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Posts posted by harrry

  1. **

    Your post #11, 2010-07-26 12:32, 'BS-CR-BRA001b.jpg', is signed by Boonserm Satrabhaya, the venerable and locally famous photographer of Chiang Mai history. The photo appears in on-line photo collections on both the Chiang Mai University and Payap University websites. Both indicate the photo was taken on a rafting expedition organized by Boonserm in 1952. The jpg title indicates that the photo came from Chiang Mai University's website.

    Thanks for this information islandee. Please keep posting. It is just the information we need to make sense of this wonderful box of old photos.

  2. Just of the top of my head without fact checking a little history may be in order. Feel free to correct me.

    Taking December 7th Pearl Harbor as the end date lets go back 20 years. 20 years is not a long time. Today I don't feel 1980 is ancient history. So if I was Thai in 1940, 20 years before 1920 what was happening.

    Phibun was going to school in France. During that time he was effected by the revolutionary thoughts prevalent at the time. He came back to Thailand and overthrew the absolute monarchy which was replaced by a constitutional monarchy five years later. The new king was only a child and lived in Switzerland.

    It was not the same situation as today. The deification of certain elements of Thai society was not the same as today. All of Siam did not speak Bangkok Thai. There were few roads. Society was Bangkok and the rest of Thailand and they were separate groups.

    Phibun became Prime minister and wanted to change Thailand from a rural society into a modern society. People did not eat with forks and spoons (hands), the women were topless and men wore skirts. Thailand was not the same place as it is today. Phibun passed a bunch of laws that most people did not like. He also needed money to turn Thailand into a modern society. Realize in the 1930's and 1940's opium was legal and it was normal to have an opium pipe after dinner in hi so homes in Bangkok. Phibun also hated the Chinese who he thought were the "Jews of Asia" (from a book by that title). I won't go into the reasons but suffice it to say the Bangkok elite did not like the Chinese at all. Phibun set his sights on the opium growing regions outside of Thailand to finance part of this modernization. He made a deal with the Japanese and then in 1940 attacked areas under French control starting the Franco Thai war.

    It woul,d be interesting to compare Turkey's Attaturk and Phibun. at first glance they are rather similar in their reforming zeal and actions though arguably Attaturk was more effective.

  3. Thanks for finding and keeping the management happy. It is a great venue...I guess there are lots more out there too. Hope to see you all on the 28 though I have to come up this weekend too.

  4. Public transport ? wow....best of luck, I know most places will have bus links and the buses from experience are Ok with Air con and plenty of leg room. Trains are not up to much but it would be an experience thats for sure. When you arrive anywhere there will be a cheap tuk tuks waiting to take you anywhere you may need so if you do have to look around a little they'll know where and it wont cost much.Tuk tuks once you are out of BKK and other typical touristy spotsare actually decent and fair based on my experiences.

    OK, that's good to know. I still have a soft spot for trains (took one to Hua Hin last year), so I might fit in a short train journey somewhere. I took a VIP aircon bus in the North last year and it was great, but I ain't travelling on no "regular" inter-city buses.

    If I remember right you stayed at the Tai Son Geet a few (or many ) years ago.,....

    If you survived that then you should have no trouble finding hotels now....May evewn be able to sleep in some of them rather than being woken up by all the knocking (on the door).

  5. Public transport ? wow....best of luck, I know most places will have bus links and the buses from experience are Ok with Air con and plenty of leg room. Trains are not up to much but it would be an experience thats for sure. When you arrive anywhere there will be a cheap tuk tuks waiting to take you anywhere you may need so if you do have to look around a little they'll know where and it wont cost much.Tuk tuks once you are out of BKK and other typical touristy spotsare actually decent and fair based on my experiences.

    OK, that's good to know. I still have a soft spot for trains (took one to Hua Hin last year), so I might fit in a short train journey somewhere. I took a VIP aircon bus in the North last year and it was great, but I ain't travelling on no "regular" inter-city buses.

    You could always try the inter town songtaus....you meet lots of chickens ducks and people that :whistling: way.

  6. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-7/compare/default.aspx

    gives a feature comparison on the version. Chose the right version as for example windows home cannot join a domain if you need that for work.

    Then decide on OEM or full

    OEM versions lock to the moptherboard and hardware and cannot be transferred. Full versions can be.

    Then decide if you want the special version sold in Asia which can only be activated in asia.

    After that buy the product from any large store such as IT City.

    Ask your friends for advice on a person to install. Most of the small computer shops will do this for you but you have to ensure they only use your disks and number.

    It is worth remembreing for multi language use the Ultimate version is needed.

  7. TV party are always good, but TV Chiang Mai has grown over the past few years, and I am a little concerned about the limitations of the party in reference to numbers. Because lets be honest, the old bell ain't really that big. So how will it work? first come first served?

    The ground floor furniture will be re-arranged to suit the event, we also have the 2nd and 3rd floors available giving plenty of room.

    hope there are strong peopl,e to carry me up....:rolleyes: and down

  8. Are there too many variables or is it easy to say what is the difference, dollar wise, between being paid a Disability Pension vs the OAP?

    Someone told me a few weeks back that if you are on a Disability Pension prior to 65, C/L change you to the OAP if the disability is not considered to be too serious, not requiring a lot of significant medical attention in the future!

    You are automatically changed to the OP at 65 unless you request nt to.

    If you are studying or working there are some allowances that are available under the DSP that are not available on the OAP.

    Note it is a one way change...once you go to the OP you cannot go back. I did not immediaely change because I was studying and they were very specific that it was up to me to change but once I did it was not reversible.

  9. Been there, done that on a couple of trips to CM. Had early morning food one day and saw an old fella settle down with a beer and a book in the corner, called back in the afternoon, yup, the old guy was still there, not sure if it was the same book, or come to it the same beer rolleyes.gif

    I didn't realise I was under observation, but if you must know, It was a different book, but the same beer. Day before my pension came through :annoyed:

    There is always someone watching.

    And always a bookstore willing to sell a book :)

  10. Is this another example of a Thai Police Voluntere member corruptly misusing his position?

    No - it was standard practice by several hotels near to Phuket Airport. My 65 year old Swiss colleague who owns a hotel near to me also took the same action with 'fleeing' guests and also got the same results.

    Never seen him in a TPV uniform :)


    Ok Simon... I must say I never took you to be one to misuse influence...unlike some. I do not see though the legal basis for this as at best it is a civil debt unless a case for arrest is made. Not that I am advocating people not paying...just that it is too open to abuse.

  11. Hey Mark I have confidence that you will get the alphabet sussed out in less than a month, it actually isn't very tough.

    I got it done with flasgcards in a couple of weeks.

    But Isn't your girlfriend afraid that she will lose you to another Thai if you become too educated?

    Would that be a huge loss to her :whistling:

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