flow and its hard to get to; nobody floats in the moat except lost tourists from Bangkok.

    Third, near the main bridges in town is not suitable for small kids. Crowds too big and firecrackers being thrown all over the F'ing place including where you're walking. It's insane.

    So that leaves you with four reasonable options:

    1. On the river but either North or South of town. South of town the Pa Daed area is reasonable, that's near the bridge with Aom Muang Rd (road from Airport Plaza to the Superhighway)

    2. At a restaurant on the river. You need to book these. I called Sergio yesterday (Buonissimo) and he's doing a buffet, 650 baht pp and he was all but sold out!!

    3. Find a small stream somewhere in the surrounding villages.. A lot of villages (parts of Chiang Mai now I guess) would have a scaffolding/pier made to float from. Your mileage may vary here; it can be perfect, or it can be annoying drunk guys being a pest.

    4. Resorts and stuff... Oriental Dhara Dhevi for example is organizing something that looked magical. It wasn't even THAT expensive. (Note: Even though it's super high-end as a hotel/resort, there's a lot of stuff around there that's priced at a distinctly sub-stratospheric level. )

  5. What sort of quantities? I've been thinking of things to grow myself, and came to the conclusion that most common local vegetables are so cheap that it's hardly worth the effort. (Other than being able to control pesticide use of course, but then you can get pesticide controlled vegetables commercially as well, for example from the Doi Kham stores)

    So I'm now looking to grow things that aren't commonly available, or at least not for 5 baht and less. :o I'm open to suggestions actually on what people grow around Chiang Mai; we're coming up to the cool season, so that's sort of prime time for some non-Thai veggies I suppose.

    The Doi Kham vegetables and fruits tend to be Open Pollinated as well (not hybrids or otherwise engineered), so you can just plant the seeds of whatever you buy. :D Works just fine with the Japapenos for example, just let the things mature until red and then collect the seed.

  6. > Transpertation shouldn't be to bad, I believe my wife will find a way for us to get around as cheap as possible. She just starts

    > yelling in Thai and then we pay less. Even places that have two different prices; one for Thais and one for farangs.

    In that case don't let her look at the side of the building with the big banner hanging down from it, or you'll never hear the end of her yelling at the reception staff.

  7. However, I can show you where others have been less than civil with me, calling me ad hominems galore, slippery slope slurs, and so on (simply because I expressed an opinion that Mrs. Obama, who is not a forum member, doesn't sit well with me).

    I think Michelle is the hottest first lady in the history of the United States.

    I'd vote for her in 2016. :o

  8. Drove past it this morning.. still kind of hazy/smoky in the area. the building is completely gone, just the front facade is there and part of the back wall, the rest is just gone.

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